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Wild finish in the National League this weekend


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"Holy crap, their head coach is Norv Turner! We can basically cross the Chargers off the list of 2007 AFC contenders!"

Why didn't we realize this before???

That being said, the call on Holiday's slide was definitely iffy...that being said, it was inconclusive, no way to overturn it even if there was instant replay in baseball (which I'm kinda iffy on having myself..)

But I know the Padres fans are HOT over this.



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I'd be hot too. As a neutral party, I'll say that all things considered, McClelland made the right call from the angle he was at. I don't know if he would've been able to see him touch the plate, as he made contact with Barrett's shinguard out of McLelland's view.


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I'm really pissed at myself.

I watched the first 12 innings of this one, then fell asleep during the commercial break after the bottom of the 12th.

Sounds like I missed a fantastic 13th inning.

You're pissed? While this game was going on, I was sitting through a five-hour city council meeting, and my laptop doesn't have a wireless internet card. I would rather have slept through it. ^_^

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I just watched the replay of the slide. Video seems inconclusive. The best angle gets cut off where the hand would touch the plate, so it's not 100% either way.

From the angle down the line, it seems like Holliday touches the plate just before sliding past the catcher's foot.

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I'm really pissed at myself.

I watched the first 12 innings of this one, then fell asleep during the commercial break after the bottom of the 12th.

Sounds like I missed a fantastic 13th inning.

Tell me it!

I was too tired and must go to bed (here, Argentina is one hour more than NYC) while the fantastic game was going into 10th.


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Where do Padres fans have any right to complain? The Rockies were robbed of a run earlier in the game. Talk about selective memory.

We don't, really. But also, they are 2 separate incidents. Just because someone leaves a brand-new bike on my lawn doesn't mean I can't complain when that bike is later stolen. Not everything is connected.

If you must connect them, though, then the complaint lies with the proximity of the umpire to the play. With the left field umpire where he is, it was a long way for him to either look at or run to the fence to see what happened. It's a judgment call that was made by the 2nd base umpire and, after a conference, supported by the rest of the crew. Now, was it the right call? Replays would say no but there is no replay in baseball. Everything I just said, with the exception of the conference, can be said about the play at home plate. The only difference is that the home plate umpire, just by the nature of his job, should always be in position to make that call. There is no running 150 feet to see if it was fair or foul, no squinting to determine whether it was a home run or a double. He's right there.

Most Padres fans I know are not sore losers. We're taking this one the way we should. But to end like that is somewhat of a bitter pill to swallow. If that had been a 2-out play, though, you would hear much more complaining. I think we all realize that Colorado would have eventually scored anyway.

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Please clear this up for me...

Does the fact that the outfield wall @ Coors has the yellow line painted at the top have any bearing on if a ball is a home run? In other words, the ball must still clear the fence & not just hit the line to be a HR, correct? I find it odd that some parks have it painted & some don't. If it does have to clear the fence, why paint it???

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Where do Padres fans have any right to complain? The Rockies were robbed of a run earlier in the game. Talk about selective memory.

We don't, really. But also, they are 2 separate incidents. Just because someone leaves a brand-new bike on my lawn doesn't mean I can't complain when that bike is later stolen. Not everything is connected.

If you must connect them, though, then the complaint lies with the proximity of the umpire to the play. With the left field umpire where he is, it was a long way for him to either look at or run to the fence to see what happened. It's a judgment call that was made by the 2nd base umpire and, after a conference, supported by the rest of the crew. Now, was it the right call? Replays would say no but there is no replay in baseball. Everything I just said, with the exception of the conference, can be said about the play at home plate. The only difference is that the home plate umpire, just by the nature of his job, should always be in position to make that call. There is no running 150 feet to see if it was fair or foul, no squinting to determine whether it was a home run or a double. He's right there.

Most Padres fans I know are not sore losers. We're taking this one the way we should. But to end like that is somewhat of a bitter pill to swallow. If that had been a 2-out play, though, you would hear much more complaining. I think we all realize that Colorado would have eventually scored anyway.

Fair enough... I haven't talked to any Padres fans since this happened. I just saw ThaFlame say SD fans were hot over this... and I don't think it's justified to feel this way.

As for the home run, there's no reason that couldn't have been called correctly. If it had hit the top of the yellow, the ball would've carried into the stands, if it had hit front of the yellow it'd have bounced downward and straight. The ball not only bounced upwards and back into play, suggesting it hit something other than the top of the wall, but it bounced a long ways towards center field, meaning it had to hit something other than the yellow part of the wall.

It has to go over the yellow part of the line, goldenbrett... but the way it bounced suggests to me that it hit off of something other than the wall.


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Please clear this up for me...

Does the fact that the outfield wall @ Coors has the yellow line painted at the top have any bearing on if a ball is a home run? In other words, the ball must still clear the fence & not just hit the line to be a HR, correct? I find it odd that some parks have it painted & some don't. If it does have to clear the fence, why paint it???

The top of the fence should be painted a darker color than yellow. Tracking a white ball to see if it crosses over a light color doesn't make much sense to me.

More stadia should do like the Braves and Cubs do: Have a wide enough gap between the outfield fence and the crowd so that the fans can't possibly interfere with a ball, or have a "basket".

Another thing....why were the outfield umpires like 90 feet behind the infield umpires? These umps should be farther down the line than the ball-boys. Their lone judgement calls are outfield catches and homeruns. The infield umps can determine fair/foul, safe/out, and such.

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I want to say that the umpires are supposed to be stationed halfway between the fair pole and the bag, but I could be wrong. Regardless, there were six umpires at that game? I would think there would only be four, as it's part of the regular season.

In any case, the Rockies and Phils should have a good series, though it seems oddly apropos that the team from Flushing's season went down the toilet.


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For all the talk about Holliday not touching home plate he was never tagged either. So he could have gone out afterwards and touched home plate and would have been safe. So Padre fans shouldn't complain becuase it's not like he was tagged and then was called safe. He was never tagged at all.

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^Barrett did reach out and showed the tag, but he looked over at the ump and the umpire (finally) made the call before he placed it. And if you watch baseball, one thing's for sure. The umpires stand by their calls.

I think the yellow band on the wall is dark enough for replays, but I agree that maybe umpires have a hard time seeing it. However, they can see behind the yellow foul poles to see if the ball "disappears" behind it. That's what happened with Holliday's home run. It disappeared behind the yellow band at the top of the wall, presumably hitting a seat or a wheelchair, both of which were on the platform behind the wall.

The Rockies should also thank the Brewers for taking care of the Padres for them. And for Jake Peavy and Trevor Hoffman for buckling under pressure.

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^Barrett did reach out and showed the tag, but he looked over at the ump and the umpire (finally) made the call before he placed it. And if you watch baseball, one thing's for sure. The umpires stand by their calls.

I know which is why replay would be useless in those type situations like some have suggested.

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I had a big long post about reviews in Baseball, but I'm too tired to make a good case or argue a valid point.

Unless highly regulated on their use, I'm an advocate for keeping the calls on the field. :censored: happens, umps miss calls, but so do other players. Some calls you can't tell, even when you review it tirelessly. Umps use their own judgment when calling strikes and balls, which is very arbitrary. If they start reviewing calls along the basepaths, how long until they demand being able to measure balls and strikes? (and I'm going to stop there, someone will have fun taking this apart)

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