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International Football League: Version 3.0

Julius Seizure

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I think you should name the Moscow team the Moscow Stars in reference to their space history.

If you choose Melbounre over Sydney then you should name them the Melbourne Bushrangers. If you choose Sydney then you should name them the Sydney Warraths or the Sydney Kookaburrahs.

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I think you should name the Moscow team the Moscow Stars in reference to their space history.

If you choose Melbounre over Sydney then you should name them the Melbourne Bushrangers. If you choose Sydney then you should name them the Sydney Warraths or the Sydney Kookaburrahs.

what is a warratath?

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Looks like I need to brush up on my geography! I might drop Moscow and go with Mumbai or Seoul.

In the meantime, a revamped wordmark and new helmet shot for the Vipers, and a prototype for the Athens Tritons!!

Have at it!



I love the logos but I feel like you have to much blue to have a blue helmet if this was real. Also I would move the snake coming from down below the ear hole. At least I think that would look better. Great work on this league. I have been working on my league behind the scenes & hope to relaunch soon to finally complete.

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I think you should name the Moscow team the Moscow Stars in reference to their space history.

If you choose Melbounre over Sydney then you should name them the Melbourne Bushrangers. If you choose Sydney then you should name them the Sydney Warraths or the Sydney Kookaburrahs.

what is a warratath?

A warratah is known as the New South Wales warratah and is a pinky-red coloured plant.

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I think you should name the Moscow team the Moscow Stars in reference to their space history.

If you choose Melbounre over Sydney then you should name them the Melbourne Bushrangers. If you choose Sydney then you should name them the Sydney Warraths or the Sydney Kookaburrahs.

what is a warratath?

A warratah is known as the New South Wales warratah and is a pinky-red coloured plant.

isnt that the name of a Sydney rugby team though? i dont think it would roll in the real world. but i like bush rangers (with a ned kelly style logo)

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This is incredible stuff. To me, this is above the level that NFL P had in creating the identities for the WLAF and later NFL E.

Only one thing. It is universally agreed that Munich, despite the success of the GFL's Munich Cowboys, would not work. Everyone I have talked to - even the most diehard of fans, would say that only Bayern Munchen draws.

Successful European cities would be Bologna (even ex-BC Lions' coach Wally Buono said he would have loved to coach an NFL E team there), Vienna or Salzburg (because of Red Bull), and Geneva.

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Detroit Sounds (or, Motor City Sounds) - Detroit's rich and diverse musical heritage has spanned R&B, Jazz, Rock, Hip-Hop, and the Pop-influenced Soul of the so-called "Motown Sound".

Motor City Machine(s)

Motor City Mayhem


Hawai'i Nightmarchers - Nightmarchers (huaka'i po in Hawai'ian) are the ghosts of ancient Hawai'ian warriors who march to the sites of past battles at night.

Hawai'i Niuhi (or, Honolulu Niuhi) - Niuhi is the Hawai'ian term for man-eating sharks, particularly the tiger-shark.

Honolulu Pueos - The Pueo is a species of owl native to the Hawai'ian Islands. In Hawai'ian culture, 'aumakua (ancestor spirits) were known to manifest themselves as Pueo.


Melbourne Bushrangers

Victoria Bushrangers


Moscow All-Tsars (or, Все-Царь Москва)

Moscow Bears (or, Медведи Москва)

Moscow Super-Tsars (or, Супер-Царь Москва)

Russia All-Tsars (or, Все-Царь Россия)

Russia Bears (or, Медведи Россия)

Russia Super-Tsars (or, Супер-Царь Россия)


Seattle Cutthroats - A species of trout - Native to the Pacific Northwest - with distinctive markings of red, orange, and pink along the underside of the jawbone and the lower gills. Hence, the name.

Seattle Sasquatch

Seattle Steelheads - "Steelhead" are the silver-to-steel blue-colored ocean-going form of Rainbow Trout.


Sydney Kookaburras

Sydney Man o' Wars

Sydney Rock (or, Sydney Rockers)

Sydney Spiders - The male Sydney Funnel-web Spider is the most dangerous in Australia, and considered one of the most dangerous in the world.


Toronto Loyalists

The name for the Hawai'ian team is awesome. NFL Properties made some major, major mistakes when it came to branding the teams. For example, the Barcelona Dragons were a great name, but NFL P wanted the colors to be navy or royal, gold and red, to which the team said "uh, no. Dragons are dark green". Then there is the infamous logo for the Berlin Thunder. They nailed the Sea Devils and Centurions (roman influence and history in Cologne). But, in the European football leagues, the Geneva Seahawks and the Vienna Vikings? I do like the Budapest Black Wolves though.

I've found that either the unusual (Frankfurt Galaxy, Frankfurt Universe) works well or traditional, history-based names work well.

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Sorry fellas, school has been super busy the last two weeks.

A couple of updates for ya. A revised Crusaders logo, and a tweak on the Vipers helmet:



I also did some sketching and came up with a potential redeux of the Blazers flame:


More logos coming soon! Working on Moscow, and a hornet logo (The Utah/Salt Lake Swarm?)

Founder and Commissioner, World Gridiron

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Wow I like all the updates except the Barons. I like the old Barons logo, it looks much better. The new Swarm logo is pretty sweet, great color scheme, but yes the W does look odd. New Vipers helmet is the best and I absolutely love the new Chi Town helmet and flame.

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