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Super Bowl XL - The Game Discussion


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[21:38] > !settlefight Seahawks Steelers Superbowl

[21:38] * kdp 12-= A vicious fight has broken out between Seahawks and Steelers

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Today they fight over "Superbowl"

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Who will win shall be decided here and now.

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks has put on their steel capped knuckles

[21:38] * kdp 12-= seeing this, what shall Steelers do?

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers has picked their nose and armed themselved with a snotball

[21:38] * kdp 12-= the two combatants thusly armed charge at each other!

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers is so unlucky that they kill themselves and hands a free victory to Seahawks

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks wins this fight. Steelers should go away and not raise this issue of "Superbowl" again.

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Stats for this fight were:

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks's weapon was worth 3 points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks got 18 skill points and -16 luck points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= vs

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers's weapon was worth 0 points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers got 0 skill points and -9 luck points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Even with luck going against Seahawks, they were still able to defeat Steelers, a truly incredible effort. Respect is owed to them.

What the :censored:?

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[21:38] > !settlefight Seahawks Steelers Superbowl

[21:38] * kdp 12-= A vicious fight has broken out between Seahawks and Steelers

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Today they fight over "Superbowl"

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Who will win shall be decided here and now.

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks has put on their steel capped knuckles

[21:38] * kdp 12-= seeing this, what shall Steelers do?

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers has picked their nose and armed themselved with a snotball

[21:38] * kdp 12-= the two combatants thusly armed charge at each other!

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers is so unlucky that they kill themselves and hands a free victory to Seahawks

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks wins this fight. Steelers should go away and not raise this issue of "Superbowl" again.

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Stats for this fight were:

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks's weapon was worth 3 points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Seahawks got 18 skill points and -16 luck points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= vs

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers's weapon was worth 0 points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Steelers got 0 skill points and -9 luck points

[21:38] * kdp 12-= Even with luck going against Seahawks, they were still able to defeat Steelers, a truly incredible effort. Respect is owed to them.

translation needed, pls...

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As a somewhat unbiased fan coming into this game, it sickens me how much the Steelers were cleary favored by the media and the refs, unfortunately. It was hard to watch. Admittedly, the Seahawks did make some dumb plays, but the Refs werent helping either.

twitter_zps93c9c8f9.png @josh_j12 smbelt_zps438edf04.png

CFA- Fargo Bobcats

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That superbowl was crap. I'll get more excited watching Grey's Anatomy. Jerome Bettis didn't do anything, but'll get his ass kissed. The commercials were lousy, the game was boring.

It was almost Bears-like the way the Seahawk coaching staff dumbly stumbled throughout the game, making awful playcalls and wussing out at every turn. Their offense and defense made mental mistakes like they didn't want to win it. The Refs were awful, but the Seahawks didn't help themselves, and shame on them if they blame it on the officiating.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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To be honest, to say that the refs favored a team is crap. I hate when people say it, no matter what team it is for. Ok, the refs weren't great, but if the Seahawks played a better game, maybe the refs wouldnt have decided the game.

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It's sad when even during the game you cant get over the east coast pitt bias. You would think that would be where it was finally determined fairly on the field of play.


The World Basketball Championship, the Davis Cup, Ryder Cup, Iraq: Every day there's further proof that we, as a nation, are not very good at international competition.

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It's sad when even during the game you cant get over the east coast pitt bias. You would think that would be where it was finally determined fairly on the field of play.

East coast bias?

Oh, of course. There always an east coast bias.

Get over it, don't make excuses, and don't blame the Earth for having Pittsburgh east of Seattle.

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They must have borrowed a college crew for this game, because there were some very questionable calls in this game. It should have ended 17-14, Seattle. There was no interference in the endzone, and Roethlisberger was short of the goalline.

He has to break any part of the goalline, and he clearly touched the front of the white goalline. Sure, he didn't get into the endzone, but he touched the plane of the endzone.

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