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2010 NCAA Football Thread


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No not at all. They're a very, very good team. You won't agree with this but the thing that was going to screw them with the BCS was probably the very thing that screwed them last night; their schedule. There's just no way to play nine cupcakes in a row without it affecting your level of play.

I don't think it was necessarily because of the schedule. What screwed the team over was Coach Pete taking the starters out in the second quarter of practically every game for over a month. When you get taken out that early, you become less and less used to finishing out the tougher games, and it was obvious that the defense was bone-tired in the second half.

Coach Pete is a classy coach who doesn't like to run up the score, but you kind of have to keep the starters in almost the entire game against weaker opponents so that they'll be used to finishing against the stronger opponents. Hopefully Petersen learned that lesson from this game.

All that aside, I still think Boise has an outside shot at a BCS bowl. LSU losing today didn't hurt things for them and there are still some key games to be played. They shouldn't be out of the picture because of one loss.

...to a ranked team, mind you. I'd understand getting dropped down to the Humanitarian Bowl if we lost to, like, Idaho, but Nevada is a good team and is ranked. Ultimately, I'm hoping the BCS realizes that whoever ends up winning the Big Least will be a huge albatross on them, and invites Boise to a BCS bowl to try to cancel out the negative publicity that the Big Least "champion" will bring.

And by bringing in a Jim Harbaugh/Brady Hoke/Chris Peterson, he will have the opportunity to bring the entire Michigan Mafia over to his side.

If by that you mean Chris Petersen, I just don't see him leaving Boise. He's made Boise State into one of the most recognizable, prominent programs in college football even though they've only been in FBS since 1996. With Kellen Moore likely coming back next year, he has yet another chance at winning a national title. Plus, he's already snubbed Oregon to stay at Boise State as well. And ever since the first Fiesta Bowl win, he's practically worshiped by the Boise State fanbase. Why leave that dream job to go to Michigan and be trashed by the fanbase if things don't go well immediately?


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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No not at all. They're a very, very good team. You won't agree with this but the thing that was going to screw them with the BCS was probably the very thing that screwed them last night; their schedule. There's just no way to play nine cupcakes in a row without it affecting your level of play.

I don't think it was necessarily because of the schedule. What screwed the team over was Coach Pete taking the starters out in the second quarter of practically every game for over a month. When you get taken out that early, you become less and less used to finishing out the tougher games, and it was obvious that the defense was bone-tired in the second half.

Coach Pete is a classy coach who doesn't like to run up the score, but you kind of have to keep the starters in almost the entire game against weaker opponents so that they'll be used to finishing against the stronger opponents. Hopefully Petersen learned that lesson from this game.

Isn't that pretty much what I was saying? Play nine cupcakes and you won't be ready for a real contest?




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Ohio State is probably going to get picked for a BCS bowl over Michigan State. I like OSU, but at some point the BCS is going to go to this well too many times. I wonder if Michigan State would be a better choice because their fans would be new and thus more excited and the bowl that picks them would get a better turnout. Also, I know that the three teams tied, but I don't see how that works when OSU lost to Wisconsin and they have the same record. Wisconsin's only loss was to a team that OSU didn't play (Michigan State). If anything, I'd give the Big Ten title to Michigan State. They beat the team that beat the other team. Transitive property sucks, but that's all we have. I guess in the last year before the championship game we would get a scenario such as this.


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As for the Michigan coaching job not being an attractive destination because of the trash thrown Rich Rodriguez's way, I don't think that one bad coaching experience is going to change the attractiveness of the position. In fact, whoever the new coach is going to come in riding a wave of support just because he's not RR. Anyone they bring in, the scene in Ann Arbor will look like Jesus entering Jerusalem for the Passover. And imagine if he actually wins some games... their name would be revered with the greats of Bo Schembechler and Lloyd Carr.

