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I dub that onside kick decision "spectacular insanity"

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Seriously, that's about the one time where going for two makes sense because what does overtime even matter in that spot? Might as well go for the jugular.

It's not like Washington's first round pick gets affected.

Sounds like Shanahan is daring Snyder to fire him. Between this, some odd game management from a very-seasoned head coach, and the handling of Griffin....looks like Shanahan's drawing a line in the sand.

So he'll either get fired, collect $7 million, and get to coach somewhere else next year (and his name's been tossed around some for the Texas gig)....or he keeps his job.

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I don't remember if it was in 2010 or 2011 (I think it was '11), but the Saints laid a stink bomb in St. Louis against a team that ultimately finished 2-14, I believe.

The 2013 Rams aren't as bad, but this is just as bad a stinkbomb, and at a very inopportune time, as it is giving Carolina a reprieve for last week if the result holds. New Orleans holds the cards in the event of a tie, but if they are tied going into next week, well, they won't be tied after the week ends (screw ties).



Yep, not so fast on that. Sheldon Richardson(!) touchdown and the Jets are still in this game.


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Raiders are making a game of it against KC. They were down 35-10, have brought it to 35-31. The once feared Chiefs defense looks awful, save for some early turnovers.

edit: And then Charles gets TD #5 and puts KC up 42-31.


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Seriously, that's about the one time where going for two makes sense because what does overtime even matter in that spot? Might as well go for the jugular.

It's not like Washington's first round pick gets affected.

Sounds like Shanahan is daring Snyder to fire him. Between this, some odd game management from a very-seasoned head coach, and the handling of Griffin....looks like Shanahan's drawing a line in the sand.

So he'll either get fired, collect $7 million, and get to coach somewhere else next year (and his name's been tossed around some for the Texas gig)....or he keeps his job.

I don't get why Snyder would be so upset about firing Shanahan and paying him $7 Million, this is the same guy who handed Albert Haynesworth $100 Million.

File:Virginia Tech Hokies logo.svg


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Oh how I love it when Dallas goes into full Dallas-mode. A perfect day would be a Packers comeback to take the lead followed by a Romo INT to kill all hope.

EDIT: Speak of the devil. Here's hoping it holds up under review. Oh well. It was a good call.






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This season has been such a roller coaster for the Pats. I know people get pissed when you complain about the refs after a loss, but COME ON. I don't even know what pass interference is any more. In both the Carolina and Miami games, the Pats should have had the ball on the 1 yard line with time to run 1 play. Instead, the refs blew both calls. It is so frustrating having that happen. Granted we shouldn't have gotten to those positions in the first place, but the fact is that the refs blew two crucial calls in those games. I hate it when refs call the game differently at the end of the game. If it is a penalty on the first play of the game, it is a penalty on the last play of the game.

EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


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Have my eyes deceived me? Are the Cowboys using their press-man coverage corners in press-man coverage??

Like you would know the difference?

I don't even know what pass interference is any more.

Neither do the officials - thus the problem.






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This season has been such a roller coaster for the Pats. I know people get pissed when you complain about the refs after a loss, but COME ON. I don't even know what pass interference is any more. In both the Carolina and Miami games, the Pats should have had the ball on the 1 yard line with time to run 1 play. Instead, the refs blew both calls. It is so frustrating having that happen. Granted we shouldn't have gotten to those positions in the first place, but the fact is that the refs blew two crucial calls in those games. I hate it when refs call the game differently at the end of the game. If it is a penalty on the first play of the game, it is a penalty on the last play of the game.

EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


Pats fans have no room to complain after what happened last week.
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This season has been such a roller coaster for the Pats. I know people get pissed when you complain about the refs after a loss, but COME ON. I don't even know what pass interference is any more. In both the Carolina and Miami games, the Pats should have had the ball on the 1 yard line with time to run 1 play. Instead, the refs blew both calls. It is so frustrating having that happen. Granted we shouldn't have gotten to those positions in the first place, but the fact is that the refs blew two crucial calls in those games. I hate it when refs call the game differently at the end of the game. If it is a penalty on the first play of the game, it is a penalty on the last play of the game.

EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


Pats fans have no room to complain after what happened last week.

The fact that the refs blew a call last week does not mean that any blown call against the Pats this week is justified. The fact is that they missed a call, and no amount of previous calls in our favor can change that. Also, if you want to play the "refs always help the Pats" card, I suggest you look at the end of the Pats-Panthers game.

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EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


Pats fans have no room to complain after what happened last week.

Last week was the make-up call for waived-off PI on Gronk in Carolina. Thus, Ma$$hole bitching stemming from today's Miami game IS allowed.


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It's games like these that really make me hate Garrett/Callahan/Jones. It really makes me wonder if Jerry is somehow trying to force his golden boys into better stats.

He's clearly trying to get Romo his stats. Up nearly four touchdowns and you start going spread? For what purpose? Damn this team sometimes.


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