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Cowboys vs Seahawks Final Moments


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Call it sour grapes....call it whatever you want, but Dallas got jobbed. Before I continue look at my post history. I neither gloat when a team I support wins, or cry about it when one of my teams loses. Until today.

Jason Witten's end of the game spot was way to close to overrule.

Does anyone outside of the Pacific Northwest honestly feel that Seattle was the better team tonight? It took a legitimate Romo screw-up to seal the deal for the Hawks.

how can you say that he cleary wasnt over and didnt have foward motion, it was a great tackle by tatupu, and no seattle didnt play great but neither did dallas there recivers dropped passes and romo threw to many ground balls. and who to say that even if the cowboys made the field goal that seattle could of scored to. i also think bill parcell should of thrown way more than he did.

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I guess we all know where that anointing oil is.... it's on Tony Romo's hands....

I remember a comment that Joe Theismann made during the Jets-Dolphins game on Christmas day when, after a slip by the Jets punter Ben Graham that, Joe said that the backup QB should be the holder. Well, since Romo began the year as the backup QB, thus the holder, I think Joe needs to reconsider that thought.

I saw, I came, I left.

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dallas doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs never mind beat a team that went to the SB last year. The only reason dallas made it in is because Atlanta shot themselves in the foot. Romo :censored:ing up doesn't surprise me, dallas losing doesnt' surprise me per se, BP choking another must win game doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is that Seattle didn't lay 50 to 60 points on the dallas defense and both teams actually made it a game.

after this Jerry ought to fire Parcells for this. not just for a knee jerk loss, but for his inability to win big games over his 4 year tenure. He has failed to build anything respectable for an OL, him and Zimmer failed on defense (the 3-4 was a joke), they wasted picks on positions they didn't need(ie future FOB Fasano). Basically he is better than Campo and that due to the fact that Campo had nothing to begin with. BP is 34-33 in dallas, he has failed time to move on.

as for Romo, he's basically another Ray Lucas and Dave Kreig.



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Call it sour grapes....call it whatever you want, but Dallas got jobbed. Before I continue look at my post history. I neither gloat when a team I support wins, or cry about it when one of my teams loses. Until today.

Terrence Newman did not commit pass interference.

Terry Glenn was down.

Jason Witten's end of the game spot was way to close to overrule.

Three phantom defensive holding calls.

Now don't get me wrong. I have no delusions of grandeur. I never thought the Cowboys would make it to the Super Bowl. I did think they were good enough to get past Seattle....I still do. Ironically I feel the same way many Seahawk fans felt after SB XL.

Does anyone outside of the Pacific Northwest honestly feel that Seattle was the better team tonight? It took a legitimate Romo screw-up to seal the deal for the Hawks.

Blah, blah, blah. Dallas made mistakes, Seattle made mistakes. Neither team DESERVED to win, but it was an exciting ending to a game that Seattle won.


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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Lets just say that Romo pulled a Bengals and screwed up the game winning field goal

Actually, Romo didn't pull a Bengals because the Bengals PAT in Denver was the result of a BAD snap, Romo t mishandled a GOOD snap.

I saw, I came, I left.

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As a Cowboys fan, it was hard to watch.

Very ironic, isn't it, to spend a great deal of the season worrying about an "idiot kicker," sign a replacement, then have a playoff game come down to a late field goal...where it's botched by the holder, not the kicker.

What can you do?

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As a Seattle fan, I'll take that win.

But, one wonders if Romo is gonna start the '07 season in the doghouse after this screw-up?

Probably not. Handling for field goals and PATs is probably out from now on, but I'd be more worried about Romo's confidence in himself than about Parcells' confidence in him at this point. Besides, at this point we don't even know whether Parcells will be back as their head coach next season. If Romo ends up with a new head coach, next season will basically be a mulligan for him.

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Jason Witten's end of the game spot was way to close to overrule.

Let me start by saying I have no rooting interest in either team. I thought Witten was short from the beginning. The intial spot of the ball was VERY generous. The replays confirmed it. I understand your frustration with NFL officiating, they have way too much influence in the outcome of games, but that one they got right.




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I didn't have a dog in the fight, but I'm kinda glad I watched the second half of that game - it was among the most entertaining 30 minutes of football I've seen in the past decade.

Add that to the Fiesta Bowl, and 2007 is on track for a year of amazing finishes!

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Lets just say that Romo pulled a Bengals and screwed up the game winning field goal

Actually, Romo didn't pull a Bengals because the Bengals PAT in Denver was the result of a BAD snap, Romo t mishandled a GOOD snap.

It was pulling a Bengals, meaning the Bengals lost twice in two weeks on easily made field goals. The snap on the PAT in Denver wasn't that bad, it was mishandled as well. Let's just say that moment at the end of the game was Cincinnati Bengalsesque.


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Lets just say that Romo pulled a Bengals and screwed up the game winning field goal

Actually, Romo didn't pull a Bengals because the Bengals PAT in Denver was the result of a BAD snap, Romo t mishandled a GOOD snap.

It was pulling a Bengals, meaning the Bengals lost twice in two weeks on easily made field goals. The snap on the PAT in Denver wasn't that bad, it was mishandled as well. Let's just say that moment at the end of the game was Cincinnati Bengalsesque.

They were both choke jobs...much like Ohio choking in the MAC Championship game AND the GMAC Bowl :P


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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Quite frankly, I find it idiotic for the Cowboys to continue to use Romo as a kick holder after he received the starting job. Philadelphia's signing of Detmer should have been indication enough that a starting quarterback shouldn't be forced to pull double duty. I think he, if anything, should be praised for at least almost getting the first down, as opposed to all this criticism for messing up a play he shouldn't have sanely been involved with in the first place.


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Philadelphia's signing of Detmer should have been indication enough that a starting quarterback shouldn't be forced to pull double duty.

Why? The Eagles starting QB has never been the holder. The previous holder was punter Dirk Johnson.

Backup QBs make good holders because the other team at least respect the possibility of a fake pass.

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I agree with using back up QBs because a starting QB gets beat up enough and just the risk of injury alone would make me want a back up. Although using any QB is the best because they do handle the ball and that said there is no excuse for Romo.



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As a Cowboys fan, it was hard to watch.

Very ironic, isn't it, to spend a great deal of the season worrying about an "idiot kicker," sign a replacement, then have a playoff game come down to a late field goal...where it's botched by the holder, not the kicker.

What can you do?

Good to see another GFC/MVC fan on the board :D

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