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2010 NCAA Football Thread


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All I'm saying is how much longer do we have to debate how good they are?

Until some people accept that teams that suck do not get ranked #10 in the BCS (except for in a ridiculous fluke year like 2007).

My advice is you let someone else make their case because all you're doing is coming across like a petulant child. Your team lost and blew their chance. Be a man and deal with it. And I'm still waiting for an answer to how much Ohio State talk actually takes place around here.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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All I'm saying is how much longer do we have to debate how good they are?

Until some people accept that teams that suck do not get ranked #10 in the BCS (except for in a ridiculous fluke year like 2007).

I think that is code for: I will keep talking them up until my lawsuit is filed by one of the following: Utah AG, the Idaho AG, any of the conferences which my school has been a part of, the IRS. Whenever it is filed, I plan to give the NCAA (2011, 2011, 2012...) thread updates on its progress as well as Bronco Stadium expansion, and how many teams we refuse to schedule.

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All I'm saying is how much longer do we have to debate how good they are?

Until some people accept that teams that suck do not get ranked #10 in the BCS (except for in a ridiculous fluke year like 2007).

My advice is you let someone else make their case because all you're doing is coming across like a petulant child. Your team lost and blew their chance. Be a man and deal with it. And I'm still waiting for an answer to how much Ohio State talk actually takes place around here.

Any is too much. :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I thought it was common sense that when a conference has no championship game and there are more than one team with the same conference-leading record, all teams involved get a share of the conference championship. But I guess that makes me a homer, apparently.

I just can't believe the conference doesn't have a format setup for tie-breakers.

Even if they did, the teams are still co-champions. I mean, it's not like Michigan State and Ohio State are not co-champions with Wisconsin in the Big Ten. They are. It's just that Wisconsin gets the BCS bid.

I guess I am looking at it differently. I know they use something to determine who gets the BCS bid.

Even though they don't have divisions, which would then provide a championship game to determine a champion. How come they can't have a format to decide a clear "champion"? Instead, they just settle for what the BCS rankings tell them as a clear cut decision.

Why not use a ladder tiebreaker like:

1. Combined records of opponents.

2. Points scored against.

3. Points scored.

4. Non-conference strength (W-L).

I know some of those aren't strong factors in determining a champion, but to split so many championships seems...boring? uneventful?

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All I'm saying is how much longer do we have to debate how good they are?

Until some people accept that teams that suck do not get ranked #10 in the BCS (except for in a ridiculous fluke year like 2007).

My advice is you let someone else make their case because all you're doing is coming across like a petulant child. Your team lost and blew their chance. Be a man and deal with it. And I'm still waiting for an answer to how much Ohio State talk actually takes place around here.

Any is too much. :P

Yeah? Well I'm tired of hearing about Ohio Boise State, the SEC, and the same boilerplate complaints about Boise Ohio State ad nauseum. However, those aren't going away anytime soon, and neither is Boise Ohio State. And it WAS a three-way tie. Boise Ohio State lost to Nevada Wisconsin who lost to Hawaii Michigan State who lost to Boise Ohio State would have beaten if Michigan State wasn't afraid to schedule us. Simple. Until some people accept that teams that suck do not play a cupcake schedule still get ranked #10 in the BCS (except for in a ridiculous fluke year like 2007 when Ohio State miraculously lost to LSU in the BCS Championship game because the world was conspiring against us because we aren't a "name" school) I will continue to talk about Ohio State.

Just wait until we file our lawsuit. Then we'll finally get the respect we so rightfully deserve. It's just not fair that Ohio State doesn't get a seat at the table. How would you feel if the team you had been rooting for since September was getting screwed the way we are? :P




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Damn, 'Red...first the LeBron James thing, and now this.

You are ON it, dude!

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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All I'm saying is how much longer do we have to debate how good they are?

Until some people accept that teams that suck do not get ranked #10 in the BCS (except for in a ridiculous fluke year like 2007).

