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How 'bout them Chokeboys?


The CCSLC's resident Geelong Cats fan.

Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends. Sounds like something from a Rocky & Bullwinkle story arc.

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You know, I was all set to come in here and try to defend Romo a little bit. Then on SNF, they said that, on the play where he threw the final INT, he was supposed to run but checked out of it. So yeah, this one is entirely his fault.

Dallas is a complete cluster- :censored:. They're stuck in the "dreaded middle", which is bad enough, but Jerry and the rest seem to have no clue just how bad of shape their team is in. They seem to have this delusional idea that they're only a bad bounce here and a good bounce there from being an elite team. Today's collapse would almost be excusable if a.) Aaron Rogers was the guy behind the Packers comeback, b.) the Cowboys running game had been entirely ineffective, c.) the Cowboys hadn't abandoned the game plan that put them up 26-3. Sometimes, a collapse like that is just one of those things. It happens in the NFL. This particular collapse was a direct result of some of the dumbest coaching and play calling I've ever seen - and I've been watching the NFL longer than some of you have been alive. B) The Cowboys have nothing but their own stupidity to blame for this one - and wow, was that some world class stupidity on display today. But as a Packers fan/owner, I'll gladly take it.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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This season has been such a roller coaster for the Pats. I know people get pissed when you complain about the refs after a loss, but COME ON. I don't even know what pass interference is any more. In both the Carolina and Miami games, the Pats should have had the ball on the 1 yard line with time to run 1 play. Instead, the refs blew both calls. It is so frustrating having that happen. Granted we shouldn't have gotten to those positions in the first place, but the fact is that the refs blew two crucial calls in those games. I hate it when refs call the game differently at the end of the game. If it is a penalty on the first play of the game, it is a penalty on the last play of the game.

EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


Pats fans have no room to complain after what happened last week.

The fact that the refs blew a call last week does not mean that any blown call against the Pats this week is justified. The fact is that they missed a call, and no amount of previous calls in our favor can change that. Also, if you want to play the "refs always help the Pats" card, I suggest you look at the end of the Pats-Panthers game.
The call the Pats got last week was a makeup call for the Panthers game. So stop complaining about makeup calls when your team's already benefited from one.

The Pats got 1 blown call not in their favor in the Panthers game, 1 blown call in their favor against the Browns, and another blown call that hurt them against the Dolphins. Unless I'm misunderstanding math, that is 2 blown calls that hurt the Pats and 1 that helped them, netting 1 blown call not in the Pats favor.

I'd hazard that over the last decade plus New England's benefited more from blown calls than hurt. So there.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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You know, I was all set to come in here and try to defend Romo a little bit. Then on SNF, they said that, on the play where he threw the final INT, he was supposed to run but checked out of it. So yeah, this one is entirely his fault.

Dallas is a complete cluster- :censored:. They're stuck in the "dreaded middle", which is bad enough, but Jerry and the rest seem to have no clue just how bad of shape their team is in. They seem to have this delusional idea that they're only a bad bounce here and a good bounce there from being an elite team. Today's collapse would almost be excusable if a.) Aaron Rogers was the guy behind the Packers comeback, b.) the Cowboys running game had been entirely ineffective, c.) the Cowboys hadn't abandoned the game plan that put them up 26-3. Sometimes, a collapse like that is just one of those things. It happens in the NFL. This particular collapse was a direct result of some of the dumbest coaching and play calling I've ever seen - and I've been watching the NFL longer than some of you have been alive. B) The Cowboys have nothing but their own stupidity to blame for this one - and wow, was that some world class stupidity on display today. But as a Packers fan/owner, I'll gladly take it.

Yeah, pretty much that. The Cowboys ran the ball eight times, total, in the second half of the game, and only THREE times in their last four possessions.

This with a running back who went 18/134/7.4.

That was the height of stupidity that we saw out there today. It was impossible to fathom what they were doing out there. And their head coach is an ex-QB, for 'cripes sakes! You would think that, if anyone would have a grasp on what is appropriate in a given game situation, it would be a quarterback. Unreal.


