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Schwarzenegger wants two teams in L.A.

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It looks like Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger wants not one, but two teams to return to L.A. One for Los Angeles and one for Anaheim. Here is the link.


The proposal will be discussed May 22-24 by the NFL Owners Group.

I know this is kinding of moving too fast by asking this, but does anyone have any ideas for names for either team. What do you think would fit good for teams from L.A.?

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Ahhnold needs to realize that Los Angeles is not the only city in Califohnia he needs to review San Francisco and help them get a new stadium if hes really concerned about NFL teams in his state.



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1 is enough let one team be successful without competion and take the whole large fanbase.

no, no, you need two teams in LA, one for US citizens and one for illegal immigrants.... :D

I saw, I came, I left.

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When did it start to matter what Schwarzenegger wants? He also wants to be President of the United States, which is forbidden by the laws of this nation (and if the law was good enough to keep Alexander Hamilton from ever seeking the office, it ought to be more than good enough to keep the Guvinator out of the White House). Schwarzenegger is just looking to make headlines for something he figures at least one of his constituents can support. He's got enough to worry about without sharing his pipe dreams with the world. <_<

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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1 is enough let one team be successful without competion and take the whole large fanbase.

no, no, you need two teams in LA, one for US citizens and one for illegal immigrants.... :D

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ouch.

LA has already lost two teams. meanwhile, the Niners old bucket is falling apart, and the Chargers have one foot out the door. Not to mention the stadium in Oakland.

Sorry Arnie. Won't happen.

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i think the only way L.A will get a 2 teams would be if the Raider and Chargers move. But having 2 teams in LA wont work just put one in LA and forget about Anahiem.

If the Raiders and Chargers both move to LA, one of them has to switch conferences. And neither team would want to do that.

Besides, I think Arnold is jumping the gun just wanting to bring 2 teams. If Chicago can support one, why can't L.A. be content with just one? They had just the Rams before.

Another thing, the NFL has 32 teams already. You can forget about expansion. If, say, Jacksonville were to lose the Jaguars, that should be it for that city right there. Not saying Jacksonville will lose the Jaguars, but you never know.

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1 is enough let one team be successful without competion and take the whole large fanbase.

no, no, you need two teams in LA, one for US citizens and one for illegal immigrants.... :D

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ouch.

LA has already lost two teams. meanwhile, the Niners old bucket is falling apart, and the Chargers have one foot out the door. Not to mention the stadium in Oakland.

Sorry Arnie. Won't happen.

it seems as though professional football in southern califronia is falling apart, all the while USC has been taking everyone by storm for the last 3 years. Honestly i think USC is good enough to hold LA's attention for quite some time.


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Isn't it nice that all the other problems California was facing have already been taken of so that Gov. Schwarzenegger can now address some of more trivial issues...

Bringing the NFL back to the Los Angeles area should be really low on the priority list.


"Governor, it will take hundreds of millions of dollars to bring an NFL team to Los Angeles, shouldn't we rethink this through? I mean we could spend that kind of money doing something better."

"...Hmmm Ah theenk yur riiiite. Bettah mayk eet TUU teams." :blink:

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Scuse me?

Sorry you couldn't hear. He said, TWO TEAMS. ONE, THEN ANOTHER ONE.

I think you are all forgetting that politics, desrires, sports, commissioners, players, coaches.. none of them matter even one tenth as much as one simple thing:


If they can make money with two teams in LA, they will do it. You have to remember, LA split in two as a market, is still bigger than 25-28 of the other cities that have NFL teams right now.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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1 is enough let one team be successful without competion and take the whole large fanbase.

no, no, you need two teams in LA, one for US citizens and one for illegal immigrants.... :D

Ah... for the US Citizens: The LA Americans

And for illegal immigrants: The LA Mojados


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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Ultimately, I think that Arnold's wish will granted (though, he's not the reason it will happen).

* Both a renovated Los Angeles Coliseum and a new stadium in Anaheim will eventually be homes to NFL franchises.

* While it is possible that both teams will be expansion franchises, I believe that it is likely that one team will be an expansion franchise and the other a relocated team.

* I don't believe that the San Diego Chargers are going to relocate to either Los Angeles or Anaheim. I feel that it is more likely that the Chargers will work out a stadium agreement with either National City or Chula Vista in San Diego County.

* The New Orleans Saints strike me as the most likely NFL franchise to relocate.

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1 is enough let one team be successful without competion and take the whole large fanbase.

no, no, you need two teams in LA, one for US citizens and one for illegal immigrants.... :D

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ouch.

LA has already lost two teams. meanwhile, the Niners old bucket is falling apart, and the Chargers have one foot out the door. Not to mention the stadium in Oakland.

Sorry Arnie. Won't happen.

Yeah well the only reason LA lost 2 teams was because of stadium issues. Well the Bay area may be in the same boat RIGHT NOW!!

Let's move the Niners to Anaheim's new stadium and the Raiders back to the renovated LA Coliseum.

Anaheim's New Stadium Brochure


"New" LA Coliseum newinterior.jpg

SoCal has stadium plans ready to go. NoCal is in trouble!!!

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(and if the law was good enough to keep Alexander Hamilton from ever seeking the office, it ought to be more than good enough to keep the Guvinator out of the White House).

Off topic but I believe Hamilton could have seeked office if he wanted too. At the time of the constitution he was a citizen and was in the country for 14 years. He wasn't 35 at the time the constitution was adopted however after Washington's presidency he was. I don't think he ever got the chance becasue Washington was first for 2 terms, then Adams the vice president for 1 time. Then Jefferson beat Adams for reelection. It was during that election that Hamilton was shot and died at 49 or 47.

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