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2011 MLB Season Thread


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but... George Brett was a classy player...

.... oh yeah, the pine tar incident...

He was a classy player. One incident does not nullfiy a 20 year MLB career during which he was one of the most liked players in baseball.

I also can't blame him for going completely ballistic like he did either. Alot of people don't talk what led up to the incident. He just hit what was probably going to wind up being the game winning home run with two outs in the ninth inning off Goose Gossage. (and ultimately was when the game was replayed when the league office overuled the umpires decision to disallow Brett's home run) Then he has the home run called back on some obscure technicality rule. Nobody would just say to themselves, well I just hit a home run that will probably win the game but since the umpires called me out on this obscure rule which means we lose the game instead I'll just go back to the clubhouse quietly and we'll get 'em tomorrow. Mahatma Gandhi would have gotten in the umprire's face about it.

My quote was more a response to two posts to raysox who typed

Well it's one thing to hit 3,000 hits with the Yankees.

It's another thing to hit 3,000 with the Royals.

Then he argued against Jeter being a classy player with a video of one incident. We expect our best players to be competitive, but we know they are not perfect and we know they can blow a fuse once in while. Wayne Gretzky was a classy player, but even he took the occasional penalty (and let's not bring up 1993 Leafs fans :P)

oh and it's hard to get into an umps face when you're dead... :upside:

I saw, I came, I left.

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Well my intention was not to "stir the pot" or be "contrary for contrary's sake". I was originally just posing a question based on what I believe about baseball. Guess I just see things differently...

I also believe that the wild-card is an abomination and can barely tolerate divisions. I believe each league should be single table, with only the winners playing in the World Series and no interleague. I think the Hall of Fame has been watered down to the "Hall of Pretty Good" and several players need to be removed to restore it back to elite status. I think an intentional walk should involve simply pointing at the batter and pointing at first base, not the 4 pitches outside it is today. I would be in favor of eliminating the draft outright and teams can sign whoever they can at age 18 and think rosters should be smaller than they are today...

I am, strangely enough, undecided on the DH. I really don't care one way or the other on that topic...

So, congratulations to Derek Jeter on his fine accomplishment of 3,001 hits yesterday to move past the great Roberto Clemente on the all-time hit list, and unless someone wants to revisit the topic with me, I'll leave it at that...

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I think the Hall of Fame has been watered down to the "Hall of Pretty Good" and several players need to be removed to restore it back to elite status.

On that we agree.

I'd say its been that way for a long time now and isn't something that just started.

I give you some of your more historical Hall of Famers.

Ross Youngs, Chick Hafey, Hack Wilson, Harry Hooper, Johnny Evers, Jessie Haines, High Pockets Kelly, Earle Combs, Rube Marquard, Joe Tinker

There's alot of guys in who benefited alot from the offensive explosion that was going on in baseball during the 1920's. I'll give you an example, in 1925 Sam Rice hits .350 Great year right? You know where he finished in the AL batting race? 8th. And that's just the AL. The league as a whole batted .292 Its a good thing to keep in mind when looking at some of the past HOFers.

People made a big deal about Andre Dawson and Jim Rice, but if the guys I mentioned above are in, I could make a halfway decent argument that Vinny Castilla should get in. The Hall of Fame has not gotten anymore wattered down in recent years then it has ever been. Andre Dawson and Jim Rice are not even close to being the worst guys in the Hall of Fame.

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Bigger bust in 2011:

Jayson Werth < Adam Dunn

I'd say that the Nationals front office is the big bust, not Jayson Werth.

Whoever said that Werth didn't have pressure in Phila is just a dope. How do you not have pressue when playing in one of the biggest markets on a team that is basically on a World Series or bust mission every year? He's been ripped in the local media and by the fans here (as well as praised) to a degree that players in most cities couldn't possibly imagine.

Werth started out as a part timer after the Phillies claimed him. He eventually supplanted Geoff Jenkins in right, and never looked back. He batted in several spots in the order before settling in behind Howard at #5, and played hard every day. He also had a gun in right field.