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You know, I was all set to come in here and try to defend Romo a little bit. Then on SNF, they said that, on the play where he threw the final INT, he was supposed to run but checked out of it. So yeah, this one is entirely his fault.

Dallas is a complete cluster- :censored:. They're stuck in the "dreaded middle", which is bad enough, but Jerry and the rest seem to have no clue just how bad of shape their team is in. They seem to have this delusional idea that they're only a bad bounce here and a good bounce there from being an elite team. Today's collapse would almost be excusable if a.) Aaron Rogers was the guy behind the Packers comeback, b.) the Cowboys running game had been entirely ineffective, c.) the Cowboys hadn't abandoned the game plan that put them up 26-3. Sometimes, a collapse like that is just one of those things. It happens in the NFL. This particular collapse was a direct result of some of the dumbest coaching and play calling I've ever seen - and I've been watching the NFL longer than some of you have been alive. B) The Cowboys have nothing but their own stupidity to blame for this one - and wow, was that some world class stupidity on display today. But as a Packers fan/owner, I'll gladly take it.

Yeah, pretty much that. The Cowboys ran the ball eight times, total, in the second half of the game, and only THREE times in their last four possessions.

This with a running back who went 18/134/7.4.

That was the height of stupidity that we saw out there today. It was impossible to fathom what they were doing out there. And their head coach is an ex-QB, for 'cripes sakes! You would think that, if anyone would have a grasp on what is appropriate in a given game situation, it would be a quarterback. Unreal.

Ex third string quarterback. Geez man get it right. ;)


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This season has been such a roller coaster for the Pats. I know people get pissed when you complain about the refs after a loss, but COME ON. I don't even know what pass interference is any more. In both the Carolina and Miami games, the Pats should have had the ball on the 1 yard line with time to run 1 play. Instead, the refs blew both calls. It is so frustrating having that happen. Granted we shouldn't have gotten to those positions in the first place, but the fact is that the refs blew two crucial calls in those games. I hate it when refs call the game differently at the end of the game. If it is a penalty on the first play of the game, it is a penalty on the last play of the game.

EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


Pats fans have no room to complain after what happened last week.

The fact that the refs blew a call last week does not mean that any blown call against the Pats this week is justified. The fact is that they missed a call, and no amount of previous calls in our favor can change that. Also, if you want to play the "refs always help the Pats" card, I suggest you look at the end of the Pats-Panthers game.
The call the Pats got last week was a makeup call for the Panthers game. So stop complaining about makeup calls when your team's already benefited from one.

The Pats got 1 blown call not in their favor in the Panthers game, 1 blown call in their favor against the Browns, and another blown call that hurt them against the Dolphins. Unless I'm misunderstanding math, that is 2 blown calls that hurt the Pats and 1 that helped them, netting 1 blown call not in the Pats favor.

I'd hazard that over the last decade plus New England's benefited more from blown calls than hurt. So there.

That doesn't stop the fact that this was a blown call.

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So if Dallas beats Washington next Sunday, the Eagles SNF game vs the Bears will be meaningless because the division will be decided the following week in Dallas, and wild card isn't really in play. Do you rest your starters on national TV to keep them rested and healthy for the division championship game?

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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This season has been such a roller coaster for the Pats. I know people get pissed when you complain about the refs after a loss, but COME ON. I don't even know what pass interference is any more. In both the Carolina and Miami games, the Pats should have had the ball on the 1 yard line with time to run 1 play. Instead, the refs blew both calls. It is so frustrating having that happen. Granted we shouldn't have gotten to those positions in the first place, but the fact is that the refs blew two crucial calls in those games. I hate it when refs call the game differently at the end of the game. If it is a penalty on the first play of the game, it is a penalty on the last play of the game.

EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


Pats fans have no room to complain after what happened last week.