Notre Dame thought that too after Footbaw Bob. Then they got a guy who lied on his resume and Ty Willingham. Then after they drove him out because they thought a Notre Dame man like Meyer would jump at the job, that they could only get Weis. And after that they could only get Brian Kelly. "History" and "passionate fanbase" aren't worth the paper they are printed on if they spent all that passion expressing great impatience at the last rebuilding process because "history" entitles you to eternal 10 win seasons. And any coach that comes in will be kicking off a rebuilding program. You going to give this guy 3 years to "win some games"?

And if you go back and read my post, I said that I was a main defender of Carr leaving the cupboard bare. However, I don't see Rich Rodriguez doing much to restock it on the defensive side. Plus, there have been issues about the scheme. This season he or GERG have not put the players they do have in the best position to succeed and have failed to remove the players who haven't in time... *cough* Obi Ezeh *cough* It's to the point that I think if he had Lamaar Woodley, David Harris, or Brandon Graham, I don't think they would be successful either.

Gerg's a halfwit. That said its actually harder to turn over a roster in college for a complete rebuild than the pros. The NCAA's scholarship limitations restrict you to only replacing a quarter or a third of a roster annually. Even assuming an extremely unrealistic 100% success rate on recruits panning out, it will take 3-4 years for the crap to filter out of the roster. Rodriguez looked at the limited resources he had in terms of available scholarships and focused on the offense for the rebuild.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Ohio State is probably going to get picked for a BCS bowl over Michigan State. I like OSU, but at some point the BCS is going to go to this well too many times. I wonder if Michigan State would be a better choice because their fans would be new and thus more excited and the bowl that picks them would get a better turnout. Also, I know that the three teams tied, but I don't see how that works when OSU lost to Wisconsin and they have the same record. Wisconsin's only loss was to a team that OSU didn't play (Michigan State). If anything, I'd give the Big Ten title to Michigan State. They beat the team that beat the other team. Transitive property sucks, but that's all we have. I guess in the last year before the championship game we would get a scenario such as this.

It may surprise people but I totally agree with this. Michigan State should get an at-large over Ohio State if for no other reason than Ohio State always gets an at-large. I got news for the BCS, we probably aren't going to "travel" as well as they think we will this time around. I can't remember who brought it up a while back but someone referenced "BCS fatigue" here in Buckeye Nation and it was right on. I don't mean to sound arrogant but a BCS bowl bid is not that big a deal to us anymore. Unless it's the Rose Bowl or the title game, I think a good portion of us will be perfectly content to watch the game at home this year.

That and I just don't think Ohio State is as good as the 11-1 record would indicate. All that aside, I'll take a BCS bid but it certainly won't break my heart if we don't get one.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Let me try and take a crack at the BCS Game predictions.

NCG: Oregon vs. Auburn

Rose: Wisconsin vs. Stanford

Fiesta: Nebraska vs. TCU (Assuming the Huskers beat OU)

Orange: Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia (Assuming Tech whens the ACC & WVU wins the BE)

Sugar: Arkansas vs. Michigan State (We'll have to wait to see the BCS standings)

Homer Bowl alert:

Capital One Bowl: Alabama vs. Ohio State (Most people's NCG Prediction at the start of the year.)




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Let me try and take a crack at the BCS Game predictions.

NCG: Oregon vs. Auburn

Rose: Wisconsin vs. Stanford

Fiesta: Nebraska vs. TCU (Assuming the Huskers beat OU)

Orange: Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia (Assuming Tech whens the ACC & WVU wins the BE)

Sugar: Arkansas vs. Michigan State (We'll have to wait to see the BCS standings)

TCU has to go to the Rose Bowl FYI.


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Let me try and take a crack at the BCS Game predictions.

NCG: Oregon vs. Auburn

Rose: Wisconsin vs. Stanford

Fiesta: Nebraska vs. TCU (Assuming the Huskers beat OU)

Orange: Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia (Assuming Tech whens the ACC & WVU wins the BE)

Sugar: Arkansas vs. Michigan State (We'll have to wait to see the BCS standings)

TCU has to go to the Rose Bowl FYI.

Why? I thought the Rose Bowl would always try and take Big Ten v Pac 10.