That being said, he (and I hope that this is what the "no pressure" guy really meant) never had the pressure of being "the guy". He had a lot of responsibility here cleaning up for Howard, but if he failed, they were still in position to win most of the games because there were so many other great players in the lineup. He was the perfect piece, but just that - a piece. Invaluable in the situation he was in, but not valuable otherwise. I don't blame him one bit for taking the money - anyone who does is just an idiot and should punch themselves in the face for being so stupid. But these teams have to do a better job with scouting and getting to know the player before offering these contracts. There are players you build around, and players who complete the puzzle. Werth is the latter. That's not a knock on him, or a Phillies fan just ripping a guy for leaving (because like I said, I don't blame him at all), it's just what it is.

Hell - if the Nationals wake up and realize their mistake and want to deal him back here (while eating half of his salary), I'd take him. In a heartbeat. He's not Bobby Abreu here - a guy with good but hollow numbers and no heart. He's just not "the guy", and never will be.

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Bigger bust in 2011:

Jayson Werth < Adam Dunn

That being said, he (and I hope that this is what the "no pressure" guy really meant) never had the pressure of being "the guy".

That's how I mean it to be taken.

Everyone in the MLB is under pressure to perform. Not one person isn't. But when your the focal point of the offense or a pitching staff its different. Certain guys can't handle it. I think Werth is one of them, which is why I brought up the whole thing about him being a first round pick, three different teams giving up on him and why I think he'll play better once Harper comes up and Strasburg comes back.

Anything he gave to Philly had to be considered a bouns considering what they gave up for him which was nothing.

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Bigger bust in 2011:

Jayson Werth < Adam Dunn

I'd say Dan Uggla gives them both a pretty good run. He's been absolute trash. Thank God the Giants were smart enough to avoid him.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Yankees and Rays had a great pitcher duel today, and crisp 2 hour game, with CC Sabathia winning 1-0 against James Shields.

If you like great pitching, you loved that game. Rays defense though really spit the bit, with Upton and Shields with dumb throwing errors.

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Bigger bust in 2011:

Jayson Werth < Adam Dunn

I'd say Dan Uggla gives them both a pretty good run. He's been absolute trash. Thank God the Giants were smart enough to avoid him.

Uggla has been terrible. But he has really turned it around the last week or so and if he plays like he should be playing the rest of the way, Atlanta will be dangerous. The Braves already have the second best record in the league with that huge hole all season at second. Imagine if he shows up every once in a while.

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Phils smashed the Braves 14-1 to take 2 of 3

The vaunted lefties out of the Atlanta bullpen (O'Flaherty, Venters, Sherrill) were deemed unavailable today? On the last game prior to the all-star break? Against a lefthanded-hitting-heavy team in the Phillies, the team you're chasing for the division?

Okay, Fredi Gonzalez ...

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Phils smashed the Braves 14-1 to take 2 of 3

I was there. One of the most miserable games I've ever been to both on and off the field. Atlanta looked just flat out terrible, and it was awfully hot. Great ball park though. I love the old school feel the place has, and it seems just huge.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Phils smashed the Braves 14-1 to take 2 of 3

The vaunted lefties out of the Atlanta bullpen (O'Flaherty, Venters, Sherrill) were deemed unavailable today? On the last game prior to the all-star break? Against a lefthanded-hitting-heavy team in the Phillies, the team you're chasing for the division?

Okay, Fredi Gonzalez ...

He also didn't use Kimbrel in game 1 of the season, which arguably cost the Braves that game. The man seriously will not use any of the big guns unless the Braves have the lead. SMH.

The Braves will be ready for the September series, though.



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Just heard that Placido Polanco will be replaced in the All Star Game by Pablo Sandoval. Not sure he'd be the first pick to replace Polanco, but I knew Bochy would find a way to get at least one of his fielders there. I'm certainly not complaining :P


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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