My advice is you let someone else make their case because all you're doing is coming across like a petulant child. Your team lost and blew their chance. Be a man and deal with it. And I'm still waiting for an answer to how much Ohio State talk actually takes place around here.

Any is too much. :P

Yeah? Well I'm tired of hearing about Ohio Boise State, the SEC, and the same boilerplate complaints about Boise Ohio State ad nauseum. However, those aren't going away anytime soon, and neither is Boise Ohio State. And it WAS a three-way tie. Boise Ohio State lost to Nevada Wisconsin who lost to Hawaii Michigan State who lost to Boise Ohio State would have beaten if Michigan State wasn't afraid to schedule us. Simple. Until some people accept that teams that suck do not play a cupcake schedule still get ranked #10 in the BCS (except for in a ridiculous fluke year like 2007 when Ohio State miraculously lost to LSU in the BCS Championship game because the world was conspiring against us because we aren't a "name" school) I will continue to talk about Ohio State.

Just wait until we file our lawsuit. Then we'll finally get the respect we so rightfully deserve. It's just not fair that Ohio State doesn't get a seat at the table. How would you feel if the team you had been rooting for since September was getting screwed the way we are? :P


Red's been picking these up like Bob Cousy dropped dimes in the 50s.

That being said, apparently all of the AQ-conference commissioners & NCAA president had a meeting sometime in the very recent past...like last week or something. Either way, they had an informal vote on playoffs. The only one to be in favor of a playoff? Mike Slive, SEC Commissioner, former BCS coordinator.

Now, I'm not really in favor of a playoff, but you know college football is messed up at the top when a person who used to be the freaking BCS Coordinator is in favor of a playoff, and he's the ONLY ONE. Hot mess.



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Unless Meyer pulls another Favre move and unretires, this scares me because Dan Mullen is probably #1 on Florida's list. He could step in there & they wouldn't miss a beat.

I just hope he stays true to the Cowbell. :P



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Unless Meyer pulls another Favre move and unretires, this scares me because Dan Mullen is probably #1 on Florida's list. He could step in there & they wouldn't miss a beat.

I just hope he stays true to the Cowbell. :P

If that means 7-5, then I am all for it. This now has less to do with health and more to do with the fact that Tebow is gone and he could not recreate the success. He needs specific talent for that offense, and the draining of his coaching staff to other schools disallows him to get that talent.

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Damn, 'Red...first the LeBron James thing, and now this.

You are ON it, dude!

He had another brilliant one in between. I'm pretty sure it was in Mac's 10,000th Post Special. 'Red's flat out killing it lately and this was just another gem.


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Yeah, my Facebook news feed just blew up behind all this Urban Meyer mess.

That said, I get the feeling that UF is going to go after another young supposed offensive mind from a smaller place who knows how to maximize offensive talent, and can recruit his a-- off (not much else needs to be said about that). Worked out pretty well the last time they plucked that type of guy out of the west to head east. And plus I hear it's mighty cold up north this time of year, so the allure of the warm Florida sunshine may seem mighty tempting. As well, UF can offer maximum exposure and a whole lotta loot-and we all know how money talks.

All that said (and I know the guy just signed an extension, but still)...I would not be one bit surprised if UF goes after Chris Peterson with the fierceness.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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That being said, apparently all of the AQ-conference commissioners & NCAA president had a meeting sometime in the very recent past...like last week or something. Either way, they had an informal vote on playoffs. The only one to be in favor of a playoff? Mike Slive, SEC Commissioner, former BCS coordinator.

Now, I'm not really in favor of a playoff, but you know college football is messed up at the top when a person who used to be the freaking BCS Coordinator is in favor of a playoff, and he's the ONLY ONE. Hot mess.

I'm almost certain that Slive voted for a playoff because the conference could benefit from it more than they do with the BCS's current format. Seeing as how his conference is continually getting two teams in and participating in the BCS national championship, he isn't voting in favor of a playoff because "The SEC isn't getting a fair shake in the BCS".