The fact that the refs blew a call last week does not mean that any blown call against the Pats this week is justified. The fact is that they missed a call, and no amount of previous calls in our favor can change that. Also, if you want to play the "refs always help the Pats" card, I suggest you look at the end of the Pats-Panthers game.
The call the Pats got last week was a makeup call for the Panthers game. So stop complaining about makeup calls when your team's already benefited from one.

The Pats got 1 blown call not in their favor in the Panthers game, 1 blown call in their favor against the Browns, and another blown call that hurt them against the Dolphins. Unless I'm misunderstanding math, that is 2 blown calls that hurt the Pats and 1 that helped them, netting 1 blown call not in the Pats favor.

I'd hazard that over the last decade plus New England's benefited more from blown calls than hurt. So there.

That doesn't stop the fact that this was a blown call.

That picture doesn't prove anything. He's got his hand on his back, which isn't, in itself, interfering with his ability to catch the football. He's not grabbing him or somehow keeping him from twisting to get the ball. Early contact itself doesn't constitute pass interference. Also, Aqib Talib gets away with worse than that at least five times every game. When we're talking about controversial calls, or missed calls, to end Patriots games, don't forget the missed hold on the game winning TD versus the Saints.


So... Patriots are even.


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Give all that has happened today, maybe we're all stupid for overlooking NBC, for flexing-in Philly-Chicago next Sunday.

From what I've seen, the decision to flex CHI/PHI was less about this matchup (which has major playoff implications for both teams anyway) and more of a payback to CBS for taking the first KC/DEN matchup by giving them back NE/BAL for a national matchup

As for whether or not the Eagles should rest their starters, after that putrid display today, HELL NO. Besides, they just had their bye a couple of weeks ago and the team is mostly healthy thanks to the Navy SEAL trainer guy

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Meaningless from a Philadelphia perspective, perhaps, but Chicago will still have a great deal on the line themselves. If anything, if the Eagles take the approach that the Cowboys took in Week 16 of 2011, it could be the stroke of luck Chicago needs to lift themselves over the top into January.

So from a Phila perspective, would you put your guys in a meaningless to them perspective, against a team that's out for blood?

Of course it's all moot if Washington can beat the Cowboys. Then it's for the division title.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Meaningless from a Philadelphia perspective, perhaps, but Chicago will still have a great deal on the line themselves. If anything, if the Eagles take the approach that the Cowboys took in Week 16 of 2011, it could be the stroke of luck Chicago needs to lift themselves over the top into January.

So from a Phila perspective, would you put your guys in a meaningless to them perspective, against a team that's out for blood?

Of course it's all moot if Washington can beat the Cowboys. Then it's for the division title.

The possibility of a Philadelphia/Chicago playoff matchup is pretty slim, but that game would have potential implications on seeding between #3 and #4, and whether that even holds much meaning or not; we don't even know whether New Orleans or Carolina will be the WC recipient from the NFCS, which seed San Francisco will hold, or if possibly Arizona sneaks in via tiebreak on the Panthers; it's so up in the air that this really cannot be a consideration.

I generally favor playing the starters straight through, especially in Week 16 under any circumstances at all. I mentioned what Dallas did in Week 16 of 2011 when they pretty much let their B team play, and the next week they played a terrible game against the Giants. Was there a cause-and-effect? Eh, draw your own conclusions. Personally, I would think that the rest did not help the Cowboys at all, in that spot.

We should presume Dallas beats Washington simply because there's no reason to expect a 3-11 team to win a football game against any mediocre-or-better team, so I expect the Eagles to be aware that their East fate will lie with that Week 17 meeting. I would also expect the Eagles to play their A team that night against another playoff hopeful with seeding on the line.


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This season has been such a roller coaster for the Pats. I know people get pissed when you complain about the refs after a loss, but COME ON. I don't even know what pass interference is any more. In both the Carolina and Miami games, the Pats should have had the ball on the 1 yard line with time to run 1 play. Instead, the refs blew both calls. It is so frustrating having that happen. Granted we shouldn't have gotten to those positions in the first place, but the fact is that the refs blew two crucial calls in those games. I hate it when refs call the game differently at the end of the game. If it is a penalty on the first play of the game, it is a penalty on the last play of the game.

