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New LA Galaxy Logo + Kit


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True enough, but I was limiting my response to European leagues. South American is something else entirely.

Wow. It's almost as if...different teams...in different leagues.....on different continents.....have different practices for adding stars?

Couldn't be. That would make too much sense, and wouldn't fit in some mold of what one person thinks it SHOULD be.

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You've been here for almost a year, you ought to know better than that.

The original assertion was "Obviously this is in the same tradition of European teams marking their championships." All subsequent comments flow from, and comment on, that statement.

"What one person thinks it SHOULD be" is simply not relevant to this particular discussion.

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The moment I can get permission I'll not only be buying tickets to the first possible Galaxy match but I will also be getting a new Away jersey. Cobi Jones #13 of course. Anything less would be uncivilized.

CZzyzx41 without shirt? Yup, that's uncivilised! ^_^

I saw, I came, I left.

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I think its really stupid that the Galaxy changed jerseys just because Beckham is coming.

That being said... I do like the new jerseys... however the reason for the change is still stupid

But what can ya do?

I see the change as being perfectly reasonable. Beckham offers the Galaxy the chance to create a globally identifiable brand. If there were ever a time to consider such a change, now would be it.

Now, I could understand if the complaint were about rebranding mid-season. I'm sure the Galaxy would have liked to have changed uniforms prior to the start of the season, too. But I'm pretty sure that AEG and MLS were prohibited from selling any Beckham merchandise until his contract with Real Madrid expired and his new contract began.

Nonetheless, this is an exciting day. It's nice to see so much attention on pro soccer in this country, even if it ends up to be temporary.

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Now, I could understand if the complaint were about rebranding mid-season. I'm sure the Galaxy would have liked to have changed uniforms prior to the start of the season, too. But I'm pretty sure that AEG and MLS were prohibited from selling any Beckham merchandise until his contract with Real Madrid expired and his new contract began.

True, but just because they couldn't sell Beckham shirts before mid-season didn't mean that they couldn't sell new merchandise without his name on it when the season started....

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Now, I could understand if the complaint were about rebranding mid-season. I'm sure the Galaxy would have liked to have changed uniforms prior to the start of the season, too. But I'm pretty sure that AEG and MLS were prohibited from selling any Beckham merchandise until his contract with Real Madrid expired and his new contract began.

True, but just because they couldn't sell Beckham shirts before mid-season didn't mean that they couldn't sell new merchandise without his name on it when the season started....

Exactly. While the rebrand looks good, it was pretty dumb that they catered to one guy this much. Now I understand Beckham's impact, but IMO it kinda cheapens the aspect of team unity and no one player is bigger than the team.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Well, except that the Caps and Sharks were both upgrades. But you're right - MLS has been making strides in their design department.

Considering the fact that their early design dept was probably staffed by a lazy blind chimp, any change was probably gonna be an improvement

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Well, except that the Caps and Sharks were both upgrades. But you're right - MLS has been making strides in their design department.

Considering the fact that their early design dept was probably staffed by a lazy blind chimp, any change was probably gonna be an improvement

True. MLS started off waaaaaay down at the bottom, so there really wasn't anyplace for them to go but up.

Wonder how long it will be before the Galaxy incorporate the logo of Scientology into their uniforms, considering that Tom Cruise is an owner and is hot-and-heavy for Becks to convert to his cult:

Knock it off. Just because you don't share his religion (and for the record, neither do I) doesn't mean you can or should insult those who do.

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Now, I could understand if the complaint were about rebranding mid-season. I'm sure the Galaxy would have liked to have changed uniforms prior to the start of the season, too. But I'm pretty sure that AEG and MLS were prohibited from selling any Beckham merchandise until his contract with Real Madrid expired and his new contract began.

True, but just because they couldn't sell Beckham shirts before mid-season didn't mean that they couldn't sell new merchandise without his name on it when the season started....

Exactly. While the rebrand looks good, it was pretty dumb that they catered to one guy this much. Now I understand Beckham's impact, but IMO it kinda cheapens the aspect of team unity and no one player is bigger than the team.

but beckham and donovon are gods gift to soccer, at least donovon thinks he is. so accordinmg to the fallacy, they both ARE bigger than the team. now, as a san jose earthquakes fan, my issue is more with landon than becks, and i hope landycaked breaks his leg. eff him.



