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Donald Sterling: Don't Bring Black People to My Games


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i wouldn't be surprised if Silver and Selig are having a conversation about this

I would be, because Bud Selig these days doesn't seem able to do any thinking more critical than "I made poo pants." Seriously, guy's knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door here.

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I went out and was banging a 17 year old when I was 30 and it was awesome. I guess according to you that makes me a child molester, right?

Well... um... yes?

In most states, that makes you a rapist.

Off topic but its totally weird that each state is different right?

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I went out and was banging a 17 year old when I was 30 and it was awesome. I guess according to you that makes me a child molester, right?

Well... um... yes?

In most states, that makes you a rapist.

Off topic but its totally weird that each state is different right?

Weird, but not unexpected... you're basically drawing an arbitrary line between childhood and adulthood.

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Yeah, I stopped reading after "The greatest franchise in the league" was bandied about. I think that was sentence number two.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Most interesting part to think about as the world closes in on Sterling:

While this might fall short of Keith Olbermann's wish for a defining, dramatic walkout moment on the level of Tommie Smith and John Carlos in Mexico City, that's a huge gesture in professional sports. It's even bigger in a sport where just three years ago ownership locked out players for their refusal to take a revenue cut, then large numbers of fans blamed the latter anyway, because many of them echo the attitude Sterling evinced when he said he "gives" them clothes and cars and houses -- who see every tatted arm and cornrowed head and assume some thug is getting a free ride.

The piece linked therein from the Newark Star-Ledger is also choice:


Adam Silver has a parade of laudable business partners that he inherited from his morally ambiguous predecessor, David Stern.

The new NBA commissioner has a business partner in Washington who doesn’t know the difference between a tax code and "class warfare," who bribes bloggers, slugs fans, bulldozes the neighboring Chinatown population into Virginia so he can help put up more Hooters, and asserts that we should all be grateful for the privilege of subsidizing his team.

He has a business partner in Orlando who is so righteous he has poured millions into anti-gay marriage initiatives, because gays "keep asking for favors" and "special treatment," and marriage is "not vital to them, in my opinion."

He has a business partner in Cleveland that made billions in the mortgage business, many of them by passing subprime loans along to the ultimate thieves, Countrywide, which greased the derivative machine that helped destroy the global economy.

He has a business partner in Oklahoma City who made his billions through fracking, which has been linked to everything from toxic drinking water to earthquakes to climate change, and then screwed landowners out of their royalties when business went bad.

He has a business partner in Brooklyn who is an oligarch, that special kind of patriot who uses political connections to grab billions in state-owned assets for micropennies on the dollar, leaving much of the population to starve in the feudal cesspool left behind.

And yes, he has a business partner in Los Angeles who is a slumlord that refused to rent to minorities because they are "not desirable tenants," and because "black tenants smell and attract vermin," and "Mexicans sit around and drink all day," leading to a humongous settlement of a federal housing lawsuit; and who has some scary attitudes toward women, which has led to harassment suits and yet more settlements.

We’re not here to put Donald Sterling’s racism on a scale with other social sins practiced by Silver’s business partners, which stretch from here to Seattle.

We can only remind you that everyone already knew that Sterling was a despicable human being. If you didn't know it, you simply weren't paying attention, or – like Stern and Silver and everyone else in the NBA – you chose not to care.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Magic Johnson and his group want to buy the team.


While I hope this happens, realistically, Sterling is too irrational and stubborn to sell the team on his own. The league would need to sieze the team from him, which may or may not be allowed under the league's bylaws (we don't know for sure because they're not publicly available). Even then, the NBA is in for a major battle in court because Sterling is too litigious to just shut up and leave.

Unfortunately, I feel like the NBA will chicken out and just fine/suspend him, which does nothing but give the league positive PR. Then they're in for an even bigger headache this summer as coaches want out and players demand for their contracts to be voided.

To be honest, I'm still supporting the team and all the good people associated with it for the rest if the playoff run, but I think that will be it for my fandom unless a miracle happens and the team gets sold after all.


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Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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Magic Johnson and his group want to buy the team.


While I hope this happens, realistically, Sterling is too irrational and stubborn to sell the team on his own. The league would need to sieze the team from him, which may or may not be allowed under the league's bylaws (we don't know for sure because they're not publicly available). Even then, the NBA is in for a major battle in court because Sterling is too litigious to just shut up and leave.

Unfortunately, I feel like the NBA will chicken out and just fine/suspend him, which does nothing but give the league positive PR. Then they're in for an even bigger headache this summer as coaches want out and players demand for their contracts to be voided.

To be honest, I'm still supporting the team and all the good people associated with it for the rest if the playoff run, but I think that will be it for my fandom unless a miracle happens and the team gets sold after all.

