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Wild finish in the National League this weekend


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Well then u see why dont trust psychiatrist I had another one that was pill pusher and turned me into a zombie.

They are all cons

I don't agree, but I am not going to change your mind. So...

There are other ways to seek counseling. Psychologists and social workers for example. They cannot prescribe drugs. Talking to a professional can be monumentally helpful. And if they recommend seeing a psychiatrist, you don't have to go-you can continue with verbal therapy. Even if you should but dont see a psychiatrist, seeing a counselor is much better than seeing nobody. Assuming your posts are honest, my amatur opinion is that you cannot go on without professional help. And you know what, there are many many people that get it and many many more that should. There is no shame in it. You speak more frankly and honestly on here with a board of so many people than you should. Being honest with one trained professional who understands and has worked with many like you and will not get frustrated with you (because you will not be sharing it in an inappropriate place) would be very valuable. And remember, nobody can make you take drugs.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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I feel great for everyone on that team. From guys like Burrell and Rollins who've been there for seven-eight years and had to deal with the Drew and Rolen and Schilling nonsense, to guys like Iguchi and Rowand who've been there before and celebrated like it was their first time. I wish I was there.

I don't feel great for Burrell - in fact, despite the fact that he has played well in the 2nd half of the season, I really don't think he deserves to be a part of anything good that happens to this team. I think he's a bad player, and a bad guy too. Like I said, I do have to give the man his props for turning it around this year, but it's too little too late as far as I'm concerned.

I, like many Phillies fans, have been so down on this ownership and front office for the past decade or so, that it hasn't been as easy as it should be for me to jump on this bandwagon and commit my heart to this team. Many times in the past few years, I've actually wanted them to lose, in hopes that it would get Ed Wade fired, or Uncle Cho'lly fired, or get Abreu or Burrell traded, etc. My hatred for Dave Montomery, Ed Wade, Ruben Jr., and even now Pat Gillick for stealing the love of baseball from an entire generation of fans is very strong. Very strong.

However, this team is so much different than the Phillies of the past few years. Rollins has gone from a "me-first", first-pitch-swinging fool to a legit. MVP. Utley has come into his own and could also be the MVP had he not been hurt. Howard frustrates me, but certainly brings the right attitude to the park every night. Chris Coste and Carlos Ruiz are the Anti-Lieberthals, just as Aaron Rowand, Shane Victorino, and Jason Werth are the Anti-Abreus. You want this team to win so bad because the players really deserve it (not the pitchers though, except for Hamels.) I just wish that the players could win, and the ownership could lose.

Go Phillies.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I guess the Phillies have a lot in common with the Jays...the last Playoff game that both played was in the 1993 World Series against each other, so I can appreciate how much this means to Phillies fans. Right now must be a great time to be a fan. I might need to hop on this bandwagon and enjoy some ball!

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Well then u see why dont trust psychiatrist I had another one that was pill pusher and turned me into a zombie.

They are all cons

I don't agree, but I am not going to change your mind. So...

There are other ways to seek counseling. Psychologists and social workers for example. They cannot prescribe drugs. Talking to a professional can be monumentally helpful. And if they recommend seeing a psychiatrist, you don't have to go-you can continue with verbal therapy. Even if you should but dont see a psychiatrist, seeing a counselor is much better than seeing nobody. Assuming your posts are honest, my amatur opinion is that you cannot go on without professional help. And you know what, there are many many people that get it and many many more that should. There is no shame in it. You speak more frankly and honestly on here with a board of so many people than you should. Being honest with one trained professional who understands and has worked with many like you and will not get frustrated with you (because you will not be sharing it in an inappropriate place) would be very valuable. And remember, nobody can make you take drugs.

This post is 100% correct.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Alright, hey, this is a baseball thread, not a psychiatrist thread. The only pills I want to hear are the ones that have the little red stitches in them. There's no crying in baseball. The season is 162 games* long, not 72, not 100, and not 150. The Mets didn't finish the job. Period. End of book!


I agree with BBTV 100% The Phillies fans have been screwed over by the ownership for the last decade. The players earned this, and it's the players who will determine the destiny of the team over the next couple of weeks -- both good and bad.

* - Save tonight


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The good thing is I can buy a Mets jersey paying for it very cheap at eBay. :P

So I can add it to my baseball jerseys collection.


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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Well then u see why dont trust psychiatrist I had another one that was pill pusher and turned me into a zombie.

They are all cons

I don't agree, but I am not going to change your mind. So...

