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2011 NHL Playoffs


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You know, it still gives me chills to hear the Lauren Hart/Kate Smith duet of "God Bless America" before a Flyers playoff game.

I'm generally against the singing of GBA (and the national anthem for that matter), but I tear up when I hear her sing it. The duet thing that they do with her from '74 and Lauren Hart live is almost indescribable. I saw it live for the first time during game 5, and was completely in awe. In this day and age they will never reproduce the "magic" of Kate Smith, but it's great that they combine the old with the new, and that Gene Hart is still a part of the show (even if only through his daughter's pipes).

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Buffalo looks disinterested in advancing, it appears.

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It is unbelievable how much Chris Pronger's presence changes the way this team plays. Not just his play, but it seems like everyone is in a different gear when they see him there. Maybe the late season collapse was just due to his absence, and not simple suckyness like we all thought.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Buffalo looks disinterested in advancing, it appears.

Count the Bruins in on that, too. Uninspired play up in Montreal this evening.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Sort of off topic, but the Sabers white uniform looks a million times better than their dark. Even on my professionally-calibrated plasma, it appears to be a dark navy, but in person, it is really more like a dark royal, and looks great with the yellow trim. That's the shade that the Bills should've gone with.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Well, if the Claude Julien-era Bruins have taught me anything, it's that they come out flat in bunches. The first two games were an example of that. Hopefully, they can snap that streak and actually come out and play like they can advance to the next round with a win tomorrow night.

The only positive to maybe come out of a first round loss to the Canadiens, would be Claude Julien and Peter Chiarelli getting fired. If we were lucky.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Aaaaaand that'll do it for Buffalo.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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Always good to see the Sabres make an appearance, at least. Flyers are just really good this year.

Watch, now that I'm hyped out of my skin for this game, the Hawks come out flat or get trapped early. Just my luck.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Well, the good news is that there's a great chance we'll be able to decide a winner of the Bruins/Canadiens within the first thirty seconds of the game.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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The delay of game penalty for flipping the puck over the glass is dumb.

Awful. It should be a faceoff in your own end.

No it shouldn't. That'd actually be a favorable response. If you're under a :censored:load of pressure, you can just flip the puck over the glass, and you get a faceoff. It's a cop out of clearing the puck. Keep it a penalty, that's my line of thinking.


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Buffalo looks disinterested in advancing, it appears.

Count the Bruins in on that, too. Uninspired play up in Montreal this evening.

You are way too hard on the B's sometimes. Chara, in general, though not without his faults, is a very good player, and frankly, I believe the better team lost tonight. Not a single bounce went their way.*

*Counting MTL penalties as good things for the Habs because our power play is probably a leading cause of people stabbing themselves in the eyeballs. Yes, Julie needs to go, but not at the expense of this season. Plus, a couple of them were taken away before you could blink an eye.

I really wish I could blame this game entirely on the refs because there was some Grade A bull :censored: going on, but we still just couldn't pot it when it counted. A lot of missed opportunities but good defense/goaltending beats good offense. It wasn't uninspired play; just failure to finish.

No way the B's lose to these guys tomorrow. If THAT happens, I will agree with you. But I still have faith.

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Blackhawks look flustered, Canucks look aggressive and angry. 1-0 bad guys.

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