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It used to feel odd to say, but i'm on JQK's side on this one. Totally.

It doesnt seem like advanced math to me...

Annoying + pointless + harrassing + telling mods what to do + refuses to change behavior = no need to be on the board.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Annoying + pointless + harrassing + telling mods what to do + refuses to change behavior = no need to be on the board.

Agreed, but just the same, there are about a dozen of us who have been doing even more harrassing than Craven has recently. Why not work through the proper channels, and get them to take care of problems? You may say it doesn't work, but have we ever really tried that? All that's been missing lately is the burning torches and the pitchforks, really.

I think you guys are all really great individuals with the best of intentions for our community, but can't you see you're doing more harm than good when you go about things in this way? I believe Chris has quite a bit of backbone... if he didn't, he'd have caved long ago to the board veterans' demands for Craven's removal.

While I sense it may be more widespread than it actually is, JQK brought it up, so I might as well address it. It isn't about being a board veteran. It's about who will most responsibly uphold what our community stands for... and if the veterans aren't doing that, props to Creamer for not giving in. Perhaps he has loyalty to the community and what it stands for in addition to its members. There's been a lot of immature behaviour from veterans and non-veterans alike in the past little while. Should the courts abandon their ideal of "blind justice" in favour of supporting the senior party?

In a world full of starving children, is JamesCraven really a problem getting all worked up over? Remember for the next time there's a problem like this. If you encouraged Chris to deal with the situation and explained to him your perspective with as much zeal as we've confronted Craven with, I have a feeling this would've come to a much better, quicker, cleaner conclusion.

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I was in the midst of typing this when SyPhi was composing his post, so I apologize for the emotional tone of what follows. Still, it comes from the heart and I'd like to share it with the community.

Come on guys. We've got the "Ignore" button now. Is it necessary to attack Chris in public posts on the site that he launched, that he maintains and that he manages to the best of his ability, out of the goodness of his heart?

I know, I know... I'm going to be accused of trying to set myself up as the "morality police", or assuming the role of the "board's father", or "getting up on a soapbox". If you're so inclined, blast away.

However, doesn't anybody in this community think that it is truly reprehensible to pile-on Chris at this point? What the hell do you want him to do? Put everybody's membership and continued participation in this community - including his own, apparently - up to a public vote? The majority can rule on who "deserves" to be a member of the CCSLB? When in God's name is this witch-hunt going to end? Does Chris need to publicly "apologize" for handling this situation the best way he knew how? Do you want him to take his name off of the Boards and hand them over to the so-called "veterans" to do with it what they will?

I can honestly say that I NEVER thought that I'd see this community sink to this level. I just didn't believe that the membership of this community was capable of this type of sustained vitriolic intolerance. I mean, we've all had differences with each other at one time or another, but I can honestly say that I never foresaw a day when I would feel like I do now. I've laughed with you guys... marvelled at your designs... looked forward to your next post. Now, I honestly feel as though someone has broken into your homes and is posting in your places. Believe me when I say that it is tearing me up inside to type this. I'm not posting this to lecture anybody. I just feel tremendously disappointed right now and I don't know what else to do.

Can't we just let this go? For the good of the community, I'm asking you guys to put this behind us. You're all bigger than this... I know that... I've seen it in you.

Wow. I'm just completely depressed right now.

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The problem here is that this ceased to be a board, and was labled a "Community"....

We've lost our way. We are not a community.

We are people, who have a few minuets a day, to sit around and bullsh-t on a message board. I'm not trying to build a great society, or deal with problems in a non-offensive way, as everyone here seems to want to do.

I just want to surf a message board, talk about Logos and sports, and maybe some other non-related crap, and move on with my day.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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I just want to surf a message board, talk about Logos and sports, and maybe some other non-related crap, and move on with my day.

Then I suggest that's what you do... talk about sports, talk about logos, then move on with your day, you don't have to live here -- you don't have to make enemies here -- you don't have to do anything, I simply ask that everyone gets treated with equal amounts of respect, whether they are popular or not.

