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Massive thank you to the St Louis Rams for what you just did to the Saints.

The schedule shaped up for this team to be postseason trolls. I'm glad the Edward Jones Dome continues to be a chamber of horrors for the Saints. Excelsior!


On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Wasteful Cincinnati tonight condemns them back to the #3 with a looser grasp than they had at the start of the week.

Freaking Indy actually still has an outside chance at the #2 and a bye at this point. Gee whiz, what the hell happened to the best teams in the AFC this week?

What if I told you that the Ravens can still win the AFC North if they win out? Yeah, a little more motivation for Baltimore's final three games, all because of tonight's stinker in Pittsburgh.

There's a lot to try and figure out heading into the matchups of Week 16, but a great deal of that won't be known until the result of tomorrow nights game. The Monday Night game isn't a gem as far as the teams involved, but it does hold a ton of playoff weight, and ESPN will probably be glad about that. Their final game is 4-10 Atlanta vs. 10-4 SF, so that one won't hold nearly as much.

Given Seattle's season, the 49ers can only get a home-playoff game as the #5 seed and they play the #6 in the NFC championship. More than likely, ESPN will run a sap-fest of what, in all likelihood, will be San Francisco's final game at Candlestick. Look for their MNF crew to be more reflective than concurrent with the actual game coverage.

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Maybe they can, but I have difficulty seeing Cincinnati slipping up at home next week against Minnesota. Criticize Andy Dalton, criticize the play calling (there's a ton of that going around; hey, anyone seen Gio Bernard?), whatever, but the Bengals are 6-0 at home this season and have consistently shown excellent offensive capabilities. Minnesota has played some real tough games against their foes in the last month, but I'm not seeing it being enough next week. I think the East and North see their resolutions in the AFC next week.

If Baltimore trips up against Detroit, then their game with New England may well be a must win game.

There's legit potential for the AFC to be wrapped up, virtually entirely, come Week 17. This potential does not exist in the NFC.


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Not quite. If my math serves me correctly, the Patriots are still owed one.


Why? That's a penalty. It's hardly New England getting screwed when the player was very clearly doing what the rule very clearly says he can't do.

The call was verrrry ticky-tack. Many people thought the entire thing was BS, including myself.

But not to worry. The Patiots will be handed their final make-up call this postseason -- one which could possibly vault Brady over Peyton, again. B)


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Not quite. If my math serves me correctly, the Patriots are still owed one.


Why? That's a penalty. It's hardly New England getting screwed when the player was very clearly doing what the rule very clearly says he can't do.

The call was verrrry ticky-tack. Many people thought the entire thing was BS, including myself.

But not to worry. The Patiots will be handed their final make-up call this postseason -- one which could possibly vault Brady over Peyton, again. B)

"Ticky tacky"? Its a rule... clear as day. You can't push another player towards the line of scrimmage on a field goal. Additionally, it was a rule change that was requested by the players association.

The fact that you're even arguing that a clear violation of a rule being called a penalty somehow screwed the Patriots is astounding to me.


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I call it Romo's Song

“Wake Me Up When December Ends"

Thanksgiving has come and passed
The NFC East is the Cowboys to win

wake me up when December ends

like I have in previous years past
the defense has picked off my to pass
wake me up when December ends

here comes the collapse again
falling from first place
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as the fans memory rests
but never forgets the games I lost
wake me up when December ends

Thanksgiving has come and passed
the defense just picked off a pass
wake me up when December ends

Tony Romo has choked again
like he did last year
wake me up when December ends

here comes collapse again
falling from first place
Romo has choked
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when December ends



For the best in sports history go to the Sports E-Cyclopedia at



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The hate that some people have for the Patriots here is astounding. You would think that they killed some people's families, lol. The whole "the Patriots got a pass Week X, so it's ok they got screwed Week Y" argument seems a bit worthless and nitpicky, imo (if you don't agree, cool). A blown call is a blown call regardless, and there's been aplenty in the NFL this season whether it's benefit your team or their opponent.


