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Kansas City Chiefs **UPDATE 9/8


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Been a bit bored in the last week before school starts up for me, and finally got around to doing a Chiefs concept which I wanted to do for a while, since I just hate their identity.

I decided to modernize their old running indian logo, just he head at least. I took their current arrowhead and made some changes, making the KC bigger and placing it over the arrowhead instead of inside it. Whole new wordmark as well, with a sort of indian/arrowhead vibe with the jagged marks. Note: the little yellow mark under the indian's eye is supposed to be a little warpaint action goin' on.

The uniforms I kept simple, with sleeves in the NFL getting smaller and smaller there ain't much to fit onto a jersey without it looking forced. So I just went with a sleeve logo and TV numbers. The thing that makes the uniform unique is the helmet, which I decided to go all out with. I put the headdress from the primary logo onto it, like the Vikings and Eagles.

Please save the "YOU CAN'T CHANGE THEIR HELMET ZOMG!!11 NO NO TOO MUCH TRADITION!! It's a concept. I realize their identity has gone pretty much untouched since their existence, but this is a concept, a modernization, just take it for what it is please.

And with that....C&C!




erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Pretty nice stuff. I love the helmet treatment. I'm not sure about the yellow facemask, but it might be the best solution. The secondary logo and wordmarks are very well done, and their shared visual style helps bring the package together.

My only suggestions would be to use a different pants stripe (the double stripe is too similar to the Redskins), to shrink the wordmarks under the collar, and to tweak the face on the primary logo. Something about the size, and the shape of the nose and chin, make it look a bit too "weak."


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The helmet isn't working for me. The feathers thing just ain't gettin' it. If you're really looking to get away from the current look maybe you could try the secondary logo on the helmet. Change the color to gold/yellow or white and add some stripes or something. The rest doesn't look bad at all.




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I don't really care for the indian-head logo, but I LOVE the helmets. The only thing I would change would be to add feathers in the middle to make it look more like an actual headdress. Not feelin' the arrowhead logo too much though. I think it might be more effective to tweak the existing logo since your new one still follows the same basic idea.

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Illwalk hit it on the head with the helmet suggestion. You need to add feathers around the top to complete the image. It's definitely unique and I like the idea. Another suggestion would be to make the feathers white with yellow highlights instead of the inverse you have. I visualize the Chiefs as a Red/White team that just happens to have yellow accents. So I think you overdid it a bit with the yellow.

On the primary, I suggest nixing the "feather earrings" on the far side (the guy's left side). Or at least have them go straight down. Why are they jutting out like that?

The wordmark is the weakest part for me. The jagged marks look more like bite marks from a dinosaur or something rather than lacerations/chips from an arrowhead.

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Definitely need to make the headdress on the entire helmet, just looks weird the way it is, incomplete if you will. I actually saw something similar during a chiefs game one year, the announcers held up a prototype helmet with a white feathered headdress and it looked awesome. Have never been able to find that image but it looked great and you should do that. Also agree wordmarks on the uni need to be scaled down. As far as the wordmark and arrowhead logo I wouldn't change a thing.

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I like the idea, it's mad crazy and over the top in a good way which sadly means chances are it would never fly in the NFL but I think if done right a full head dress type helmet design could really work in say the Arena league or somewhere like that so from a design standpoint I think it's a worthwhile effort and great to see. On the helmet I wouldn't split the design either side as you have though, I'd say if you're gonna go for a headdress helmet really DO IT! Put the biggest feather right down the centre and build out from there so the whole front of the helmet is covered just like it would be if the player were actually wearing it.

With regards the logo I think it needs some more work to really pull off the design. I'm not a headdress expert by any means, I mean I'm from Scotland after all, but from what I have seen in books and at museums I have to say that I get a more Aztec or Mayan feel coming from that almost circular style than I do Native American (I'm not even sure if that's the PC term anymore if not I apologise). I always picture an american style headdress as being less circular and coming down over the shoulders more. Secondly the face itself is off proportionally, Your poor wee Chief has almost no forehead to speak of whatsoever. The eyes are far to high up ideally they should sit a little over half way up the head, but that's easy enough to remedy and the idea is a good one so I'd spend the time doing it as it will only make it even better.