There are other ways to seek counseling. Psychologists and social workers for example. They cannot prescribe drugs. Talking to a professional can be monumentally helpful. And if they recommend seeing a psychiatrist, you don't have to go-you can continue with verbal therapy. Even if you should but dont see a psychiatrist, seeing a counselor is much better than seeing nobody. Assuming your posts are honest, my amatur opinion is that you cannot go on without professional help. And you know what, there are many many people that get it and many many more that should. There is no shame in it. You speak more frankly and honestly on here with a board of so many people than you should. Being honest with one trained professional who understands and has worked with many like you and will not get frustrated with you (because you will not be sharing it in an inappropriate place) would be very valuable. And remember, nobody can make you take drugs.

you don't even have to do that. My uncle got depressed, he rented a pleasure machine for the night and he was alright the next day. Though i am starting to think Tank is making this :censored: up to get a reaction out of everyone. nobody can be this nuts in regards to a baseball team. There again i've seen my dad when the yanks lose to the red sox. flat screen tvs end up joining the David the Yard Gnome.



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Well then u see why dont trust psychiatrist I had another one that was pill pusher and turned me into a zombie.

They are all cons

I don't agree, but I am not going to change your mind. So...

There are other ways to seek counseling. Psychologists and social workers for example. They cannot prescribe drugs. Talking to a professional can be monumentally helpful. And if they recommend seeing a psychiatrist, you don't have to go-you can continue with verbal therapy. Even if you should but dont see a psychiatrist, seeing a counselor is much better than seeing nobody. Assuming your posts are honest, my amatur opinion is that you cannot go on without professional help. And you know what, there are many many people that get it and many many more that should. There is no shame in it. You speak more frankly and honestly on here with a board of so many people than you should. Being honest with one trained professional who understands and has worked with many like you and will not get frustrated with you (because you will not be sharing it in an inappropriate place) would be very valuable. And remember, nobody can make you take drugs.

This post is 100% correct.

I will third this recommendation. If I can add to it, however, I know from your prior posts that you are a government employee. Therefore, I suspect you probably have access to an employee assistance program that would cover some counseling (for example, a certain limited number of sessions). You should seriously check with your human resources representative to see if that type of service is available. If it is not, you should still find a way to undergo counseling because there have been far too many of these episodes and they have been triggered by things that are far too trivial in the grand scheme of things (such as baseball, for example).

ON TOPIC -- Go, some team I haven't rooted for before!!!

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Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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If I saw him I would have been running out the other door or getting my cross and rewarding of the Vampire, it was bad enough seeing Yankee fans.

This is what pisses me off the Mets are the best team in the NL on paper, and they wont be in the playoffs but the Phillies, the Cubs, the Diamondbacks will be, and so might the Rockies. None of these teams are better then the Mets but because of the choke they are in and the Mets are not.



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This is what pisses me off the Mets are the best team in the NL on paper,

The game ain't played on paper, though, it's played on grass.

Here's hoping to a Chicago/Cleveland World Series.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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oh heres something to insult my intelligence I got this email from the Mets

Dear Mets Fan:

All of us at the Mets are bitterly disappointed in failing to achieve our collective goal of building upon last year's success. We did not meet our organization's expectations -- or yours. Everyone at Shea feels the same range of emotions as you -- our loyal fans -- and we know we have let you down. We wanted to thank you for your record-breaking support of our team this year.

Equally important, Ownership will continue its commitment in providing the resources necessary to field a championship team. Omar will be meeting with Ownership shortly to present his plan on addressing our shortcomings so that we can achieve our goal of winning championships in 2008 and beyond.

You deserve better results.

Many thanks again for your record-breaking support.


Translation we choked buy more tickets next year.

This is not the time to send emails like this.



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The fact that Randolph wont get fired tells you They wont do whats necessary to fix this.

The fact that you think Willie getting fired will fix this is showing what you truly know.

Come on, it was the pitching. When the pitching was good (once, during the breakdown), the offense sucked. When the offense was good, which is was usually ok/decent, then the pitching blew it.

You need to chill out and take it like a man. Mets lost, be pissed, but don't you dare say they will never recover. That shows what a true fan you sure are.

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oh heres something to insult my intelligence I got this email from the Mets

Dear Mets Fan:

All of us at the Mets are bitterly disappointed in failing to achieve our collective goal of building upon last year's success. We did not meet our organization's expectations -- or yours. Everyone at Shea feels the same range of emotions as you -- our loyal fans -- and we know we have let you down. We wanted to thank you for your record-breaking support of our team this year.

Equally important, Ownership will continue its commitment in providing the resources necessary to field a championship team. Omar will be meeting with Ownership shortly to present his plan on addressing our shortcomings so that we can achieve our goal of winning championships in 2008 and beyond.

You deserve better results.

Many thanks again for your record-breaking support.


Clearly, they don't know Tank.

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