The Danimal said:
Texas is the state that gave us George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. 'Nuff said.
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Now, I could understand if the complaint were about rebranding mid-season. I'm sure the Galaxy would have liked to have changed uniforms prior to the start of the season, too. But I'm pretty sure that AEG and MLS were prohibited from selling any Beckham merchandise until his contract with Real Madrid expired and his new contract began.

True, but just because they couldn't sell Beckham shirts before mid-season didn't mean that they couldn't sell new merchandise without his name on it when the season started....

Exactly. While the rebrand looks good, it was pretty dumb that they catered to one guy this much. Now I understand Beckham's impact, but IMO it kinda cheapens the aspect of team unity and no one player is bigger than the team.

but beckham and donovon are gods gift to soccer, at least donovon thinks he is. so accordinmg to the fallacy, they both ARE bigger than the team. now, as a san jose earthquakes fan, my issue is more with landon than becks, and i hope landycaked breaks his leg. eff him.

As a former fan of the late San Jose Earthquakes, and a former hater of Donovan for what he did, I must say I definately see where your coming from. Despite that, the Quakes are dead, and untill they are revived I will watch, and even cheer for the only other team in the State. Plus, with the Quakes gone I care as much about the MLS as I do old reruns of Fraiser. But you can't get around how talented Donovan is, all he does for team USA. You can't deny the presence of MLS' version of Gwynn in Cobi Jones. And you can't deny the potential impact that Beckham could bring to the entire league let alone just the Galaxy. Hell, i'd be excited if he was playing for the Dynamo even. But it still doesn't do much for teamwork.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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As a former fan of the late San Jose Earthquakes, and a former hater of Donovan for what he did, I must say I definately see where your coming from. Despite that, the Quakes are dead, and untill they are revived I will watch, and even cheer for the only other team in the State. Plus, with the Quakes gone I care as much about the MLS as I do old reruns of Fraiser. But you can't get around how talented Donovan is, all he does for team USA. You can't deny the presence of MLS' version of Gwynn in Cobi Jones. And you can't deny the potential impact that Beckham could bring to the entire league let alone just the Galaxy. Hell, i'd be excited if he was playing for the Dynamo even. But it still doesn't do much for teamwork.

doesnt Chivas USA play in the same stadium as the Galaxy? at least in the same state...

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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all he does for team USA.

Surely you mean do nothing on the field except to score PKs, but not before Raising the Dead and making Nomar's at-bat idiosyncrasies seem normal? Or perhaps it's his decision to stay in the US and not go to Europe because Bianca and the dogs will "miss him," then gripe about how the only way he can improve is to play games abroad? Or is it backing out of Copa America after being specifically asked by your coach because your team needs you, then proceed to be a non-factor in all of those games (I mean, 2 is a lot of games, man!)?

Strip him of his captaincy and the National Team shirt, and give it to someone who will actually try. Altidore and/or Adu would, well, do.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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As a former fan of the late San Jose Earthquakes, and a former hater of Donovan for what he did, I must say I definately see where your coming from. Despite that, the Quakes are dead, and untill they are revived I will watch, and even cheer for the only other team in the State. Plus, with the Quakes gone I care as much about the MLS as I do old reruns of Fraiser. But you can't get around how talented Donovan is, all he does for team USA. You can't deny the presence of MLS' version of Gwynn in Cobi Jones. And you can't deny the potential impact that Beckham could bring to the entire league let alone just the Galaxy. Hell, i'd be excited if he was playing for the Dynamo even. But it still doesn't do much for teamwork.

doesnt Chivas USA play in the same stadium as the Galaxy? at least in the same state...

Ahhhh, true. I completely forgot about them. Shows how little I know about the MLS :P Plus, it's somewhat difficult to consider them a true "California" team. I don't know what you'd call them actually. I understand they play their home games in Southern California, but they seem to reach to a much more broad market. I dunno, maybe im the only one who sees that

And has Donovan really been non existant in international play? It seems like every time I watch a match (Which isn't too terribly often) he's scoring the game winner.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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