EDIT: Why isn't this PI?


Pats fans have no room to complain after what happened last week.
The fact that the refs blew a call last week does not mean that any blown call against the Pats this week is justified. The fact is that they missed a call, and no amount of previous calls in our favor can change that. Also, if you want to play the "refs always help the Pats" card, I suggest you look at the end of the Pats-Panthers game.
The call the Pats got last week was a makeup call for the Panthers game. So stop complaining about makeup calls when your team's already benefited from one.
The Pats got 1 blown call not in their favor in the Panthers game, 1 blown call in their favor against the Browns, and another blown call that hurt them against the Dolphins. Unless I'm misunderstanding math, that is 2 blown calls that hurt the Pats and 1 that helped them, netting 1 blown call not in the Pats favor.

I'd hazard that over the last decade plus New England's benefited more from blown calls than hurt. So there.

That doesn't stop the fact that this was a blown call.

That picture doesn't prove anything. He's got his hand on his back, which isn't, in itself, interfering with his ability to catch the football. He's not grabbing him or somehow keeping him from twisting to get the ball. Early contact itself doesn't constitute pass interference. Also, Aqib Talib gets away with worse than that at least five times every game. When we're talking about controversial calls, or missed calls, to end Patriots games, don't forget the missed hold on the game winning TD versus the Saints.


So... Patriots are even.

Not quite. If my math serves me correctly, the Patriots are still owed one.



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I think Jerry knows and is comfortable with the role the Cowboys are. Year after year of mediocrity, a soap opera, and fall short of a winnable division. Plus he knows the league will broadcast every single one of their games if they can, and will thus be the talk of everyone 24/7. It's one thing to get lit up by Peyton and Brees, but your defense has to be really wretched when Josh McCown and Matt Flynn look like All-Stars.


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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Wasteful Cincinnati tonight condemns them back to the #3 with a looser grasp than they had at the start of the week.

Freaking Indy actually still has an outside chance at the #2 and a bye at this point. Gee whiz, what the hell happened to the best teams in the AFC this week?

There's a lot to try and figure out heading into the matchups of Week 16, but a great deal of that won't be known until the result of tomorrow nights game. The Monday Night game isn't a gem as far as the teams involved, but it does hold a ton of playoff weight, and ESPN will probably be glad about that. Their final game is 4-10 Atlanta vs. 10-4 SF, so that one won't hold nearly as much.


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You know, I was all set to come in here and try to defend Romo a little bit. Then on SNF, they said that, on the play where he threw the final INT, he was supposed to run but checked out of it. So yeah, this one is entirely his fault.

Dallas is a complete cluster- :censored:. They're stuck in the "dreaded middle", which is bad enough, but Jerry and the rest seem to have no clue just how bad of shape their team is in. They seem to have this delusional idea that they're only a bad bounce here and a good bounce there from being an elite team. Today's collapse would almost be excusable if a.) Aaron Rogers was the guy behind the Packers comeback, b.) the Cowboys running game had been entirely ineffective, c.) the Cowboys hadn't abandoned the game plan that put them up 26-3. Sometimes, a collapse like that is just one of those things. It happens in the NFL. This particular collapse was a direct result of some of the dumbest coaching and play calling I've ever seen - and I've been watching the NFL longer than some of you have been alive. B) The Cowboys have nothing but their own stupidity to blame for this one - and wow, was that some world class stupidity on display today. But as a Packers fan/owner, I'll gladly take it.

Well said. Romo is equally at fault along with the coaches.

Sometimes I just wish I didn't care. Having said that, I'll be laughing my ass off if we finish 8-8 again.

This year has finally made me take off my Cowboys' star-shaped glasses, stop drinking the blue kool-aid, to see what this team truly is. Mediocre with horrendous management.

Cowboys - Lakers - LAFC - USMNT - LA Rams - LA Kings - NUFC 

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