If Magic Johnson is part of a group that buys the Clippers, does that mean the Clippers would no longer hide the Lakers banners?


Are you sure it wasn't the black guy who brought the white guy to the game?

I saw, I came, I left.

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I feel like an ownership group that buys the Clippers would create one of the most hilarious fanbase unions possibly ever conceived, at least on one side of it. How could Lakers fans dislike the Clippers under such a circumstance?

You would be shocked at how many Laker fans hate Magic. Mostly Kobe-era fans who don't like how critical he's been of their franchise as an analyst. Rest assured, they'd still hate the Clippers with Magic as owner.


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I can't imagine that any Laker fans hate Magic. Most of his criticism has been directed at Jim Buss, and it's the same stuff the fans are saying.

Also it's worth noting that while the league probably can't actually force Sterling to sell the team, we all know what he cares about most is money. As sponsors keep pulling out, and Rivers resigns, and players refuse to play, he could be indirectly forced to sell because the brand of the franchise will have been ruined. Even the most stubborn person would have to admit that at some point it's best to get out while the gettin's good.

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This is one of the worst articles I've ever read:


Leave it to Lakers fans to try to turn this into an opportunity to kick Clipper fans while we're more down than we've ever been.

Way to be classy Laker fan. So Clipper fans are hypocrites and racism supporters? Well I guess by that logic you support/worship a player that is at minimum, an adulterer. At most, a suspected rapist. That's how this works right?

It don't matter if Jesus himself owned the Clippers because of jerkoffs like this so called writer. So high up on his Laker horse he can't imagine a world where someone actually doesn't like the Lakers. The Lakers and their fans need to go away for a lil bit because their services aren't required this postseason. This is so maddening.

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I feel like I know what that writer was getting at, but the degree of Laker-pumping that went into it was, put mildly, over the top and could've been kept in moderation a lot better than it actually was. It's very easy to imagine somebody being born in LA and not being a Lakers fan; they simply weren't drawn to the team, for reasons that are specific only to them and don't need any justification.

I mean, I'm such a weird example speaking personally; if I had been born in NY, I'm 80% sure I would've been a Mets fan growing up. I happened to be born into a family with Yankee fans, and it was inbred in me before I had a chance to think otherwise (and it's way too late for me to go back on it now). Just because the Lakers are the big brother team of Los Angeles doesn't mean that everybody born in or around LA/Orange County who likes basketball is born to being a Laker fan. Does it suck to be a fan of a team with an owner or ownership group that acts like it couldn't give a :censored: , or conducts their business in the vein of a chicken with its head cut off? Of course it does. But I cannot agree with this idea that if we support the team, we support the owner; the transitive property doesn't work that way. We support the laundry and if we like the owner, we're probably going to like looking at the laundry more and we're probably going to get the chance to see the laundry more in important games. That's how I see it.


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This is one of the worst articles I've ever read:http://www.silverscreenandroll.com/2014/4/27/5658902/donald-sterling-and-the-hypocrisy-of-the-clippers-fan-base

Leave it to Lakers fans to try to turn this into an opportunity to kick Clipper fans while we're more down than we've ever been.

Way to be classy Laker fan. So Clipper fans are hypocrites and racism supporters? Well I guess by that logic you support/worship a player that is at minimum, an adulterer. At most, a suspected rapist. That's how this works right?

It don't matter if Jesus himself owned the Clippers because of jerkoffs like this so called writer. So high up on his Laker horse he can't imagine a world where someone actually doesn't like the Lakers. The Lakers and their fans need to go away for a lil bit because their services aren't required this postseason. This is so maddening.

Didn't Sterling give Jerry Buss some of the funds needed to buy the Lakers?

That makes the Lakers tied to Sterling because if it wasn't for Sterling Dr. Buss would have never owned them.

2nn48xofg0hms8k326cqdmuis.gifUnited States (2016 - Pres)7204.gif144.gif

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I can't imagine that any Laker fans hate Magic. Most of his criticism has been directed at Jim Buss, and it's the same stuff the fans are saying.

Also it's worth noting that while the league probably can't actually force Sterling to sell the team, we all know what he cares about most is money. As sponsors keep pulling out, and Rivers resigns, and players refuse to play, he could be indirectly forced to sell because the brand of the franchise will have been ruined. Even the most stubborn person would have to admit that at some point it's best to get out while the gettin's good.

Sterling's delusional. He probably would welcome Doc and the players leaving because then he can go back to being cheap again. This guy has no concept of guilt or shame. There's no chance he willingly sells.

As far as I'm concerned, the NBA can go ahead and contract the franchise after the season because there's no point to it existing. Call it an exaggeration but it might simply be the only solution to this mess. I can safely say this is the most screwed any sports franchise could ever be, and it makes the Stepien Cavs look like child's play.


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