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Tiger Woods drives one into the trees


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I think Tiger had a news conference today, or something....

As far as Tiger's on-course return goes, still hasn't said when he's coming back, but I would be stunned if he didn't play the Masters.

I get the feeling that, from what he said, Tiger isn't planning on returning to the game any time soon. Certainly not the Masters, (which is after all not much more than 6 weeks away) I would be surprised if he were to return before the US Open, he might be back in time for the British Open (which is at St Andrews this year, a course he has had success on in the past), and he might get back in time for the USPGA, but personally I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't play in any of the majors this year.

Maybe Jack's record number of wins in Majors is safe after all!


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I'm proud of Tiger no matter what anyone says. His speech, I feel, was heartfelt, and you could certainly see that he had written it himself, with no assistance from a pro speech writer. I'm suprised it was on so many networks, and was so widely covered, it had to be on atleast 10 channels, even on basic cable...

As for his return to the game, I agree with Saintsfan, as much as everyone wants to forget the personal Tiger, and focus on Tiger the golfer, and be excited about his return, it's not gonna happen overnight...I say he may be back this year, but it certainly won't be for the Masters in 6 weeks...

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Didn't have to apologize to US for infidelity issues within his FAMILY, but I guess it's cool that he did that.

He can take all the time he wants. I still won't watch until he's back on the links.



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His speech, I feel, was heartfelt, and you could certainly see that he had written it himself, with no assistance from a pro speech writer.

I had the opposite reaction - his body language was pure Mark McGwire: "I'm apologizing only because my people tell me it's in my interest to apologize." Sorry, Nike. I'll never do it again, Gatorade.

And there's a reason why people hire speechwriters. Speechwriters don't give speakers ideas and thoughts that aren't theirs, but they give those ideas shape and form. He would have been well-served to consult one.

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His speech, I feel, was heartfelt, and you could certainly see that he had written it himself, with no assistance from a pro speech writer.

I had the opposite reaction - his body language was pure Mark McGwire: "I'm apologizing only because my people tell me it's in my interest to apologize." Sorry, Nike. I'll never do it again, Gatorade.

And there's a reason why people hire speechwriters. Speechwriters don't give speakers ideas and thoughts that aren't theirs, but they give those ideas shape and form. He would have been well-served to consult one.

I agree. His "heartfelt" speech had all the authenticity of a political speech. I suppose I could get more worked up over this and the ridiculous coverage it received if I actually gave a damn about any of it.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I think Tiger had a news conference today, or something....

As far as Tiger's on-course return goes, still hasn't said when he's coming back, but I would be stunned if he didn't play the Masters.

I get the feeling that, from what he said, Tiger isn't planning on returning to the game any time soon. Certainly not the Masters, (which is after all not much more than 6 weeks away) I would be surprised if he were to return before the US Open, he might be back in time for the British Open (which is at St Andrews this year, a course he has had success on in the past), and he might get back in time for the USPGA, but personally I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't play in any of the majors this year.

Maybe Jack's record number of wins in Majors is safe after all!

Just gos to show what a good judge I am!!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Maybe I just noticed,it seems like since Tiger's problems came out ESPN only shows when Tiger struggled on the course. Showing the look on Tiger's face when he hooks/slices a drive or misses a putt. Before this I remember ESPN showing positive highlights of Tiger. It could all be just selective memory on my part.

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Maybe I just noticed,it seems like since Tiger's problems came out ESPN only shows when Tiger struggled on the course. Showing the look on Tiger's face when he hooks/slices a drive or misses a putt. Before this I remember ESPN showing positive highlights of Tiger. It could all be just selective memory on my part.

What you're seeing is not selective memory. In fact, if you pay close enough attention, ESPN does this kind of thing all the time--and not just with Tiger. Check what's going on with Ben Roethlisberger right now--you know that little sidebar graphic they use to show what person they're talking about? Notice how instead of the half-grinning picture they used of Ben during the season (in his football uniform), it now shows him in his court get-up. It's all in furthering the angle of the news/story/hackneyed Hollywood production they (call themselves trying to) put out. (To be fair, though, ESPN is far from the only media outlet that does this type of stuff.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tiger is trying a comeback this weekend at Augusta.

While at the same time, Nike is trying.... Well, I have no :censored:ing clue what Nike's trying to do with this:


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Tiger is trying a comeback this weekend at Augusta.

While at the same time, Nike is trying.... Well, I have no :censored:ing clue what Nike's trying to do with this:

Um that was bizarre, makes me want to go out and get some Nike shoes.



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Tiger is trying a comeback this weekend at Augusta.

While at the same time, Nike is trying.... Well, I have no :censored:ing clue what Nike's trying to do with this:

Um that was bizarre, makes me want to go out and get some Nike shoes.



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Tiger is trying a comeback this weekend at Augusta.

While at the same time, Nike is trying.... Well, I have no :censored:ing clue what Nike's trying to do with this:

What the :censored:?




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While at the same time, Nike is trying.... Well, I have no :censored:ing clue what Nike's trying to do with this:

Nike and Tiger deserve one another. It is absolutely sickening that they both believe it is clever to exploit Tiger's marital and parental infidelity, as well as his supposed efforts at "recovery", to reintroduce the Tiger Woods brand via this ad. He's not just the world's greatest golfer... he's a martyr caught in the throes of sex-addiction.


Earth to Tiger: It isn't about you; it is about the wife and children you FAILED with your repeated philandering. Get over yourself, you self-centered moron.

Earl Woods: "Did you learn anything?"

Tiger Woods: "Yeah, Dad. I learned that if you're going to cheat on your wife with over a dozen women, including pornstars, you need to get a second cellphone and hide that thing reeeeeeeeeeeeeal good."

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It's real unfortunately.

I don't see why Nike felt the need to run an ad like that. It just makes the situation worst. If Tiger just goes on the golf course and plays all of this basically will go away to the fringes. Running a ad like this just further highlights it. Besides Nike endorsing Tiger has never been about his personal image. It has entirely been about his professional image of being the best golfer, I don't think Nike was significantly hurt by this where some of his other sponsors might have been.

His PR strategy has been horrible. All he has needed to do was just change the subject and play golf. Everything he has done is just shine a further light on all of this.

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