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2010 Stanley Cup Playoffs


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Shane Doan out for Game 4 tonight vs Detroit with the famously misleading "Undisclosed Upper Body Injury," which probably means he hurts his ankle :P

But It's probably his shoulder, judging from how he hit the boards and how he skated back to the bench.

In other games, how will the Sharks make themselves the ultimate playoff joke this time? :D

Says the guy whose team didn't make the playoffs. Just calling a spade a spade. :hockeysmiley: I tease because I can. Oh and don't go Oakland Raiders fan on me, no one cares what you did 3 years ago unless you have 20 some-odd Cups. Oh and the Sharks tie it up. It's a 2-2 series.



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Fu*k the refs, Fu*k the Flyers and especially Fu*k the Flyers s**t fans. Rot in hell, a**holes...

(Had a run-in with your typical Flyers fans... so i'm a bit raw right now.. sorry)

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Shane Doan out for Game 4 tonight vs Detroit with the famously misleading "Undisclosed Upper Body Injury," which probably means he hurts his ankle :P

But It's probably his shoulder, judging from how he hit the boards and how he skated back to the bench.

In other games, how will the Sharks make themselves the ultimate playoff joke this time? :D

Says the guy whose team didn't make the playoffs. Just calling a spade a spade. :hockeysmiley: I tease because I can. Oh and don't go Oakland Raiders fan on me, no one cares what you did 3 years ago unless you have 20 some-odd Cups. Oh and the Sharks tie it up. It's a 2-2 series.

Did I say a thing in there about the Ducks or Cups? I was just commenting on San Jose's recent playoff sucktitude. You're a Kings fan, I'm a Ducks fan. If anything, we should be joining forces on the taunts :lol:

Anyways, the Sharks still have two more games to win. And all these games have been wayyyyy tighter than they should be. I won't give the Sharks anything until they take it. And I still wouldn't trust the Sharks in the second round.



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Sharks came through in OT. It's kinda bad that I was watching that entire OT period waiting for the next crazy event of terrible luck to hit San Jose...or maybe that Boyle gaffe is it for this series.

Who knows? It's a 3 game series now. If the Sharks can't pull this one out, then they deserve another quick exit.



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Way to go Sharks!!! This was the best game San Jose has put together so far in these playoffs. And yet, the mighty Sharks needed overtime to get by South Park Elementary, AGAIN.

For being a one seed, the Sharks are an embarrassment. They're lucky they haven't been eliminated by now! And even if they do advance past Colorado, don't fool yourselves, Sharkites, Finheads, whatever you call yourselves.... They are NOT winning the Cup this year, or any year for that matter.


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Shane Doan out for Game 4 tonight vs Detroit with the famously misleading "Undisclosed Upper Body Injury," which probably means he hurts his ankle :P

But It's probably his shoulder, judging from how he hit the boards and how he skated back to the bench.

In other games, how will the Sharks make themselves the ultimate playoff joke this time? :D

Says the guy whose team didn't make the playoffs. Just calling a spade a spade. :hockeysmiley: I tease because I can. Oh and don't go Oakland Raiders fan on me, no one cares what you did 3 years ago unless you have 20 some-odd Cups. Oh and the Sharks tie it up. It's a 2-2 series.

Did I say a thing in there about the Ducks or Cups? I was just commenting on San Jose's recent playoff sucktitude. You're a Kings fan, I'm a Ducks fan. If anything, we should be joining forces on the taunts :lol:

Anyways, the Sharks still have two more games to win. And all these games have been wayyyyy tighter than they should be. I won't give the Sharks anything until they take it. And I still wouldn't trust the Sharks in the second round.

Agreed, I mean it kills me why they just can't murder a team to shreds(by like at least 3 goals or so) The Avs seriously aren't as half as good as your Ducks last year


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Shane Doan out for Game 4 tonight vs Detroit with the famously misleading "Undisclosed Upper Body Injury," which probably means he hurts his ankle :P

But It's probably his shoulder, judging from how he hit the boards and how he skated back to the bench.

In other games, how will the Sharks make themselves the ultimate playoff joke this time? :D

Says the guy whose team didn't make the playoffs. Just calling a spade a spade. :hockeysmiley: I tease because I can. Oh and don't go Oakland Raiders fan on me, no one cares what you did 3 years ago unless you have 20 some-odd Cups. Oh and the Sharks tie it up. It's a 2-2 series.

Did I say a thing in there about the Ducks or Cups? I was just commenting on San Jose's recent playoff sucktitude. You're a Kings fan, I'm a Ducks fan. If anything, we should be joining forces on the taunts :lol:

Anyways, the Sharks still have two more games to win. And all these games have been wayyyyy tighter than they should be. I won't give the Sharks anything until they take it. And I still wouldn't trust the Sharks in the second round.

Agreed, I mean it kills me why they just can't murder a team to shreds(by like at least 3 goals or so) The Avs seriously aren't as half as good as your Ducks last year

I know it. That's what makes this almost as enjoyable :lol: haha I kid I kid... wait... no I don't :D



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Fu*k the refs, Fu*k the Flyers and especially Fu*k the Flyers s**t fans. Rot in hell, a**holes...

(Had a run-in with your typical Flyers fans... so i'm a bit raw right now.. sorry)


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Fu*k the refs, Fu*k the Flyers and especially Fu*k the Flyers s**t fans. Rot in hell, a**holes...