College sports as we know them are just about dead. The lid is off on all the corruption that taints just about every major program and every decision that the schools or the NCAA make is only about money, money, and more money. We'll have three 16+ team super-conferences sooner rather than later, killing much of the regional flair and traditional rivalries that make college sports unique and showing the door to any school that doesn't bring money to the table in the process. Pretty soon the smaller schools are going to have to consider forming their own sanctioning body to keep the true spirit of college sports alive because the NCAA will only get worse in it's excess from here
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The hate that some people have for the Patriots here is astounding. You would think that they killed some people's families, lol. The whole "the Patriots got a pass Week X, so it's ok they got screwed Week Y" argument seems a bit worthless and nitpicky, imo (if you don't agree, cool). A blown call is a blown call regardless, and there's been aplenty in the NFL this season whether it's benefit your team or their opponent.

The point is that the Patriots have benefited from as many blown calls this season as they've been hurt by. So to come on here after the game and "blah, blah, blah should've been a penalty we got screwed!" is just ridiculous. Yeah, boo-hoo, it hurt your team this game -- you weren't blasting the officials when their blown call helped your team.


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How does Jason Garrett still have a job? He is a terrible head coach. I know Romo was horrible at the end but why did Garrett go away from Murray in the 2nd half?

I know one thing...football is, above all else, a game of mistakes. The Pokes simply made the key mistake of deciding the second half was the best time to display their best impersonation of the 92 Oilers defense. Or perhaps coach Garrett had no idea what to give Dom Capers for Xmas before deciding that straying from a stupidly effective run game would be just the thing. You know, so the Pack sieve defense could be spared further embarrassment or something.

I say this as a Packer fan, Green Bay should have lost this game, furious comeback aside. That's clear to anybody who watched the whole thing. That Dallas didn't so much as force a field goal in the second half, let alone a punt, is a damning indictment on their defense. If they'd forced even one FG in the second half, the Cowboys win. Simple as that. Hell, if Garrett, or Bill Callahan or whoever the hell was calling the offense didn't get the oh so brilliant idea of suddenly ignoring a Peterson-esque rushing effort, Dallas wins. Instead, Matt Flynn looks like he channeled the spirit of Frank Reich, sans snow, and the Pack's playoff hopes remain on life support with #12 likely returning to action next week rather than being shut down. Yes, I know Frank Reich is alive and well.

On unrelated notes, I applaud the Dolphins' sabotage of the Patriots. And Jay Cutler...I know Marshall's your guy and all, but PLEASE take a page out of the book of McCown...do not forget about the Alshon. The world needs more Alshon. Hell, the world needs an Alshon Drake Hands video.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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How does Jason Garrett still have a job? He is a terrible head coach. I know Romo was horrible at the end but why did Garrett go away from Murray in the 2nd half?

I know one thing...football is, above all else, a game of mistakes. The Pokes simply made the key mistake of deciding the second half was the best time to display their best impersonation of the 92 Oilers defense. Or perhaps coach Garrett had no idea what to give Dom Capers for Xmas before deciding that straying from a stupidly effective run game would be just the thing. You know, so the Pack sieve defense could be spared further embarrassment or something.

I say this as a Packer fan, Green Bay should have lost this game, furious comeback aside. That's clear to anybody who watched the whole thing. That Dallas didn't so much as force a field goal in the second half, let alone a punt, is a damning indictment on their defense. If they'd forced even one FG in the second half, the Cowboys win. Simple as that. Hell, if Garrett, or Bill Callahan or whoever the hell was calling the offense didn't get the oh so brilliant idea of suddenly ignoring a Peterson-esque rushing effort, Dallas wins. Instead, Matt Flynn looks like he channeled the spirit of Frank Reich, sans snow, and the Pack's playoff hopes remain on life support with #12 likely returning to action next week rather than being shut down. Yes, I know Frank Reich is alive and well.

I don't think Jerry wants to fire Jason Garrett. What if they won their last two games and the Eagles lost to the Bears? They can still win the division at 9-7. Now the question is, what team is the city of Los Angeles backing up now if the Cowboys keep losing? The Raiders have another losing record! The Rams beat the Saints, and Dallas still has a shot despite Romo choking. I thought Green Bay couldn't come back to win! And I also thought that Cincy was going to comeback and beat the Steelers. Boy was I wrong!

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Great time to lay an egg.

I hate when doofy special teams plays doom your team.


and the Bengals lose arguably their most important player for the rest of the season because of some random Pittsburgh special teamer.


You can cancel any super bowl plans for the Bengals. I :censored:ing hate the Pittsburgh Steelers.


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Lions negate an entire game's worth of field goals from the Ravens. Stupid, silly sport.

Edit: Holy hell. That was an incredible kick.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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