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Let me try and take a crack at the BCS Game predictions.

NCG: Oregon vs. Auburn

Rose: Wisconsin vs. Stanford

Fiesta: Nebraska vs. TCU (Assuming the Huskers beat OU)

Orange: Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia (Assuming Tech whens the ACC & WVU wins the BE)

Sugar: Arkansas vs. Michigan State (We'll have to wait to see the BCS standings)

TCU has to go to the Rose Bowl FYI.

Why? I thought the Rose Bowl would always try and take Big Ten v Pac 10.

Since the Pac-10 Champion will be in the NCG (Assuming they beat Oregon State) then the Rose Bowl has to take the highest ranked team in the BCS that isn't in the NCG (So #3). Now if Oregon loses to Oregon State, then te Rose Bowl will take Oregon and Wisconsin. Or if for some unexplainable reason someone jumps TCU in the BCS standings then that team would go to the Rose Bowl.


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Let me try and take a crack at the BCS Game predictions.

NCG: Oregon vs. Auburn

Rose: Wisconsin vs. Stanford

Fiesta: Nebraska vs. TCU (Assuming the Huskers beat OU)

Orange: Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia (Assuming Tech whens the ACC & WVU wins the BE)

Sugar: Arkansas vs. Michigan State (We'll have to wait to see the BCS standings)

TCU has to go to the Rose Bowl FYI.

Why? I thought the Rose Bowl would always try and take Big Ten v Pac 10.

Since the Pac-10 Champion will be in the NCG (Assuming they beat Oregon State) then the Rose Bowl has to take the highest ranked team in the BCS that isn't in the NCG (So #3). Now if Oregon loses to Oregon State, then te Rose Bowl will take Oregon and Wisconsin. Or if for some unexplainable reason someone jumps TCU in the BCS standings then that team would go to the Rose Bowl.

Almost. They need to take the highest-ranked non-AQ, should they lose a team to the NCG.


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I'm going to put two sets of projections up, depending on whether Stanford is in the top 4 or not.

If Stanford is NOT in the top 4, I'd say:

NCG: Oregon* v Auburn*

Rose: TCU* v Wisconsin*

Fiesta: Oklahoma* v Connecticut*

Orange: Virginia Tech* v Nebraska

Sugar: Arkansas v Ohio State

If Stanford is in the top 4, I'd say:

NCG: Oregon* v Auburn*

Rose: TCU* v Wisconsin*

Fiesta: Oklahoma* v Connecticut*

Orange: Virginia Tech* v Stanford*

Sugar: Arkansas v Ohio State

Yes, I think Nebraska would travel better than Stanford.


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Let me try and take a crack at the BCS Game predictions.

NCG: Oregon vs. Auburn

Rose: Wisconsin vs. Stanford

Fiesta: Nebraska vs. TCU (Assuming the Huskers beat OU)

Orange: Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia (Assuming Tech whens the ACC & WVU wins the BE)

Sugar: Arkansas vs. Michigan State (We'll have to wait to see the BCS standings)

TCU has to go to the Rose Bowl FYI.

Why? I thought the Rose Bowl would always try and take Big Ten v Pac 10.

Since the Pac-10 Champion will be in the NCG (Assuming they beat Oregon State) then the Rose Bowl has to take the highest ranked team in the BCS that isn't in the NCG (So #3). Now if Oregon loses to Oregon State, then te Rose Bowl will take Oregon and Wisconsin. Or if for some unexplainable reason someone jumps TCU in the BCS standings then that team would go to the Rose Bowl.

Almost. They need to take the highest-ranked non-AQ, should they lose a team to the NCG.

Almost again. They need to take the highest-ranked non-AQ that has never been to the Rose Bowl should they lose a team to the NCG.


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On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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We have a new number 1 in the BCS.

1. Auburn

2. Oregon

3. TCU

4. Stanford

5. Wisconsin

6. Ohio State

7. Arkansas

8. Michigan State

9. Oklahoma

10. LSU

Sadly it doesn't look like Sparty will be partying it up in Nawlins.




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