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Bills confirm new uniform for 2011

Nick in England

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Why in the world would the Bills have an option of wearing two different socks at home? That just looks terrible. ^_^

But in all seriousness, that's a pretty bad ass way to show off a new uniform. Not only is it really cool that the Bills are honoring our military by letting them do this, it also works because they look like they could actually be football players.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Like Scott Norwood's kick... close, but no good.

This is so frustrating because these are so close to being perfect. As a born and raised WNY'er and

avid Bills fan it just pains me to take one step forward and two backwards all the time.


? Back to Royal

? White helmet. I love the red one also, but this is fresh and the logo pops off of it.

? Classic striping but.... see my cons

? I actually think the sleeve striping placement looks good. It seems like a necessary solution to the increasing problem

of no-sleeve unis and reduced awkward stripes.


? Navy? really? didn't we learn this lesson. It's NOT needed, get rid of it, it is completely pointless. At no time in 30+ years

did I ever hear anyone or a broadcaster say the numbers were difficult to read when just royal/red or white/red.

? The navy outlines makes the whole thing look cartoonish and juvenile.

? Logo overkill: 5 logos between the helmet, jersey and pants. You only need the helmet, get rid of the rest.

? Striping coloring inconsistency: only because there is the stupid Navy does this even present an issue. Why is the striping on the white jersey

different from the numbers to the sleeves? Duh, hello Reebok wake up. The numbers from inside out read: royal/red/navy. The stripes are royal/navy/red

? Tapered helmet stripe on a classic helmet with gray facemask, paired with a traditional jersey and pant striping = FAIL

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They do!! The new uniform kit has blue pants. Whether or not they wear them is another story, but they exist.

Hopefully they don't end up like the Jaguars' teal pants.

Jags have never worn teal pants. Only white and black.

I think he was trying to say that the Jags had teal pants in their plans, but never wore them.

concepts: washington football (2017) ... nfl (2013) ... yikes

potd 10/20/12
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Why in the world would the Bills have an option of wearing two different socks at home? That just looks terrible. ^_^

But in all seriousness, that's a pretty bad ass way to show off a new uniform. Not only is it really cool that the Bills are honoring our military by letting them do this, it also works because they look like they could actually be football players.

I consider myself to have a good sense of humor, but what you think is comedic about our Marine on the lower-left is way OVER THE LINE in what you consider humor ....

Your 'But in all seriousness' prefix to the next paragraph does nothing to bail you out of that one ... that was done in the poorest of taste. You ruined what could have been a very good post.

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As comic bill Burr would say, "Ohhhh, Jezuz!" I am still shocked that there are 67 pages on the Buffalo Bills uniforms.

That said, the Bills somehow got it wrong, yet SMU got it better (if not right) and the adidas Group operates both divisions.

How and Why?

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They do!! The new uniform kit has blue pants. Whether or not they wear them is another story, but they exist.

Hopefully they don't end up like the Jaguars' teal pants.

Jags have never worn teal pants. Only white and black.

I think he was trying to say that the Jags had teal pants in their plans, but never wore them.

OK. The only time I've seen teal Jags pants were in Madden and those were very unnecessary

Go A's!

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We have got to get some kind of petition going for these blue pants. Even Stevie "Styles" Johnson on twitter pleaded his disappointment to DraytonFlorence for the missing blue pants.

Here is his tweet

StevieJohnson13 @DraytonFlorence

New Version of The Throwbacks. Nice! Sox Can be Blue or White Pending On What We Wear. Mad We Didnt Have Blue Pants Tho

Like all the guys who talk NFL on ESPN say "C'MON MAN!"

I think the new uniforms are great looking. The fans on the Bills facebook page are ruthlessly pounding this 18 month process that ended up being no more than a modernized throwback 90's 70's jersey. They were going for a look not to pi$$ off the fans again like for instance..... The navy yoke on the away jerseys, or that mess grey outline navy monochrome BS with nothing contrasting. They played it safe, maybe to safe for fans. So what if the uniforms have the navy accents on the outline of everything, it doesn't take away from the look. Im happy with the stripes on the sides and the white helmet. Simple and effective unlike say a cardinals jersey or vikings. As soon as we get these blue pants its going to set these off. I cant wait to get my authentic costume made one, first Bills jersey buy for myself.

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They do!! The new uniform kit has blue pants. Whether or not they wear them is another story, but they exist.

Hopefully they don't end up like the Jaguars' teal pants.

