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Detroit Lions logo concept


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This is my first posted concept, and one of my first ones made. I am no graphics designer or anything, as you can probably tell, just a kid with free time and nothing better to do. I live in Michigan and have always been a lions fan. I do not really think they need a change, well not logo wise, but I just did this for fun. I am new to illustrator and I am trying to get used to it. Please tell me what you think. C+C appreciated.


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The graphic elements look very well-done.

But instead of looking fierce, the lion looks sort of weasely or seedy, like he's plotting something behind your back. That mischievous grin and the semi-arched eyebrow... I wouldn't trust him around my kids, if I had any.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Being a Lions fan (obviously because of their winning record :therock: ) I would not use this logo for the team. They need a more ferocious logo to get them off their butts and start kickin some butts.

However, take of the mane and youve got a decent puma/panther like logo.

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The graphic elements look very well-done.

But instead of looking fierce, the lion looks sort of weasely or seedy, like he's plotting something behind your back. That mischievous grin and the semi-arched eyebrow... I wouldn't trust him around my kids, if I had any.

Would you trust any lion around your kids? ^_^

"I must be butter, because I'm on a roll."

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That's actually pretty good for your first go at an Illustrator concept. I really like the way the mouth and the eye are rendered. I think, though that it needs some depth. If you can get the ears behind the mane (which may require drawing them separately and placing them behind) and maybe extend a peak of the mane onto the head or something, it could turn out really nice. Good start.

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The graphic elements look very well-done.

But instead of looking fierce, the lion looks sort of weasely or seedy, like he's plotting something behind your back.  That mischievous grin and the semi-arched eyebrow... I wouldn't trust him around my kids, if I had any.

But isnt that good? It ,means youre plotting the other teams downfall.

Anyways, very good. Not very feirce like youd expect, but good nonetheless. Great for a first timer, and better than what i can do without actually drawing it.

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i'm definately getting a chihuahua/featherboa vibe...

And you're not the only one - I had a strange craving for gorditas looking at this.

On the good side, it is exceptionally well-rendered. For your first go-round on here, it's evident you've got some talent. I would consider the suggestions and make it more leonine (whiskers, rounder eye, rework the mouth) and less sneaky/smarmy looking. The King of the Jungle shouldn't look like he just put a whoopie cushion on the teacher's seat and is waiting for it to make noise. The mane is pretty good, it's the face that needs some editing.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Here is the logo with some changes, which I think are definitely improvements.


Thanks to those of you who actually made suggestions of how to make it better, and not just saying it looked like a kitty or a chihuahua. I couldn't get what officeglenn said to look right. Please tell me what you think now. Again, I will accept and take into consideration any suggestions you guys have about the concept.


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