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Jersey Wearing Rules


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Several years ago, I happened upon a sidewalk sale at a suburban Kansas City mall and a store had a bin of old authentic Chiefs jerseys with players who were no longer with the team. I dug through all of the old Lake Dawson and Greg Hill jerseys until I found one that was short (cut for a quarterback) and also featured my favorite number (13). Yes, it was a Steve Bono jersey (he's not exactly a hero in KC) but for $20, I couldn't pass it up. Now I wear my Bono jersey to all the games I attend at Arrowhead. I take some ribbing for it, but I know I'm probably the only person at the games who has one (in a sea of Tony Gonzalez, Trent Green, Larry Johnson and Priest Holmes jerseys). I've got five or so years out of a $20 authentic along with countless conversations, free food, free tickets and photographs taken with "the Bono." I'm not ashamed. I'll wear it until it falls apart.

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heh...jersey rules are overrated. shoot, as I said before, "man rules" are overrated. heh, when ya make your own jerseys*, you tend to willfully ignore these things B)

*havin mentioned that, looks like I finally made one I can wear for real (the others are either fraying too rapidly or too tight)...as that girl on the show with the hotel says all the time, yay me :hockeysmiley:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I've actually never bought a jersey for just some of those reasons. Most importantly, the "what happens when my guy gets traded/leaves/retires?" I would get a blank one, maybe, but that doesn't look right with a lot of jersey designs.

I think, if I were to get one, it would be a throwback, with a hall of fame player on it.

Getting a blank authentic always looks right for baseball jerseys. For all other sports, not really.

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The best answer to the player movement issue to get the jersey of one of your team's all-time greats (sadly, that's a short list for the Saints). I just got an Archie Manning throwback and only wish I could find one of these. Danny Abramowicz (upper left, #46), Doug Atkins (#81) or Billy Kilmer (#17) would be perfect:


I also have an "almost" authentic white Sam Mills game jersey (the "Louisiana" sleeve logo is gold instead of the correct black and there's no name on the back, though Exclusive Pro Sports will add one for $20).

As for the "rules," here are some "violations" :D :

Shot this at Lambeau Field in 2004. Not a jersey exactly, and there are some stories one just doesn't need to know. :blink:


This is from Falcons training camp in 2005. It reads FEMME FALCON:


She was there with her husband... :wacko:



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I was at an Ohio State vs. Michigan hockey game, and I saw this guy wearing a michigan jersey that had the number 666 on it and the name was "HECKLER FROM HELL". First of all, you should never put more than two digits on your jersey, it looks ridiculous, and if you call yourself the heckler from hell you should at least say something. The guy just sat there the whole game, didn't say anything. I would say that he was a less enthusiastic fan than his wife who was cheering all throughout the game.

But yeah, you're own name or a nickname on a jerseys says to me "Hi, I like to pretend I'm on the team." which could not be more nerdy.


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1.) With Sheff nearing the end, I would say it is totally acceptable to wear the Marlins Sheffield. It was long enough ago.

2.) The only way your name should be acceptable on the back of the jersey is if you share the same last name as the player. I know someone who has a Travis Hafner Indians jersey based solely on the fact his last name is Hafner.

3.) People who wear the fake M&N's are not cool.

4.) Far be it from me to tell someone how to spend their money (I had my jersey designs made into real jerseys, so there), but those Falcons jerseys with the funny names aren't something I would recommend. But the Browns #80 "SOLDIER" jersey is funny.

Go Astros!

Go Texans!

Go Rockets!

Go Javelinas!

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So, riddle me this:

Is it acceptable to get a jersey, and just put a number on it with no name? I have several jerseys, and most have numbers, but no names... (except a minor league hockey jersey where the place I had the numbers put on also put my name... so, not my fault...)


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So, riddle me this:

Is it acceptable to get a jersey, and just put a number on it with no name? I have several jerseys, and most have numbers, but no names... (except a minor league hockey jersey where the place I had the numbers put on also put my name... so, not my fault...)


Hmm, I hadn't considered this option. I think it definitely works for Football jersies, since having NO number isn't really an option.

Personally, I vote yes for it. Though you'll know that people will be guessing which person to wear that number you are a fan of.