Sure, I tend to sway to longtime loyal posters (c'mon JQK you'd have been banned long ago if I didn't sway, you know that, everyone knows that), but I try my best to stand on that neutral line, assess the situation properly, and make what I think is the right decision.

You may disagree with me, I don't want 100% of people to agree with me all the time, that'd be creepy.

Following the incident with mojoto I assembled a commitee to help reach decisions for me in cases where I might not be making the right call, I have heard nothing from this commitee since they were assembled regarding JamesCraven.

Please remember, I am but one man, one man who's goal in life is to just make as many people happy as possible, and try to do what's right in the world. Does that sound a little corny? Sure it does... but do you think I can get a wink of sleep at night if I even think that just one person out there is mad at me? Why else am I awake at 2:35 in the morning?

If I'm not allowed to do my best for what I think is right, on a board with my name on it, that was built from nothing to the megaplex it is today, with years of work put into it (and starting this month, my hard earned cash)... then what can i do? Can I do anything? Should I even bother trying anymore?

I can't figure out this world, it's just not for me.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Well, I did have something to say, but Mr. Creamer came on MSN and told me he was waiting for me to say something. So I about-faced and fooled him.

My motto in life is "I am." Everyone has a destiny, and it of course will be mapped out based on everything you in life. Nobody does know what their destiny is yet, unless you are an extremely excellent guesser. You will never learn what your destiny was until the moment you die. You will die the way you are going to die. Of that, there is no doubt. Until that point though, your destiny isn't completely decided. You could, while seemingly on your deathbed, feeling that your destiny in life was to be a good blue-collar worker and raise a great familt, get up, run to Washington in the nude and bomb the Whitehouse, fulfilling your destiny as "the guy that bombed the Whitehouse". Only when you die do you realize that you've fulfilled your destiny as whatever the hell you were.

Just remember that as bad you've got it, it could always be worse. The absolute worst is your own death.

Enjoy it while your here. You win some and you lose some. You more you lose, the better you'll feel when you finally win. The more you win, the more secure you'll feel when you finally lose. Don't believe me, ask Ken Jennings.

I wish I smoked weed. Then I'd have an excuse to have typed this.

When life gives you a lemon, why should you make lemonade? How can you make lemonade from one lemon and no other ingredients? Life did not give you water or suger. When life gives you a lemon, you are supposed to suck on it. Why else would life give you a lemon if you didn't suck?

What is wrong with the pot calling the kettle black? What if the kettle is black? What if Black is the kettle's name? What if the pot isn't black either? What if neither of them are black? If they are actually both black, what's wrong with reffering to each other that way? That's like if you walk up a male friend and say "Man!" What's wrong with that? I like being called "The Man". This "pot calling the kettle black", in the meaning that refers to the action of someone calling somebody something deroggatory or unpleasant when they themselves are guilty of being that way, only works under the assumption that both the pot and kettle are already black...but we don't know that. And nobody likes to assume anything. Assuming makes you and ass.

The old saying is usually "To assume means to make an ASS out of U and ME", but really, how does you assuming something make me an ass, especially of the assumption has nothing to do with me?

I mean really people...who farted?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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I am sorry Chris. And i'm sorry that actions i have done have hurt you.

I think what i need to do is just get away from this particular board for a little while.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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"I am sorry Chris. And I'm sorry that actions I have done have hurt you.

"I think what I need to do is just get away from this particular board for a little while."

You should also apologize to me for the remarks you made about my character and personal life.

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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"I am sorry Chris. And I'm sorry that actions I have done have hurt you.

"I think what I need to do is just get away from this particular board for a little while."

You should also apologize to me for the remarks you made about my character and personal life.

Nothing worse than someone asking for an apoliogy from someone who has already showed remorse for his actions.

Craven please please stop ordering people around. If you were a mod then fine, butlast time I checked you aren't. So leave that up to the guys in charge.

Oh and :woot: to all those involved in getting the boards back up. Well done guys!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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"You're like an atomic bomb.  Everyone's just hanging around, having a good time, laughing.  Then you show up, BOOM, everything's dead."

Pot, kettle, black. I believe we have met.

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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