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2023-'24 NHL season

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, ruttep said:

It definitely isn't true, but by far the funniest rumor I've ever heard in hockey involving Corey Perry and Connor Bedard was all over Twitter today.

Well, something happened apparently…



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34 minutes ago, LMU said:

Well, something happened apparently…



It's tricky because you don't want to substantiate the ridiculous rumours by acknowledging them, but at the same time you need to make sure you're protecting the 18 year old face of your franchise from harassment. They have a presser called for 4 pm CT, so we'll see if they say anything more than what was in the statement.

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So, try to quash the Mrs. Bedard rumor by giving a presser so emotional (but insisting that no laws were broken) that you come out of it thinking Perry did something even worse… that’ll shut them up!


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3 minutes ago, LMU said:

So, try to quash the Mrs. Bedard rumor by giving a presser so emotional (but insisting that no laws were broken) that you come out of it thinking Perry did something even worse… that’ll shut them up!

Yeah seriously I'm left wondering what Corey Perry could possibly have done here to get his contract terminated. It was clear from the start that the Bedard rumor was not true, but it was too hilarious not to play into. Hopefully we get answers soon.

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1 hour ago, Cujo said:

So Perry smashed or tried to smash a Blackhawks staff member.


Moving on.


I have to think that it's either that or possibly some sort of substance issue and he refused treatment? Neither of those things necessarily have to rise to or result in a criminal matter.


As a Ducks fan, Perry never was labelled as an off-ice problem nor problematic person, if anything he was made fun of by other Ducks teammates for being quiet/milquetoast, and every team he's played on during his current journeyman phase has seemed to make him out to be a great veteran presence.


I guess it really does only take one incident/opportunity for a person to do something wrong.


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It's interesting that the entire hockey world pounced on the Connor Bedard's mom rumor and had great fun with it. When it's conventional wisdom that all hockey players are insatiable sexual degenerates, you know, maybe that's why people didn't believe Kyle Beach when he said he didn't like it when a guy sucked him off. So are we criticizing this or reveling in it?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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15 hours ago, monkeypower said:

I have to think that it's either that or possibly some sort of substance issue and he refused treatment? Neither of those things necessarily have to rise to or result in a criminal matter.


As a Ducks fan, Perry never was labelled as an off-ice problem nor problematic person, if anything he was made fun of by other Ducks teammates for being quiet/milquetoast, and every team he's played on during his current journeyman phase has seemed to make him out to be a great veteran presence.


I guess it really does only take one incident/opportunity for a person to do something wrong.


If it were some sort of substance issue I'm sure he'd be going into the Player Assistance Program rather than having his contract terminated. Based on the fact that this was called a "workplace matter" which didn't involve any teammates or criminal acts, it seems like some sort of harassment of a team employee.


It feels like the kind of thing that might've just been swept under the rug in the past, but the new Blackhawks regime needs to make it clear that they won't be tolerating any sort of questionable behaviour from anyone within the organization.

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According to sources, an alcohol-fueled incident involving Perry was alleged to have occurred during an event that included corporate partners and team employees in attendance. It remains unclear what allegedly took place, who witnessed it, and who reported it to the team.




From Frank Seravalli today. Wonder how the presence of corporate partners influenced the Blackhawks' decision making here.

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9 minutes ago, LMU said:

He’s very sorry for the thing that nobody will actually come forward to say he did and will only rule out a limited subset of offended/victims.


Yes, Corey Perry. Blame the alcohol and not yourself.


Assuming he didn't lay pipe to a teammate's mother -- ima assume he send lewd texts/pics to a 'Hawks staffer.


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