The wordmark and reimagining of the arrowhead design are both effective and I like them although I feel on the jerseys the wordmark should be smaller and I'd look at possibly doing it in a single colour as right now it's fighting with everything else.

All in all congrats on a bold piece of design, as you said yourself there will be detractors but that's their problem not yours. As you rightly said this is a concept, an experimentation in creativity and I agree that there shouldn't be any logo or team that's off limits as it defeats the purpose of this part of the forum so stick at it and I look forward to seeing how this one progresses.


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The helmet's been done before, but this has the potential to be one of the better ones. I totally agree with everyone else who said that this design cannot be a "sides only" one - it has to wrap the entire front / top. Also, maybe mix some black back in, kind of like in this image (or maybe just an outline to add some contrast.)


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Helmet is cool, but it may look like fire from a distance. The KC logo and wordmark are excellent. Perhaps use the KC/arrowhead logo on the side and add a single white/yellow feather as a stripe? Of course, a Chief DID have a whole head dress, so that may not be appropriate. Also, I'd use a white facemask, again, to not be too similar to the Skins.

The pants look like the Redskins though, you can't do that. The jersey numbers are only SLIGHTLY different than the Skins also. They need some tweaks for

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Yeah, good advice so far, I love the simplicity of the jagged edged KC logo with just the yellow in red, it really stands out, but then you went away from the for some reason, and added a white half-shade to the wordmark, which really downgrades that aspect. I would delete it, it doesn't add anything to the design, it's just distracting if anything. But yeah the arrowhead logo I absolutely love, the rendering of the Indian is a little weak, especially around the face, and especially the feathers around the face, the headdress rendering itself is spot on. The simplicity of the uniforms is good but the numbers bore me, what if you added some jagged detail like the KC logo? Nice creative concept though.

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Thanks all for the feedback!

After reading your critiques, here's what I'll focus on updating:

-Full headdress on the helmet

-Editing the face, make him more manly-looking? Should I get rid of the yellow accents in his face?

-Emphasize white more

-Decrease wordmark size on jersey

-Change pants stripe (I honestly didn't even think of the Redskins, shame on me!!)

-The neck earring things I took from the original logo. They're like that (at an angle) on the original, I guess I just never thought to straighten them. Will do.

-I'll see if switching yellow and white in some places makes it look better


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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If you?re going to do away with most of your yellow in the logo, then yes, I?d do away with the yellow accents in his face. My original thought on his face was that he looks like a Mayan, so maybe try making him more like a Native American. I'd first start with the cheek bone and chin. I like the nose and mouth, so if you don?t have to change those then great!

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If you?re going to do away with most of your yellow in the logo, then yes, I?d do away with the yellow accents in his face. My original thought on his face was that he looks like a Mayan, so maybe try making him more like a Native American. I'd first start with the cheek bone and chin. I like the nose and mouth, so if you don?t have to change those then great!

heres a good side profile:



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I don't know if you should change the face or not. It's a good neutral face that won't (or at least shouldn't) offend any Native American groups. Or who knows, maybe there were Mayans in the great plains and you're about to offend the remaining populations.

Full Headdress will make the helmet look less akward.

Change the striping and get rid of the redskin pants as mentioned above.

Keeping the yellow isn't a bad idea either. tone it down if you must just don't eliminate it completely.

That secondary logo is fantastic and should be sent to KC today.

The block numbers don't seem to fit in with the rest of your design. With that script it needs a more rounded approach.

Other than that it's a sweet concept. Chiefs need an update.

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I like the wordmark a lot!

I'd really screw tradition and change colors away from the current.

I am not fond of the primary and helmet at all.

The secondary is fine except the lower "notch" in the "c" almost lines up with the arrowhead's lower line making is look like a mistake.



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I am not trying to threadjack I just couldn't find my original post a few years back. But it is a similar idea to what I posted. Although rendered and cleaned up a lot better!




But I never did any uni's just the helmets.


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