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Best feature of any arena/ballpark


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Wow!! THAT is awesome. That type of stuff I love! So out of the ordinary. Obviuosly, new arenas can not be built this way anymore. The closest comparison is ball parks fitting within the street lay-outs. Allowing quirky dimensions for the outfield fence and various wall heights.

Sorry, I never made a connection with the OHL's 67s. I referenced it only to being the former home of the Sens. Didn't realize that it was still open.

---By the way: Another favorite was how the upper level of Tiger Stadium would over hang the playing field. Plus the double deck affair, all the way around.

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For me, I've always had a facination with a lot of various sports facilities across the country, and I actually wanted to get into archiecture when I was younger. I actually used make scale models of baseball fields and sports arenas, but unfortuately I could fully finish them. What did inspire me to do that, is that I once saw a book on how to build a scale model of Fenway Park.

As far as sports facilities I've visited over the years, the Great Western Forum (which I live near), Staples Center (10 minutes from work), and the L.A. Coliseum (for a charity football game). The Forum stands out more because of the seating configuration, and how close the seats were to the action (especially when you compare it to Staples today). Staples is a very nice place, and it's always clean, but it's in the same ilk as these new mega-structure, luxury suite-laden arenas that have popped up in recent years.

However, based on the interior settings, aren't there two arenas that isn't more alike than the FedExForum in Memphis and the Charlotte Bobcats Arena?

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Okay, this is likely my baseball bias here (although folks will likely blame me for being a Bears fan), but I just don't get what's so special about Lambeau... I have toured both Lambeau and Reliant Stadium (but not seen games in either), plus seen NFL games at the Metrodome, old Soldier Field (pre-2004 renovation), and the Coliseum in Nashville, and I can't give any a nod as that special. Reliant was pretty neat, as it had the retractable roof, but maybe I need to see a game at Lambeau to get what's so great about it...


Pretty much, but I don't know if you saw it before the renovations or after. Before, it was described, with some justice, as "the world's largest high school stadium." Now, with the atrium, statues, Hall of Fame and more, it's really special.

Then again...changing my earlier post ... the best thing may be the town it's in.


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As for places I've attended games, the formerly named "Ballpark in Arlington" (Texas Rangers) has a cool old-timey manual scoreboard along one outfield wall, and a comical sign (since removed) on the scoreboard reading, "501 feet - Hit one here and win a free suit" or something close to that.

Yeah, I remeber that. I wonder, did anybody ever win a free suit? Another thing I like about the Ballpark is the Southwest Airlines sign. Whenever the Rangers get a hit, the H in Southwest lights up and when the opposing team gets an error, the E lights up.




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Okay, this is likely my baseball bias here (although folks will likely blame me for being a Bears fan), but I just don't get what's so special about Lambeau...  I have toured both Lambeau and Reliant Stadium (but not seen games in either), plus seen NFL games at the Metrodome, old Soldier Field (pre-2004 renovation), and the Coliseum in Nashville, and I can't give any a nod as that special.  Reliant was pretty neat, as it had the retractable roof, but maybe I need to see a game at Lambeau to get what's so great about it...


Pretty much, but I don't know if you saw it before the renovations or after. Before, it was described, with some justice, as "the world's largest high school stadium." Now, with the atrium, statues, Hall of Fame and more, it's really special.

Then again...changing my earlier post ... the best thing may be the town it's in.

I did see it post renovation - this past March, in-fact. I think I'm sticking with my initial comment, BTW. The more I think about this, the more I think it's the baseball bias in me. I truely love visiting baseball parks, and am realy looking foreward to seeing US Cellular Field this weekend (would you believe I lived in Chicago up 'til '97, plus have been back to visit my family every summer since then, yet havn't been there yet?), even though it is reguarded as one of the more non-descript ballparks in MLB. Now, I've taken a tour of Lambeau, and have a chance to see the Soldier Field renovations this weekend, and my thoughts are, eh, so what?

Now, I've been to two games at old Soldier Field, and would like to go to a game at the new one, but it certainly isn't a top priority like getting back to Wrigley Field (like I will in August), or checking out a new ballpark (or an old one I haven't been to yet).