"You could put an empty orange helmet on the 50-yard line at Cleveland Browns Stadium and 50,000 fans would show up to stare at it."

-Terry Pluto

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So, riddle me this:

Is it acceptable to get a jersey, and just put a number on it with no name? I have several jerseys, and most have numbers, but no names... (except a minor league hockey jersey where the place I had the numbers put on also put my name... so, not my fault...)


Only if the team didn't use nameplates. I saw a vintage Leafs jersey once with 6 on the back and no "BARILKO" nameplate, I wanted to hug the guy for keeping it authentic.

I generally don't put names on the back of my sweaters but when I do it's for team legends - I have a Red Wings Howe, Sabres Lafontaine, Red Sox Williams and Oilers Ranford (that one came pre-lettered, not that I object to having a Billy Ranford jersey).



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Here is a tip if you have a jersey with a sowed on name plate just get a seam ripper and carefully take it off and pick off the excess strings, I did this with a Kordell Stewart jersey with the old style font I got as a gift I now claim it's a Roy Gerela throwback.

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I'm breaking a rule right now. I just so happen to be wearing a Marty McSorley Edmonton Oilers jersey. However, someone did say it's the best jersey they've ever seen while I was in the cafeteria. So I must tell that rule to shove it.

Otherwise, I don't seem to have a problem with any of the rules here. I have an Edmonds Cardinals replica, and I basically refuse to wear it because the numbering/names aren't right.

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I have an Edmonds Cardinals replica, and I basically refuse to wear it because the numbering/names aren't right.

Is there any particular reason why MLB replicas are such poor quality? The obvious answer might be "to get people to buy the authentics for twice as much", but I pretty much never see authentic MLB jerseys in stores; you usually have to go online or to the ballpark to get them.

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Why isn't there much talk about just plain replica jerseys? About half (if not just over) of the hockey jerseys I own are just blank replicas.

I've also done pretty good on the names i've picked. I have a Sakic avs jersey (still on the team, and probably will retire there), a Zetterberg Wings jersey (still young, but likely to be with the Wings for a long time), and Zherdev Blue Jackets (though he's not under contract, at least his rights are still owned by the team) and a Roenick Coyotes jersey (Picasso Coyote, since JR got traded back to the Yotes now it's extra vintage :P)

I also broke the rule about having your own name when I got a Wild jersey with my name and number, but I also rarely wear it out.

I have 11 blank jerseys, of which I enjoy my Oilers Vintage, Team Sweden, Team USA, and Predators 3rd the most.

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[ncognito' date=Wednesday, September 20th, 2006 - 14:58:38] Why isn't there much talk about just plain replica jerseys? About half (if not just over) of the hockey jerseys I own are just blank replicas.

I've also done pretty good on the names i've picked. I have a Sakic avs jersey (still on the team, and probably will retire there), a Zetterberg Wings jersey (still young, but likely to be with the Wings for a long time), and Zherdev Blue Jackets (though he's not under contract, at least his rights are still owned by the team) and a Roenick Coyotes jersey (Picasso Coyote, since JR got traded back to the Yotes now it's extra vintage :P)

I also broke the rule about having your own name when I got a Wild jersey with my name and number, but I also rarely wear it out.

I have 11 blank jerseys, of which I enjoy my Oilers Vintage, Team Sweden, Team USA, and Predators 3rd the most.

Sounds like a good collection of jerseys. Good to see someone else sporting their own # and name too. I started my jersey collecting with blanks, but I just found it more fun, and the jerseys felt more complete with a # and name so I just did my last name and #. I have (numbered/named) Flyers (Black, White, former home orange, Third Orange) Coyotes (Current Brick, old Third). Sharks (Teal), Flames (Red), Wild (Green, White), All Stars 200(?)2? (the blue style from when it was held in Colorado, and then a bunch of old blanks, (Flyers white, black, Phantoms white, black, purple (the old one).

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I actually do have a jersey with my name and number, come to think of it. I got a BLue Jackets center ice jersey with my name on it. It's solid navy, with just the lime green bug head on it. I wear it to play ice hockey in, not much else. I got it for $50 for my birthday, then a week later, it was up to $90. I doubt they even sell them with just the bughead anymore.

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