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I disagree with those who disagree with BiB, which means, I think that what BiB said is very astute, and should be fixed. In the new verison, the dist does look like water, the legs do hide and cause the side buffalo to 'float'rather than charge. At this recent design you are at three colors... go for a fourth. A lighter blue will help the logo have dimension, which I htink is important here.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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I'm this wouldn't be out of price range. Home The colros came out kind of dark when I made it a .JPG

I might switch the blue and bronze, but with bronze being so prominent in the black jersey, I thought it would have more of a role in this jersey.

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I did some cleanup to Sterlings designs here, I think its good to keep working on chiseling this illustration down to a final work ... its solid, and notwithstanding the psychotic nature of this buffalo the logo embodies everything it should be. I'm gonna put a little time in on adding dust ... I don't think its required to finish off the stampede nature .. but I'd like to try tossing it in.

I still would like to finish off the idea I was workin on previously, but I think they may be too similar in nature now. But for nothing else, just to give another option.



same logo on a black background:


As always, feedback will help, thanks.

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OH, and the dust and hilight mods that were suggested.

I like this dust better this-a-way. Good suggestion.

The highlights. Dangit. Its like I set my phaser to simplify and can't figure out where to put them back in.

A work in progress you might say.


The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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do any of u mind if i create jersey concepts for these logos?

Of Course not. I think he's sold on Caps ones but have at. Plus, Caps or not, there is still the issue of shoulder logos or not, fonts etc.

what league is this for anyways?

That white caps jersey logo looks good. If they absolutely had to do it that way, then okay, but matching templates would look best.

You know. I have NO idea. But Joe mentioned earlier today 5 other new teams coming in without logos and they are all coming this way so 1) fledgling league? and 2) get your concept pants on....theres going to be work to do.

I kind of meant the white one as a goof, its SO sloppy. But kind of not too. it might work if we had to use the white Caps.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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It seems that Joe wants to keep costs down by using an NHL template rather than getting custom made jerseys, and I can certainly understand that. So I put together a few color concepts using a couple of NHL schemes that I think are relevant:











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Has Sterling's design already been choosen? It's great work, and I don't expect to produce anything matching it's level, but if there is still hope at all, I'm working on one.

No, not at all STL. I mean, I like it, and we've got kind of a cool commune vibe going on with a couple of us adding and suggesting and stuff. But Joe hasn't "picked" anything. He's going to stop looking at concepts a week from today (Friday) so show us what you got.

I think mainly we are all kind of just pushing to make this a Creamer conquest, that's all.

Trying to collectively arrive at the best solution.

Good luck, can't wait to see. ^_^

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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Ro, it definitley looks much better than the original. I think a tweek here and there would bring this a long way.

First, I think you need to show some way of bringing out the furriness of the top of the head. As well as showing the chin a little more.

Second, I think the face needs just a little more detail. Add a little color to it here and there.

Lastly, it just needs a little more color on the buffalo to make him stand out more.

Excellent improvement on the original. I think this design has great potential.

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Sterling, I like the realistic accuracy of the Sens colours, but I also like how the Oilers colours look.

Ro, your design has improved, although one of the things I'd change is that it still looks like the snout advances in front of the forehead, and that continues to make it look a bit like a bull... perhaps push the snout back, change some of the shading, and suddenly Sterling's got some serious competition.

STL, I can't wait to see what you've thought up...

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I'm thankful that the deadline is next Friday. Thanks for the helpful feedback Shiz and Sy. I have a long ways to go before I reach the standard set by Sterling. I'm happy with the theme and it's heading in the right direction. I guess designing at 2 am is slowing me down :)

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I'm thankful that the deadline is next Friday. Thanks for the helpful feedback Shiz and Sy. I have a long ways to go before I reach the standard set by Sterling. I'm happy with the theme and it's heading in the right direction. I guess designing at 2 am is slowing me down :)

I agree, and I think the shape of the logo would make a great crest.

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