(Had a run-in with your typical Flyers fans... so i'm a bit raw right now.. sorry)

I love the attitude of fans who yell that the suck. It amuses me that they refuse to look at the scoreboard and the stiffs for players that night. I've always said that if you put yourself in a position where an official's bad call matters, then you didn't show up to play. Whose fault is it that the team is getting the calls? The players who know the rules and know what a penalty is, especially now. There is no excuse for a player to pick up a hooking, holding, or any of the stupid/lazy penalties. Don't blame the refs for a player's laziness or plain stupidity. If a team or a fan is going to complain about the bad calls, then he better expect to watch the Stanley Cup finals from his couch. I've heard it from the Canucks' head coach about bad calls, and lo' and behold they are down 2-1. Try knowing the rules coach, especially too many men on the ice and a player touching the puck. Oh well, I don't expect to hear much from him, because he has a head-case in goal or otherwise known as Canada's version of Marty Turco.



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I did not know if this was the proper thread to post this question but something that has been bugging me for the duration of the playoffs is: On the Versus coverage what song are they using becasue I have heard that song before and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is? Thanks for the help

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Fu*k the refs, Fu*k the Flyers and especially Fu*k the Flyers s**t fans. Rot in hell, a**holes...

(Had a run-in with your typical Flyers fans... so i'm a bit raw right now.. sorry)

Dude, get that one a bed and a pillow, because it is SO TIRED. Im sick of hearing about Philly fans. Guess what dbag? I didnt throw snowballs or boo Santa, I didnt throw batteries at anyone, I didnt cheer when Michael Irvin got hurt, I didnt boo McNabb at the draft, and I never threw up on anyone. And you know what? Neither did the other 99.9% of our fan base. Im sick of being associated with the select few idiots who arent even real fans that act up at games. You and the rest of the hacks around the country need to find something new to talk about.



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Oh, how I wish that the refs in the series would CONSISTENTLY call the same penalties. This whole series the Senators have been burned for being physical, and then they got called so much they let everyone go.

I had such a good feeling about this team too.

All the 5-3's didn't do anything for you. Maybe its the fact that the Sens have had a lack-luster PK in the series. Could it be that Ottawa's PP gave up a shorty? Or is it the fact that Neil got called for two handing Letang after Neil scored a goal, or is it Ruutu sucker-punching Cooke with two minutes left (granted its karma, but still). I really don't see how you can say that the refs are unfair, almost anyone who has a dislike for the Pens will use this line or the Bettman line. Its a game, if you really think its that bad, the go and set out to be an NHL ref.


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I did not know if this was the proper thread to post this question but something that has been bugging me for the duration of the playoffs is: On the Versus coverage what song are they using becasue I have heard that song before and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is? Thanks for the help

x2. That song and the "History Will Be Made" song.

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Oh, how I wish that the refs in the series would CONSISTENTLY call the same penalties. This whole series the Senators have been burned for being physical, and then they got called so much they let everyone go.

I had such a good feeling about this team too.

All the 5-3's didn't do anything for you. Maybe its the fact that the Sens have had a lack-luster PK in the series. Could it be that Ottawa's PP gave up a shorty? Or is it the fact that Neil got called for two handing Letang after Neil scored a goal, or is it Ruutu sucker-punching Cooke with two minutes left (granted its karma, but still). I really don't see how you can say that the refs are unfair, almost anyone who has a dislike for the Pens will use this line or the Bettman line. Its a game, if you really think its that bad, the go and set out to be an NHL ref.

Did you see Matt Cooke not get called on that blatant delay of game at the end of the game? Regin was like 10 feet away and two refs were staring right at Matt Cooke as he tossed the puck over the glass. There was no call and the refs said that it somehow went off Regin who was 10 feet away at the time. That was unreal, hell even Glen Healy who hates the Sens was saying it was an absolutely brutal call. Then, right after the non-call, the Penguins go up the ice and score a frickin' goal. The crowd at Scotia Bank Place was livid and debris was being thrown on the ice.

I'd also like to bring up the first penalty of the game to Chris Kelly. Letang cross checks him twice after the whistle and when Kelly pushes him away they give him 2 minutes. Have the Penguins even gotten a retaliation penalty all series long that wasn't offset by a Senators penalty? I don't think so. Yet, the Penguins have played "the pushing and shoving after the whistle game" as many times as the Sens have. That strikes me as pretty odd.

It's unreal how bad the officiating has been in this series. It doesn't look like a conspiracy, it just looks a bunch of like crappy one-sided calls. Everybody that follows the league besides Penguins fans seem to agree on that.


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"It?s the instant credibility-forfeiting line, as far as I?m concerned. Turn your focus to the ice, my friends...

Conspiracy theories are for losers."


Don't read the comments if you value your sanity.

I'd like to believe everything is impartial. But then, there's Tim Donaghy, and I don't know that there's any reason to think he's the only ref in any sport who actively tried to influence a game.

Of course, it's hard to believe the clowns who run the NHL Head Office are actually smart enough to pull off a conspiracy. But things like having a former long time LA player and coach making the public explanation for an indefensible no-goal call in an LA/Vancouver series just feed this stuff. Surely it can't be that hard to assign staff to a serious with no history with either team.

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Carey Price to start for Montreal tonight.


And details of his ass kicking expected by 10pm.

Price gave up 4 goals, 2 to Ovechkin, on 36 shots in a 6-3 loss and was assessed 4 PIMs for unsportsmanlike conduct.

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