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Morgo's Hand Drawn NHL: Tampa Bay Lightning Final Update (07/09/2014)


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Next in the batch of 5...

Colorado Avalanche 2.0
Was pretty proud of my original Avalanche concept until I realized the shoulder patches were facing the wrong way. The realistic mountain striping wasn't well received so its been simplified and the burgundy has been darkened. The use of navy has made it possible for black to be shelved aside from the puck in the logo. As always C & C appreciated, thanks for looking :)
Colorado Avalanche 1.0
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Great, but I actually prefer the original.

I agree. I think the lighter blue works better overall than navy.

Yes, both of the original shades worked better. Love the Avs actual colour scheme.

And I don't see the necessity in removing black.

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Pittsburgh Penguins 2.0

Thought this team could use some sprucing up. Ditched the clunky looking shoulder yokes on the main set and added the skating penguin to the shoulders. Also fixed the most commented on flaw of the original by making the sleeve stripes match. The shade of gold has been changed to a richer shade not used by the Boston Bruins. Thanks for looking :)


Pittsburgh Penguins 1.0
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I can accept constructive criticism but in this case I feel the need to defend myself. How does putting a jet in a roundel make it more dynamic? Integrating speed lines from the logo to the striping could be an interesting concept but I feel it would disrupt the traditional feel of the jerseys. Call the logo bland if you want but try comparing it to the depictions of jets in the current and pre 1997 logos and I'm sure you will see the dilemma I was faced with. The logo was meant to be simple and to the point.

Regardless, I appreciate you all taking the time to comment. Another update is scheduled for tomorrow :)

Fair enough, a dynamic circle is a bit oxymoronic, so dynamic probably isn't quite the term I was looking for... I do however feel like the current roundel used by the Jets with the arrow pointing north is potentially a bit dynamic, or moreso than a simple circle.

I think borders like roundels or the triangle shapes of the penguins and sharks logos are helpful in that they focus the eye on the object within... Making the image self-contained rather than seeming out of place or in an empty space. I don't know that I made sense there, but hopefully that sort of explained what I was getting at?

I try to give helpful and constructive criticism to the best of my ability as an amateur but longtime hobby artist, so my apologies if any of what I said came off as arrogant or badmouthing your work. That was not my intention, I quite like your work. Very sorry if I caused offense or discouragement.

Anyways... Now with that off my chest, I really like a number of these latest sets you have done.

Flames: I like the design of this quite a bit. V.1 was nice, and ironically somewhat similar to what the latest 3rd looks like. Definately agree black is better on the flames jerseys less dominant like you have it on v.2... Great looking set. White flames make a lot more sense than black ones anyways.

Devils: very clean, very nice. Think I prefer the darker green though. Just meshes better with the red in my eyes.

Avalanche: while I agree with the others in that the avalanche colors are a good color set, I do like your darker set. Very clean design for v.2. Well executed too, great simple design. I like what you were trying with the design in v.1 as well though, I think that would look great with just a more simplified angular or straight bottom stripe rather than the complex design it has there. Cool concept though.

Penguins: ...yes. v.2 fixes everything I might suggest for v.1... Looks like an excellent complete set. Nice work on this one.

Great stuff as usual Morgo, always look forward to seeing this thread updated. Look forward to whatever you come up with next.

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No offensive taken what so ever and certainly no discouragement. I love hearing C&C and I really appreciate the thoroughly feedback you gave above. Thanks for the kind words and advice :)

Kings update tomorrow

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Los Angeles Kings 3.0
Final update for the Kings. Was happy with the primaries in version 2 but not the awful alternate. Don't know what was thinking on that one :P. With the primaries I made an addition with subtraction as the yokes and piping have been trashed to make a clean design that harkens back to the Gretzky years. Speaking of the Gretzky years, the alternate brings back a modified version of the Chevy Logo on a rare grey jersey. As always C & C very much appreciated. Thanks for looking :)


Los Angeles Kings 2.0


Los Angeles Kings 1.0


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That looks like a definitive Kings uniform... I have to admit, I am fond of the yokes and piping of previous versions, but v.3 is the cleanest set and definitely has the best 3rd jersey. Love this one.

I also quite like the use of the silver for the alternate's primary color, rather than putting purple in there. While the purple and gold throwback is fun, when I think classic Kings I think the Gretzky era, and the cup winning Kings in black, silver and white... It really is their identity in the NHL, and while I think a solid primary color is better in general for teams rather than black with highlights, black works for the Kings!

Pretty much boiled them down to their essence here. Great stuff.

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Ending this batch of 5 is the only team that hasn't yet recieved the hand drawn treatment...

Chicago Blackhawks

I put off doing this team for a long time because their current set is perfect as is. Added laceups and put some additional stripes on the sleeves of the red jersey. For the third, I went the fauxback route pairing the current logo with the teams old black and white scheme. Thanks for looking :)

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings. It's a new year and the Hand Drawn NHL is officially finished :). While all 30 teams we're already completed with the addition of the Blackhawks, I will be ending this undertaking with a batch of 10 updates. Starting with...

Nashville Predators 2.0

This is one of those concepts I never thought I'd redo. I was really proud of version 1 but grew weary of all the unnecessary colours and oversized logos. Usually I like it when crests are large but I reduced the size in this case to offset the cartoony feel of the mark. Added a yellow stripe to the pants and made a slight adjustment to the colour hierarchy of the Road. As always C & C very much appreciated, thanks for looking :)


Nashville Predators 1.0

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Do I need to start drawing these in my own blood to get some comments on here :P. Next update!

Washington Capitals 2.0
Always planned on adding a blue alternate to the original set with the fantastic "Weagle" front and centre. When I completed it, I liked it so much I decided to make it the primary. The gold has been lightened and the Black home has been retained as an alternate. Thanks for looking :)


Washington Capitals 1.0


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I like Capitals 1.0 better than 2.0, though the Weagle is pretty amazing in those colors. I like the six stars and the hemstripes on 1.0 better. The thick double stripes just look sort of odd on 2.0.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Thank you to everyone who commented. I'm frankly shocked people prefer the first set but hey, different strokes :). Next!

Minnesota Wild 3.0
Vintage white has been eliminated entirely from the main set while the striping aims for a combination of the inaugural and current designs. The "MIN." crest returns as almost everyone who commented on the last set iteration said they preferred it. I eliminated the hem stripes from the third as they are not needed with green pants. C & C has been hard to come by lately so it's mad appreciated. Thanks for looking :)


Minnesota Wild 2.0


Minnesota Wild 1.0

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