Jags have never worn teal pants. Only white and black.

I think he was trying to say that the Jags had teal pants in their plans, but never wore them.

Exactly. From previous threads on the matter, my understanding is that the teal pants available in Madden were actually produced for the team, but never worn. Would have liked to see those matched up with their black alternate jersey and black socks.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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OK to Johnny Seoul or ArtNSocial...Since you guys both saw the uniforms before the unveiling and somehow were in the know. If the blue pants exist in the new uniform kit, why were they NOT displayed at the unveiling?!?!

I like the white on white but would love the white on blue! Can someone email Russ Brandon for a friggin' answer?!?!

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They do!! The new uniform kit has blue pants. Whether or not they wear them is another story, but they exist.

Hopefully they don't end up like the Jaguars' teal pants.

Jags have never worn teal pants. Only white and black.

I think he was trying to say that the Jags had teal pants in their plans, but never wore them.

Exactly. From previous threads on the matter, my understanding is that the teal pants available in Madden were actually produced for the team, but never worn. Would have liked to see those matched up with their black alternate jersey and black socks.

It would be a very loud look... probably took away the effect of the black jerseys. Although if it was paired with the white jerseys, it might work better.

Go A's!

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I like the new look. It's definitely an upgrade, however, it appears the AFC East, has a bit of a trend going on....





"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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I feel like I'm the only one who is NOT feeling these jerseys at all--yet another team with the "retro is modern" mentality. The dropping of the navy makes these uniforms way too bright and outdated (yes, I know the latter was the intention, but still...) Even though I had absolutely no problem with the previous jerseys, they could have simply tweaked them if there was that much of a need to change. The way that the shoulder stripes just cut off makes it look like something's missing. Don't even get me started on the gray facemasks, they practically scream boring.

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I feel like I'm the only one who is NOT feeling these jerseys at all--yet another team with the "retro is modern" mentality. The dropping of the navy makes these uniforms way too bright and outdated (yes, I know the latter was the intention, but still...) Even though I had absolutely no problem with the previous jerseys, they could have simply tweaked them if there was that much of a need to change. The way that the shoulder stripes just cut off makes it look like something's missing. Don't even get me started on the gray facemasks, they practically scream boring.

You obviously haven't read this thread.

Now, is it the lighting or do I spy mismatched blues? On the white jerseys, the darker sleeve stripes vs. lighter numbers, though maybe it's that light reflects off the twill differently than it does from the stripes. Are they both supposed to be royal?


The one thing I find comical is how different the on-field jerseys are from the for-purchase jerseys. That thick outline looks ridiculous and how can it be that far off from the on-field look? I'm the first one to rip clown-shirts like some players wear, that stretchy crap with the miniature NOBs and TV numbers, but at least the colors match.


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Note to the Minnesota Vikings- this is what you should have done (in purple and gold, with purple helmets).

Note to the Buffalo Bills- good job. Ignore the naysayers, although blue pants wouldn't go amiss!

Note to the naysayers- it's a classic look, not a retro look. Stop griping at any sports team that doesn't put loads of trim and striping on their uniforms. You know you would be griping if they had.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I love 'em. The only thing i would have done different is blue facemasks, but thats splitting hairs. I'll be very glad to be watching my team that at least looks NFL worthy, even if they don't play like it.

Man, this place breeds complainers.

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Never thought there were this many crybabies on there. The Bills 2011 uni's are a drastic improvement over the disaster they've been wearing.

And for the tool that called me out about the blue pants, for the 100th time, "YES", they also have a blue pant set. As for the reason they didn't show them yesterday...ask them. I'm not employed by the Buffalo Bills, but I did see the entire set (minus the socks) back in December and there were well over 50 blue Bills pants neatly folded right next to the white ones. The Browns also didn't show their brown pants in 2006 with their unveiling, though they had them. It took them 2 years to display them during a preseason game against the Giants.

When a team makes a uniform change, they are locked into it and cannot alter or add additional items. This is why Reebok (for example) gives the respective team additional options with the change. Examples of this includes the Browns' brown pants, the Bucs' black jersey, the 49ers' white pants, the Jags' teal pants (pre-current uniform change), the Seahawks' green jersey, the Bills' blue pants, and etc.





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I really like the blue jersey, but something weird happens with the white. I think maybe the navy on the white jersey overpowers what little royal blue there is? The blue on the blue jersey is what I want the Bills in; either they did a bad job translating that blue over to the numbers, or there's some kind of optical illusion with the navy.

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