Well more often than not, the SEC has a team in the top-2, another team near the #4 spot, and usually 3-4 teams in the top 16. Slive's conference has more to gain (from the standpoint of money, exposure, etc.) with a playoff than they do with the BCS, as they can only get two teams in.

If it's a small playoff field, the SEC could have more of it's teams playing in the top-tier bowl games. If it's a large playoff field, the SEC could have multiple teams involved and, to a greater extent, multiple teams hosting playoff games.

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That being said, apparently all of the AQ-conference commissioners & NCAA president had a meeting sometime in the very recent past...like last week or something. Either way, they had an informal vote on playoffs. The only one to be in favor of a playoff? Mike Slive, SEC Commissioner, former BCS coordinator.

Now, I'm not really in favor of a playoff, but you know college football is messed up at the top when a person who used to be the freaking BCS Coordinator is in favor of a playoff, and he's the ONLY ONE. Hot mess.

I'm almost certain that Slive voted for a playoff because the conference could benefit from it more than they do with the BCS's current format. Seeing as how his conference is continually getting two teams in and participating in the BCS national championship, he isn't voting in favor of a playoff because "The SEC isn't getting a fair shake in the BCS".

Well more often than not, the SEC has a team in the top-2, another team near the #4 spot, and usually 3-4 teams in the top 16. Slive's conference has more to gain (from the standpoint of money, exposure, etc.) with a playoff than they do with the BCS, as they can only get two teams in.

If it's a small playoff field, the SEC could have more of it's teams playing in the top-tier bowl games. If it's a large playoff field, the SEC could have multiple teams involved and, to a greater extent, multiple teams hosting playoff games.

The IMG Intercollegiate Athletics Forum is today and tomorrow in NYC. Part of the discussion can be found here.

Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany warned that the plus-1 format would lead to a slippery slope, where conference commissioners would not be able to stop further expansion. ?Take a look at regular-season basketball,? he said, adding that the expanded tournament has devalued the regular season. "One leads to four, and four leads to eight. You won't be able to stop it."

Delany said his position has nothing to do with money, saying a playoff system would make more money than the current system. ?But it's not always about the money,? he said.

Big 12 Commissioner Dan Beebe agreed, adding that the current system already puts a lot of pressure on the players. "It would be a huge disservice to players to add games."

The main voice of dissent came from SEC Commissioner Mike Slive, who said he would support a four-game playoff, but admitted, ?I expect I?m going to be a lonely voice on this again.?

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Unless Meyer pulls another Favre move and unretires, this scares me because Dan Mullen is probably #1 on Florida's list. He could step in there & they wouldn't miss a beat.

I just hope he stays true to the Cowbell. :P

So this is you, right?

If that means 7-5, then I am all for it. This now has less to do with health and more to do with the fact that Tebow is gone and he could not recreate the success. He needs specific talent for that offense, and the draining of his coaching staff to other schools disallows him to get that talent.

I'm of the impression he resigned not because of the absence of Tebow, and more because he objected to the thought of firing Steve Addazio (as insane as that sounds from an objective standpoint.)

Yeah, my Facebook news feed just blew up behind all this Urban Meyer mess.

That said, I get the feeling that UF is going to go after another young supposed offensive mind from a smaller place who knows how to maximize offensive talent, and can recruit his a-- off (not much else needs to be said about that). Worked out pretty well the last time they plucked that type of guy out of the west to head east. And plus I hear it's mighty cold up north this time of year, so the allure of the warm Florida sunshine may seem mighty tempting. As well, UF can offer maximum exposure and a whole lotta loot-and we all know how money talks.

All that said (and I know the guy just signed an extension, but still)...I would not be one bit surprised if UF goes after Chris Peterson with the fierceness.

Oh goddamnit we just hired Kevin Wilson yesterday. Can't we at least get a season before he's hired away?

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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