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Tampa Bay Lightning Logo Idea


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I think Zeus has to look a little bigger and more intimidating, and an easy fix for the "friction match" would be to put the blade of the stick at the top, almost pointing directly outwards to keep it from taking over the image. good idea, but there's some room to improve before this is a great logo.

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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that already is a gigantic improvement. I think the stick needs to be angled just slightly more upward. in my opinion, it looks like that stick has about a 90 degree angle on it. ease the top, or change the angle of the shaft, and it would be perfect.

Gigantic improvement on Zeus though. It's surprising how much of a difference a little size change makes

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I think you need to light Zeus's face differently. Right now, you've got the highlights on the (stage) right side of his face and on his left arm. I would flip the highlights on his face to make it look like the light is coming from a single source to the left. Maybe add a little more definition in the torso as well -- not much is needed, but just so his chest doesn't look like one big black blob.

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I think it might look better if Zeus's hair was white with silver definition (curls). Great idea though and it does look better with the blade in the air.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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It's okay, but not as good as a version I saw on bazeiskpbl.com . That dude's a beast... Trust me!

Hey, he did the logo for one of the churches nearby! :P

Anyways on the concept, I like it but IMO the stick is a bit too big. I'd also listen to the earlier advice about the shadows.


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thanks again for your comments. looking on the shadow you are definitely right! i also changed the direction of the blade. making the hair white doesn't look well for me, because then darkness is gone.

If I shorten the size of the stick, doesn't look well either. But thanks again for all your advices. here's another update of the logo.

BTW, I like the version of KPBL, but more I like the TBL redesign of GhettoFarmBoy. Don't know if you know it.

My logo really seems like an 80s style. I'm not a Pro, guess it gets better with time to time and illustrating more logos.

Have a look again:


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I really like this concept a lot. I think the laurel leaves on his head seem to stan out too much, though. Also, what if Zeus were in a more active stance, throwing the lightning bolt a classic pose)? Lastly, the blade of the hockey stick could use some work to look more realistic. The curve and angle are currently pretty off. You might try adding some blue to the stick blade to make it look as if it's wrapped in tape. I know I seem like I'm picking on a lot of things, but I really do like this concept a lot and see a huge amount of potential. Keep up the good work!


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It's okay, but not as good as a version I saw on bazeiskpbl.com . That dude's a beast... Trust me!

If you want to contribute to the community, that's fine... but it's really :censored:ing low-rent to come and clown on someone else's concept to build you up.

*takes off backseat moderator hat*

As far as the concept goes... there are definitely things I really like about it, but something just feels... off, and it's all in the Zeus. I don't know if he's just too dark, if it's the Laurel leaves that could use some work, but it doesn't seem to come together compared to the stick which is at the point where it looks great.

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It's okay, but not as good as a version I saw on bazeiskpbl.com . That dude's a beast... Trust me!

If you want to contribute to the community, that's fine... but it's really :censored:ing low-rent to come and clown on someone else's concept to build you up.

*takes off backseat moderator hat*

As far as the concept goes... there are definitely things I really like about it, but something just feels... off, and it's all in the Zeus. I don't know if he's just too dark, if it's the Laurel leaves that could use some work, but it doesn't seem to come together compared to the stick which is at the point where it looks great.

Bruschimania, let me start by saying I can respect you going to bat for other artists, but are censored comments necessary to try to get your point across? My methods of getting acquainted with this community may be a little on the guerilla side of things, but honestly speaking, nobody would be listening if I said the same thing on this thread that everyone else was. Besides, I don't remember me ever saying it was a bad logo, I'm just speaking my opinion... Besides, I don't have to build myself up, I do have a lot of experience in this industry and am more than willing to help a young or less experienced designer.... Not sayin' I'm the man, but I'm not a slouch either. What you don't know about me is I can very easily state when someone has knocked a logo out of the park as well. I give credit where credit is due.

I will say this though, I've seen a lot of people get trashed for concepts that might be closer to the mark than this one, so shameless plug, yeah, especially coming from the same guy that got ripped for the "Buffaslug" years ago, you remember that, right? Everyone does!!! I don't recall anyone showing mercy or coming to my defense on that, like "wow, maybe that was the graphic direction the artist received" or "hey, I see some areas that could use improvement". I do however, remember reading things like "Celcius Designs' version was way better"... and he himself even going as far as posting an online petition to replace my version, and reading other statements like "the artist deserved to get castrated!" so I felt like my comment paled in comparison to my own "Welcome to Sportslogos.net" moment.

In closing, I'd like to say that I plan on frequenting the forums more often, and I'm gonna call things like I see them... Seems like no one else has a problem doing that around here.

Kristopher "Baze" Bazen


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alright. with many thankful advices to make it look better, I had a lot of work. especially doing the highlight / shadow parts. completely new area for me. still I'm not happy with the face and soon I have to take a break.

this is what I changed in comparison to the 3rd version: laurel, highlights, shadow, body, face dark side, arm

your opinion please. thanks!


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