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Worst NFL Uniform Ever


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Well, we tried it in baseball, so, let's go for Pro football. What do you think the worts NFL uniform of all time is?

My vote goes to the 1960-61 Denver Broncos for this charming little number:


It also goes to everything those cokeheads in Irving, TX have ever worn, but that might be team bias.

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Yeah, that's team bias to say Dallas had all the crappy jerseys.

Yeah, that Denver one is very ugly. I would think the Creamsicle jerseys Tampa used to have were really ugly, man. I always wanted to lick the TV whenever I saw Tampa play because they sure looked like Creamsicles. :D


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I know that when you really look at them they aren't as bad as those old Broncos jerseys or a few others, but my vote goes to the current Bills. At least those other jerseys exsisted in a time before color TV and marketing played such a huge role in sports. So overall the Bills dont have the worst ever, but they get points against them becasue of the era in which they debuted. Does any of that make sense?

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Those 1960-61 Broncos win hands down. Vertical sock stripes? Brown and gold? Pairing brown and gold makes me think of a couple other things, and they're not what I would want to associate with my team.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Those 1960-61 Broncos win hands down. Vertical sock stripes? Brown and gold? Pairing brown and gold makes me think of a couple other things, and they're not what I would want to associate with my team.

Well, I'll say it, a wino's underwear.

And here's my page on Hawthorn Hawks of the AFL (Australian Football League)


and while we're doing worst uniforms ever, stop by this little beauty:


Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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I'm with ZapRowsdower8 100%.

Those Broncos' jerseys are putrid, indeed, but my vote goes to the current Bills look because they should know better. I could have understood the Bills monstrocity in 1960...but now,

[Ron Burgundy]That's just dumb![/Ron Burgundy]

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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The best thing about those Broncos jerseys is somebody saved a pair of the vertically stiped socks for posterity and then they burned the rest of the jerseys - socks and all - in a public bonfire.

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Those socks are awful.

I would add to this list the Current Broncos jerseys. I would have no problem with them if it wasn't for the orange stripes. The stripes ruin the jersey. I think they dropped the ball when they changed to these jerseys. I really liked the orange crush ones a whole lot. Just my two pennies.....

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Those socks are awful.

I would add to this list the Current Broncos jerseys. I would have no problem with them if it wasn't for the orange stripes. The stripes ruin the jersey. I think they dropped the ball when they changed to these jerseys. I really liked the orange crush ones a whole lot. Just my two pennies.....

Uhh, the current Broncos uniforms are one of the best in the NFL. They look nice, and they aren't too complicated or busy.

The worst has to go to those first Broncos duds, ICK!

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Like the old White Sox softball unis, I think the brown and gold Denver uniform is in a league by itself. The real competition is for the second ugliest uniform ever. And if you ask me there are a lot to choose from.

Here are my candidates. After Buffalo they are in no particular order.

1. Buffalo's current nightmare.

2. Atlanta. Horrible jerseys thanks to the sleeves, lousy stripes on the pants and a boring helmet.

3. Denver. I agree with whoever said the fix the orange stripes. Lose the goofy stripes on the jersey and pants, fix the helmet stripe and you have a classic uniform. I love the color combo and helmet but they ruined it with the stripes.

4. Arizona. Simply an uglier version of Atlanta with a better helmet.

5. Baltimore. Not entirely (but mostly) awful under normal circumstances. Add those all black things and they have a real shot at the ugliest title. Their logo looks like a soccer team's logo.

6. Seattle: The all blue disasters are the only reason they make the list. Wear white pants with the blue jerseys and they look really good.

I know we were supposed to pick one but with all the ugliness out there it seemed unfair to let one team stand above all the others.

Just my 2 cents.





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Putting things into a historical context, I have to say that those 1960 Broncos uniforms really weren't very "out there" for the time period in which they existed. Therefore, I just don't find them that offensive. Of course, my tastes tend to vary somewhat from the majority of posters here (I for one was a big fan of the old Bucs' uni's).

The present day Bills uniforms get my vote here - there's just way too much going on with those uniforms, the contrast stitching on the yoke is garish, the multiple blues are far more distracting than Dallas's multiple blue/green scheme and the helmet striping is way too much for that concentrated of a space. In this day and age of design, this is just a horribly jumbled package.

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I like the current Bills jerseys, only the home ones though.

The throwbacks blow em out of the water though.

The only things that I would do to improve the current Bills jerseys is to add some black, drop-shadow the numbers and make 'em into vests.



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And remember, the Broncos replaced these uniforms with the the ones that had helmets with the sickly looking horse on them (check out The Helmet Project, one of my favorite Web sites). Ugly begets ugly, at least in this case.

Ahh, the characature horse that looks like it's dodging a shopping cart. What's worse is for the first three games in 1962 the horse on the helmet was brown, then was changed to white. However I do have to say that their 1965 uniforms are some of the coolest I've ever seen, excluding the funny looking horse on the helmet.

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