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2012 MLB Season


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And before anyone starts, let's nip this s*** in the bud right now:

I don't give a :censored: if the Yankees win three straight more championships and Ichiro plays six more years...if he goes into the HoF, it WILL be as a Mariner.

(There...that oughtta stop a lot of stupid discussion before it starts over in one of the sixteen HoF threads in this SiG forum.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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And before anyone starts, let's nip this s*** in the bud right now:

I don't give a :censored: if the Yankees win three straight more championships and Ichiro plays six more years...if he goes into the HoF, it WILL be as a Mariner.

(There...that oughtta stop a lot of stupid discussion before it starts over in one of the sixteen HoF threads in this SiG forum.)

No doubt about it. He's just a rental anyway.

NCFA-FCS/CBB: Minnesota A&M | RANZBA (OOTP): Auckland Warriors | USA: Front Range United | IFA: Toverit Helsinki | FOBL: Kentucky Juggernaut

Minnesota A&M 2012 National Champions 2013 National Finalist, 2014 National Semi-finals 2012, 2013, 2014 Big 4 Conference Champions


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And before anyone starts, let's nip this s*** in the bud right now:

I don't give a :censored: if the Yankees win three straight more championships and Ichiro plays six more years...if he goes into the HoF, it WILL be as a Mariner.

(There...that oughtta stop a lot of stupid discussion before it starts over in one of the sixteen HoF threads in this SiG forum.)

No doubt about it. He's just a rental anyway.

He's not a rental. The Yankees didn't just pick up the biggest name in Japanese baseball with the intention of him just being a rental.


Sodboy13 said:
As you watch more basketball, you will learn to appreciate the difference between "defense" and "couldn't find the rim with a pair of bloodhounds and a Garmin."

meet the new page, not the same as the old page.

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Why did Seattle even think of getting rid of Ichiro? I can't believe this.

They blow hard and Ichiro's getting old. Best to trade him for some youth. Gotta think what's best for your club over sentiment.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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He's not a rental. The Yankees didn't just pick up the biggest name in Japanese baseball with the intention of him just being a rental.

So you're thinking that the Yankees will get another 3-5 seasons out of a 39 year old outfielder? Interesting.

This trade might actually get me to watch the Yankees on occasion.






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Giants fans have been tearing into the FOX telecast on Saturday. The broadcast was pro-Phillies, with subdued reaction to SF homeruns(including a pitcher hitting a home run), and excited reactions to the Hamels and Howard homeruns. I know the announcers were from the Phillies, but isn't this the national broadcast where they are supposed to be fairer to the teams?


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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Ichiro isn't even a shell of what the shell of Ichiro is.

I'll eat helpings of crow if this turns into gold for the Yankees, and I couldn't care less about the two minor league arms they gave up (both those players are dime-a-dozen pitchers, anyway), but the most significant thing about this trade is the name value, not the on-field value.

Prove me wrong, Ichiro.


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Why did Seattle even think of getting rid of Ichiro? I can't believe this.

They blow hard and Ichiro's getting old. Best to trade him for some youth. Gotta think what's best for your club over sentiment.

Thanks for taking the words right out of my mouth, man.

At this point, it's about what is best for the club and right now, it seems that this is the best move. Shocking that it is Ichiro that got traded not King Felix. But, let's face it: Ichiro isn't getting any younger and his game has fallen on some very hard times. In my mind, and in the minds of all Mariner fans, he will be one of the best to ever wear a Mariner jersey.

If and when he goes to Cooperstown, it will be in the navy blue of the Seattle Mariners. With that, I wish him luck with the Yankees and hope his time in the Bronx is a good one.


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He's not a rental. The Yankees didn't just pick up the biggest name in Japanese baseball with the intention of him just being a rental.

So you're thinking that the Yankees will get another 3-5 seasons out of a 39 year old outfielder? Interesting.

This trade might actually get me to watch the Yankees on occasion.

Not 3-5 years, but maybe one or two. Plus there's always the DH.


Sodboy13 said:
As you watch more basketball, you will learn to appreciate the difference between "defense" and "couldn't find the rim with a pair of bloodhounds and a Garmin."

meet the new page, not the same as the old page.

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He's not a rental. The Yankees didn't just pick up the biggest name in Japanese baseball with the intention of him just being a rental.

So you're thinking that the Yankees will get another 3-5 seasons out of a 39 year old outfielder? Interesting.

This trade might actually get me to watch the Yankees on occasion.

Not 3-5 years, but maybe one or two. Plus there's always the DH.

That'd be really stupid on the Yankees' part, because defense is pretty much the only thing Ichiro has left.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Tigers acquire Omar Infante and Amibal Sanchez from Marlins for Jacob Turner, Rob Brantley and Brian Flynn.

Hopefully this means the end of Ryan K-Burn.

One can only hope. With Young, Jackson, Boesch, and Berry rotating the outfield and Dirks coming back soon it's hard to see where Leyland would stick him. Unless he pulls the same crap he did with 3B last year after the Betemit trade.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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What's with the "if" Ichiro gets into the hall of fame business? He's a first ballot hall of famer as far as I'm concerned. He went to 10 straight all-star games, won the Gold Glove 10 straight times, 3 silver sluggers, rookie of the year, and MVP. He has one of the best rightfield arms we've ever seen. He's one of the best defensive outfielders we've ever seen. Also, HELLO, he's a lifetime .322 hitter, and he has 2500 hits in 12 years!

He's a Cooperstown lock even after waiting until he was 27 to come to MLB.


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Tigers acquire Omar Infante and Amibal Sanchez from Marlins for Jacob Turner, Rob Brantley and Brian Flynn.

Hopefully this means the end of Ryan K-Burn.

One can only hope. With Young, Jackson, Boesch, and Berry rotating the outfield and Dirks coming back soon it's hard to see where Leyland would stick him. Unless he pulls the same crap he did with 3B last year after the Betemit trade.

If Leyland continues to play Rugburn, Dombrowski better intervene.

Detroit Falcons (NABL) | Detroit Gears (UFL)

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