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Official manitoba moose 3rd jersey/logo contest


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Oh, for goodness sake, is everyone here just going to keep heaping praise on Sterling for this?

YES!!! YES!!! YESS!!!  And as well we should!

This is a great hockey jersey - the colors work well (and I'm no huge fan of black) as does the logo.  It's just a great look.

Sterling, it goes without saying that you should be extremely proud of yourself for your contributions.  And kudos to the Moose for choosing this design and jersey format.  Well done!

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This is truly a highlight for the board. What an awesome event.

Congratulations on having your excellent design chosen by a professional franchise and congratulations to the Moose for giving us the chance.

They look great!

I'm glad they didn't try to make the Canucks colors work when their original ones work better with the moose theme and I also like the fact they stuck with their 'antler font' numbers.

Did you submit any suggestions for a new name & number font or jersey striping pattern or just the logo?

I think all members of the board should get a 20% discount if they buy one from the team!

Congratulations again!



Click here to read Third String Goalie - The Hockey Jersey of the Day Blog

Click here to see my hockey and baseball jersey collection online

?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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Wow.  Thanks everyone.  I must admit I am a little overwhelmed at all the props being directed my way.  I appreciate it immensely.  I can't reiterate enough though that without everyone, this would've never gone down.  Without Pantone's digging around / arranging for the contest, Chris' board, and the diligence and passion of everyone here........well you know.

I am still having network / pc issues so my posts will be few and far between for a few days.

I have pics of the four jersey designs I had to choose from, my jersey design, the arena patch close up (surprise #1) mockups of the final jersey being worn in practice, the logo when it was finished but still blue and red.....lots of stuff that I will endeavor to post in the coming weeks.

Regarding the outpouring of sentiment to replace the primary with mine...that topic came up almost immediately.  Management is very happy with the new sweater and eagerly trying to appeal to a wider demographic.  They dont have to declare nights in advance for alts like the NHL and I've been told will wear the 3rd as often as possible.  In these scenarios literally no one knows for sure what'll happen.  The fans feedback and purchasing power really does have a say in whether or not my alt becomes the home, stays the 3rd or fades off in the sunset.  FOr what it's worth, part of what I did was create a white version as well (which I actually prefer).  Only time will tell.  I'd expect to hear more on this topic late next winter or early spring when some #s are available.

Surprise #2, which no one really commented on, is that late in the process......this June, I was contacted to make the accompanying wordmark for the alt logo.  I took this as a sign that lots more merchandising needs presented themselves than previously thought and the mark needed flexibility.  They went kind of nuts...its awesome.  WHen you check out the online store I mean.

To answer spyboy, Yes, I actually was pretty (and unsuccessfully) persistent on changing the font.  I LOVE the antler lettering but most designers will tell you its a no-no to mix two serifed fonts.  Well the Moose mix 3 serifs within two fonts on the jerseys.  I recommended using a sans font for the name and updating the antler font to feature sharper tines and remove the block serif.  I'll post later and show you what I showed them.  It was a very sweet (IMHO) mod of what they use now but ultimately too expensive and untimely to screw with when 2 of the 3 jerseys had to be made the other way.  IF, and thats a huge if......the 3rd ever becomes the day to day, I'll push hard for my subtle update of the lettering.  It just goes way better with my logo since all the lines are pointy.  Much more complete.

The four alts I saw were all blues cut.  Same style.  Just differing color schemes.  One was the gold in the primary's antlers, one was black with green all the way down the elbows to wrist, one was like the 3rd you see but with a fourth stripe of light gold.........so I recommended the most tasteful and simple of the four once my own design was off the table.

Anyhow, thank you thank you thank you........'specially to the guys buying their own already!

I'll show you what I can as soon as I can.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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Sterling my man... love the look, love the jersey and when I get my first pay check from my new job (12.50 an hour answeing phones, i still want to design but hey i gotta make the $$$)... Im sure some of its getting put into a "I want sterling's jersey" fund.... I wish i was thinking my home town is going for the worlds longest hockey game for the third consecutive year, its been a fund raiser for our new hospital really brings out the media and celebrities... we can only seem to hold it for about a month before it gets broken, but the team thats been organizing is called the moose in fact they use the current moose look... pepsi bought the jerseys for both teams this year and they have teh moose holding a pepsi... talk about yuck... anyhoo would have been good publicity for both Moose teams if there could have been a cross-over or something with the new look... or maybe I am dreaming...lol...but yeah more jerseys and more contests...lol

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey boys.

Been busy and unavailable lately.

I promised some insider info so here you go.

I won't continually post more on this thread if nobody is particularly interested.  I know enough to know that if nobody is griping, thats a good thing. But I did promise any of those who wanted info and answers that I would provide them and I mean to hold to that.



The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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If you're talking about the numbers in Sterling's recently posted pic, they're actually the numbers the Moose have used since they came to Winnipeg, not sure about anything before that. If you're not talking about those numbers, then I'm just making an absolute fool of myself, now aren't I.
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No SyPhi, you aren't a fool at all.  But we aren't talking about those numbers.

STL is talking about the fact that I've suggested for the alt, that the current number set really isn't in keeping with the theme of the entire jersey.  I said in an earlier post that if my logo were to ever be used exclusively I had prepared a number set that was very similar to the current one, but fit better.  Here is an example...


I love the Moose current font, its one of the best, but there are some issues.  For one, designers almost always dont mix serif fonts.  Typically its a subtle mix of serif and sans fonts that looks best. Jerseys almost always either use the exact same font for name and number (Capitals) or balance out the crazy number font with a simple block sans font for the name...(Avalanche).  To my knowledge, there is no team with standard block numeral font and crazy themed name font.  There is flexibility between the two but mostly that is accomplished with color difference...(old Steelers, old Rams).

So as awesome as the Moose numeral font is, it itself encorporates two different serifs in and of itself...antler and ordinary...THEN the name font has another type of serif...its just too crazy for my tastes.  Add to that the fact that the alternate logo has nothing but gentle curves and sharp points.  The number font has nothing but square edges and loopy cartoon curves...  Neither is better than the other, but they dont match.  SO what I suggested was an everso moderate tweak to the number font eliminating the one serif, sharpening the antler serif, and hopefully using a sans font for the name.

HOpe that all makes sense.  Its crystal clear to me, but I've been knee deep in this for nearly a year so....

PS-STL, as much as I'd love to disagree with you, I also REALLY like the Blues cut jersey they proposed and used too.  Hurts the ego that a NHL knock off is more appropriate that my imagination.........but its true.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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That is a really good modification Sterling. Fits the logo and everything nicely.

With the leafs recent crap minor change to their jerseys, the went to block numbers but kept the old curvy font for the names. They are the only team I can think of that does something like that, and that's probably because it SUCKS.

As for the jersey cut, don't let it worry ya. Your cut is pretty nice (though I'd like more green in there), it's just that I think the cut of your jersey contradicts your logo, similar to how the current numbers contradict the logo. If the logo was more sillouhoutish it may have fit the cut.

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  • 1 month later...


Sorry guys, I know.  Old news is an ill guest.

But I just saw this pic from a concert in Winnipeg on the 15th.

I think my life is complete.


The D-O-Double G thinks my design be fly!!!!!

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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