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Brave-Bird's NBA Redesign

Brave-Bird 08

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just fyi: i took a week away from inkscape due to lots of other things going on...then this week i went to finish the Rockets concept and my inkscape is in crash mode again. its an issue with xp...it does this...then after a few days it starts working again. ive had this happen like five times before.

just so ppl dont think this thread is dead. it is very much alive. just priority...12 right now, haha

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just fyi: i took a week away from inkscape due to lots of other things going on...then this week i went to finish the Rockets concept and my inkscape is in crash mode again. its an issue with xp...it does this...then after a few days it starts working again. ive had this happen like five times before.

just so ppl dont think this thread is dead. it is very much alive. just priority...12 right now, haha

Whew, good, I really like this thread. :D

Yea, it does that to me all the time, it's frustrating. Especially when I'm in the middle of something, it'll go through some run time error on me, before I get to saving. If anybody could give us some insight on why this happens, that'd be great.

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I'm jumping around a little bit. My ideas for the Lakers and a few other teams are a bit clearer than my ideas for my Rockets concept. So here is a primary logo idea for the Lakers.

I'm also changing my methods a little bit. I'm going to be basically doing what Bohob has done, submitting logos and parts of the teams series as I go along. I feel like that might help, especially for me so I can put stuff out easier now that I'm busy with school and other things.



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I love the idea, but there are some tweaks that need to be made.

First off, I'm not too sure that those colors are right. They seem a little too glossy at angles, and look too bright. it could be just my computer screen however (colors tend to look different at certain angles on bigger computer screens).

Also, being a fellow Inkscape user, I see some kinks in your strokes here. As of now, I see that the middle vertical stripe on the basketball doesn't terminate behind the script as well as the others, it seems to go off at an angle (same goes for the next stroke to the right). The inside outline for the middle of the A is too thin, same goes for the R. Where the lip of the L comes up to connect to the A, there's a small point that doesn't flow well; all you need to do there is to bring that line out so that it's even with the horizontal line connected to it. The K looks extremely awkward compared to the original, maybe you could connect it to the E better. There's a few kinks in the flow of the S, specifically in the middle, shouldn't be too hard to smooth out. I'd take a look at your outline as well, it varies in line width where it shouldn't and it's a bit unaligned to the bottom of the L. I'd also try matching the Los Angleles script to be the same as The Lakers script.

Again, I had to pointed out those kinks cause I come across them all the time in Inkscape, and they could be very frustrating. The Logo, as a whole is in an extreme upgrade of the current, I'm loving this whole series.

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Good start on the Lakers logo. I've kind of been racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with it myself. I agree with C Jay Z regarding the execution; some letters look better than others. Your A, K, E & R need some refining. Also, I would find a typeface that isn't italic and skew it yourself so you can match the angle of the LAKERS wordmark, which doesn't need a white outline. Lastly, your purple stroke along the outside look like it has a few issue (by the L and around the RS). Good start. Glad to see you are taking on a logo design.

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Love everything so far. The Lakers update is especially nice. It's decades too late for them to change their name that makes no sense in LA but updating the logo would be nice. I would lose the highlights on the ball and try to center it over the type a bit more.

Looking forward to what you'll do with the Clippers, and especially my Heat.

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I went back and tweaked the concept because it had some major flaws with strokes. Here's Version 2. I actually like the version with half the ball more, but one of my friends who is the biggest Laker fan in the world saw my concept on facebook and insisted the whole ball be there.

I know this resembles the other concept posted above with the whole ball, but that concept no way influenced my concept at all. I like the half ball...Laker fan likes the full ball...maybe I need to add something more on the bottom of the full ball?



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This one is the best.

the only things that are bothering me are some of the lines can still be tightened up a bit in the white highlights at the top and is there a reason why there's no white stroke between the K & E? it looks a little strange..but other than that I think it looks good.

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This one is the best.

the only things that are bothering me are some of the lines can still be tightened up a bit in the white highlights at the top and is there a reason why there's no white stroke between the K & E? it looks a little strange..but other than that I think it looks good.

that...would be me uploading the wrong picture onto photobucket. i made an error in exporting the logo without adding the streaks. i fixed it, but i guess i put the wrong ones on photobucket! woopies!

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All of these are looking good; while I despise the Lakers, that is a simple--but good--update to their logo.

Question: I know that you're planning on renaming the Jazz, but when will we see Utah NBA Club's name, logo, colors, and uniforms? It should be a while, right?

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All of these are looking good; while I despise the Lakers, that is a simple--but good--update to their logo.

Question: I know that you're planning on renaming the Jazz, but when will we see Utah NBA Club's name, logo, colors, and uniforms? It should be a while, right?

well. I've been doing things alphabetically, but I skipped a few to do the Lakers. The Jazz are near the bottom of the list haha.

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i kinda would like to see what the L with the Ball logo as the L, followed by the "AKERS" script. I think it would be unique, but still have the classic Laker look.



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Not sure how I've overlooked these for so long...

I really like what you've got going here. Although most of what you've done is subtle and small, it seems to make a difference. A lot of your secondary logos are fantastic, specifically the Bulls and Bobcats.

Oh, and it's nice to see someone actually using my template...and very well, at that.

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