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Bolts win Cup


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Ah, yes, Buffalo. Home of the conspiracy theory. ;)

Don't get me wrong, it was still no goal (I even helped with a logo for nogoal.com when it was around :) ), but that's not much of a "conspiracy."

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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I can't believe that conspiracy theorists are having a fit over Tampa winning it.

kevin, i'm not a conspriacy theriost at all. i'm just upset the sharks(who in my opinion woulda won the cup) didnt make it and i cant root for a team that has terry bollea(otherwise known as hulk hogan) as a fan. The NHL has 'jumped the shark' when terry fluffing bollea is holding the cup



The Danimal said:
Texas is the state that gave us George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. 'Nuff said.
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WOW! This was a GREAT Final and I am glad I watched.

To the Calgary Flames, Thanks for the ride and you are a great team, I just wish my team here in Chicago was like yours and thanks for beating Detroit.

To Tampa Bay, First to was the Super Bowl now the Stanley Cup, Congrads to you and I hope wou will have a chance to defend next year, if the league does come back.

I love watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Too Bad the sport is in dyer straits.

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I wonder if the league told ABC not to mention that the NHL might not be back for awhile. Not that the series needed any more drama...

Just like CBC told DOn Cherry not to mention it was his last show...


Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

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I wonder if the league told ABC not to mention that the NHL might not be back for awhile. Not that the series needed any more drama...

Just like CBC told DOn Cherry not to mention it was his last show...


Wow, I didn't know that.

Looks like the solution to the NHL's ratings woes in the States may have fallen into their lap. :P

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Great series. The better team won, as it always seems to. Calgary gave it a great try, and came up short in the end. The 'disputed call' is just a crutch for those who want to justify.

SouthEast Hockey represent! The next cup will be won by Atlanta!

BTW, what a bullplop penalty there at the end. Cheap shot into the boards, and Ignorantia had the nerve to blow his top. Of COURSE it was a penalty and Mr. Overrated shoulda been thrown out for getting in the ref's face. ANY other game of the year, and he woulda been.

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I'm kind of numb and relieved...

Numb because it was so close--

relieved because life returns to some form of normalcy...

But what a finish--if only most of the game was like that...

and Khabibulin made an incredible save I thought was in and that would have tied it--can you imagine if this had gone to OT?

Hey congrats to both teams--it was a classic final series-among the top 5 I've seen (34of them)-except the wrong team won...

Oh well next up World CUP!


Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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dont EVEN get me started on the conspiracy thing....

Someday, Shark & I are going meet up halfway (let's say Omaha), spark up the grill and go over all our conspiracy theories while knocking back some cold ones.

Conspiracy? With Fraser refering?

1 9 9 3 ?

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Great series. The better team won, as it always seems to. Calgary gave it a great try, and came up short in the end. The 'disputed call' is just a crutc for those who want to justify.

SouthEast Hockey represent! The next cup will be won by Atlanta!

BTW, what a bullsht penalty there at the end. Cheap shot into the baord, and Ignoantia had the nerve to blow his top. Of COURSE it was a penalty and Mr. Overrated shoulda been thrown out for getting in the ref's face. ANY other game of the year, and he woulda been.

I was agreeing with you until you called one of the top rising player, the next Ambassador of the game: "Overrated"

Give me 3 players league-wise, who come anywhere close to this guy...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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:jumps up and down like the maniac I am:



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Calgary deserves the respect, not Toronto or Vansterdam or Montreal.

Vansterdam? :lol: That's better than Joke-ville. I have to take note of that.

Congrats Tampa on winning the cup. I say there was no conspiracy. The peanlties were justified and I didn't think 'that' was a goal because of the kicking motion, forget whether or not it went in.

The thing that made me laugh was Andreychuk had to watch the remaining seconds from the penalty box :D

What disturbs me are the pictures with Hulk Hogan, mind you he didn't just jump on the bandwagon like everyone else in Tampa



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Terrific series. Next Stanley Cup will be won by Winnipeg... you watch. B)

Damn straight. No hockey in 2005 - that's what I'm routing for. Get the game to return to its roots.

Interesting note: Gary (the worthless piece of scum) Bettman mentioned how great the Lightning's owner was. "Best owner in hockey" or something like that. I may be mistaken.. but didn't he try to sell his team in the past couple years? The Lightning, even with a cup victory, are still not a stable franchise. As the best team in the league, they STILL couldn't attract fans - their announced attendances were artificially inflated. Without this great playoff run, they would've lost alot of money. But anyway, I hope they repeat... as the new Winnipeg Jets (cue Van Halen's "Jump").

Ah... that's enough whining by me... Congrats Tampa Bay. Take care of Canada's baby this summer.

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congrats to tampa.

well deserved championship. Andreychuk deserves a spot on the cup.

however the cup really should be calgarys though, because the no-goal in game 6 was clearly a goal. but that is here or there.



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Congrats to the TB Lightning & their fans - what a ride. Just a few years ago, the Bolts lost 50+ game during a 4 out of 5 year stretch. What a difference Dave A'chuk, a new coach and a commitment to winning makes.

Congrats to the Flames for a great series. :D

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As a Flyers fan, let me say this: "Big, fat, fricking whopp-dee-doo-dah."

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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As a Flyers fan, let me say this: "Big, fat, fricking whopp-dee-doo-dah."

As Canes fan..... Oh wait, it doesn't matter. I'm glad you've decided to share your apathy.

Congrats to Tampa Bay and it's good to see Andreychuk win one, and win one as an important member of the team.

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