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Another thing I like about the Ballpark is the Southwest Airlines sign. Whenever the Rangers get a hit, the H in Southwest lights up and when the opposing team gets an error, the E lights up.

Cheaply stolen from "The Sun" on top of the center field scoreboard at Camden Yards.


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Another thing I like about the Ballpark is the Southwest Airlines sign. Whenever the Rangers get a hit, the H in Southwest lights up and when the opposing team gets an error, the E lights up.

Cheaply stolen from "The Sun" on top of the center field scoreboard at Camden Yards.

Which is in itself an homage to the Shaefer beer sign in Ebbets Field, I think.


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I really like the train that runs above left field at Minute Maid Park. It's just a fun, unique feature that goes well with the train station theme of the park (one of the stadium's entrances is from Union Station, Houston's former train station).

All I want to know is how I can get the job of train operator. :D


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  • 2 months later...

Resurrecting this thread because I found a video showing my favorite arena feature of all time:

The blinking Alka-Seltzer sign at the Aud in Buffalo

Video sucks only cause the Bruins lost in it.

Also the game with the infamous "May Day!" call.

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Fans in toronto who miss hockey in the Maple Leaf Gardens can come to Cincinnati to the Cincinnati Gardens. It was modeled after the MLG, not exactly like it but close. The Cincy Gardens was built in 1949. It used to be the home to the AHL Cincinnati Mighty Ducks but now hosts high school and jr hockey.

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Of the ones i've visited:

Miller Park:

Most notably THE ROOF. No more rainouts OR snow outs for late march/early april games, also keeps it comfortable in colder weather. Along with it there are glass panels behind the scoreboard that can open and close with or without the roof creating different climates and when both are open at the same time the stadium feels very open air like the old County Stadium. The Hot Corner open year round, i actually did some Christmas shopping there last year.

Bradley Center : I work there.

Not really a bad seat in the house. Plans are ongoing towards improving ammenities and accsesibility.

Lambeau Field:

I went there to my ONLY game thus far, for the first Pre-season home game after they won Super Bowl XXXI. I got goosebumps on goosebumps entering the stadium. The place had electricity running through it. Once in my seat I didn't move at all. The history, tradition, and ambiance make it a One of a kind experience. Greatest Feature = LAMBEAU itself!!!

Camp Randal Stadium (Madison, WI):

Great atmosphere, though was there pre-renovation, so the restrooms still had the old gutter/trough system from WAY back when, but i guess that was kinda "retro-charming" to a sense :rolleyes: lol

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I love Autzen Stadium (where the Ducks play football), and I love the Rose Garden, Safeco, and Seahawks Stadium...but the coolest stadium in the Northwest has to be McArthur Court.



it's a 9500-seat box - the second and third level of seats go straight up, which actually provides a decent view from up there (as long as you're not behind a beam!). when we're good, the Pit Crew are amazing - being down in the student section, screaming your head off and helping shake the whole place is a powerful sensation. The court really does feel like it's nicknamed - "The Pit." Plus, the band plays the theme from "Duck Tales" for basketball and volleyball games :D

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I love Autzen Stadium (where the Ducks play football), and I love the Rose Garden, Safeco, and Seahawks Stadium...but the coolest stadium in the Northwest has to be McArthur Court.



it's a 9500-seat box - the second and third level of seats go straight up, which actually provides a decent view from up there (as long as you're not behind a beam!). when we're good, the Pit Crew are amazing - being down in the student section, screaming your head off and helping shake the whole place is a powerful sensation. The court really does feel like it's nicknamed - "The Pit." Plus, the band plays the theme from "Duck Tales" for basketball and volleyball games :D

That honestly looks like some high school stadiums I have been in. In fact, I take that back, I know some high school stadiums that beat that place hands down.

I know the atmosphere must be awesome and all of that...but you can say that about ANY place with rowdy fans.

I am not trying to be a homer but I can only go off of what I have experienced first hand. Two that come to mind.

Pool & retractable roof at Chase stadium




The new Cardinals Stadium as a whole (yes I know it?s not a actual picture)


(Sorry for the sizes....so sue me)


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