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Marlins new Ballpark


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As many know Loria, the owner of the marlins, is an art dealer and wanted to have a unique feel to the park. Supposedly he wanted to catch South Beach/Miami art-deco style in the stadium and also bring in other art. One of those "other art" pieces was a marlin that came out of centerfield pool when the marlins hit a homerun. I was originally skeptical just because I think it is stupid and the Mets apple out of the hat looks stupid.

Well a prototype has been released and it is 100x worse than you can imagine--or it could be just me.


video at the bottom.

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Here's my take on it.

I think this initial design looks ridiculous. However, if the owner wants it, I have no problem with the owner doing it, it's his team.

That being said, I don't think it's a big deal. Most fans, of any team in any sport, are casual fans. They support a particular team, "follow" a particular team, and cheer for a particular team. But I imagine that at least 7 out of 10 "fans" of a team are just that, casual fans. The other 3 out of 10 I'd consider either diehard fanatics or people who really couldn't care less.

This is a move made for the casual fan. It's something that will be unique to the team, and it will get little kids excited, and random guys who go to games once a year can say "Oh yeah, there's that marlin they made."

The passionate fan won't be happy with the move, thinking it's not traditional enough for baseball or it's gaudy, but after 10 minutes, they'll get over it, because of the fact that they're passionate fans. And like everyone else in the stadium, when the team is winning, they'll be cheering and excited when the marlin is jumping up and down.


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It reminds me of a mid-70's Walt Disney World panorama or ride component. But again, it's Loria's toy, so let him do what he wants.

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It's tacky and looks like an amusement park ride... it's perfect for Florida! Let's at least give him some kudos for thinking different and not making a faux retro park.

Exactly. Downtown Miami isn't exactly a testament to taste, class and restraint. The only thing the stadium really needs is a gleaming steel marquee proclaiming who's in town that week and it's good to go. Maybe some pink neon...

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