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My motives are clean, I promise.

Are they? You tried to defend someone who was banned for using a second account to circumnavigate a suspension earlier in this thread. Now you're asking how IP bans work. Forgive me if I'm just a bit suspicious.

And to add to the intrigue, that was the first post from that IP address.
I'm on my phone, man.

And the guy I defended a while back was banned for having two accounts, not using a new account to circumvent a suspension.

And as I explained before the dual accounts was one thing on a longer list of issues we were dealing with.

You could just answer the question, you know.

Again, you defended someone who was disciplined for breaking the dual account rule. One of those issues did involve circumnavigating a suspension. You're now asking for information that could be used to circumnavigate the dual account rule. We're not out of line for being suspicious. You said your motives were clean. Ok. Tell us. If it's an issue that needs to be kept private PM a mod. Just being vague isn't helping your case here.

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How would the mods feel about a Lounge topic regarding the strangeness occurring in North Korea right now? Lot of turmoil between N/S Korea, a potential political coup, and perhaps war. I don't want to start it without some sort of blessing since we all know how these things can go.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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How would the mods feel about a Lounge topic regarding the strangeness occurring in North Korea right now? Lot of turmoil between N/S Korea, a potential political coup, and perhaps war. I don't want to start it without some sort of blessing since we all know how these things can go.

Seeing as how it's not something that's going to cause a Dem/GOP pissing match, go for it. If the usual suspects drag it into the mud, we'll take action.


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How would the mods feel about a Lounge topic regarding the strangeness occurring in North Korea right now? Lot of turmoil between N/S Korea, a potential political coup, and perhaps war. I don't want to start it without some sort of blessing since we all know how these things can go.

Seeing as how it's not something that's going to cause a Dem/GOP pissing match, go for it. If the usual suspects drag it into the mud, we'll take action.

We all know how advanced N. Korea's technology is, they'll find out and nuke us all.

That's what- She

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone tell me why my new thread for I posted last night at 17:45 PST in The Lounge called "Cpl Nathan Cirillo Returns to Hamilton" was moved? Why was I not even messaged about it. I thought it deserved it's own post and not get buried in the the BS in the "Ottawa Parliament Shootings" thread.

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Can someone tell me why my new thread for I posted last night at 17:45 PST in The Lounge called "Cpl Nathan Cirillo Returns to Hamilton" was moved? Why was I not even messaged about it. I thought it deserved it's own post and not get buried in the the BS in the "Ottawa Parliament Shootings" thread.

It didn't. Er wait, I'll let a mod tell you the same thing over this "outrage."

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"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Can someone tell me why my new thread for I posted last night at 17:45 PST in The Lounge called "Cpl Nathan Cirillo Returns to Hamilton" was moved? Why was I not even messaged about it. I thought it deserved it's own post and not get buried in the the BS in the "Ottawa Parliament Shootings" thread.

I'm going to presume it's because it's a new post on an already made topic. It didn't warrant it's own thread.


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Can someone tell me why my new thread for I posted last night at 17:45 PST in The Lounge called "Cpl Nathan Cirillo Returns to Hamilton" was moved? Why was I not even messaged about it. I thought it deserved it's own post and not get buried in the the BS in the "Ottawa Parliament Shootings" thread.

I'm going to presume it's because it's a new post on an already made topic. It didn't warrant it's own thread.

The topic is new because it had to do with Cpl Nathan Cirillo's return to Hamilton by funeral procession, the outpouring of love and Canadian pride by people who didn't know Cirillo but felt a duty to say thank you for the needless slaying that occurred. It had nothing to do with the BS coward that shot him and events that surrounded the Parliament shootings. It deserved it's own thread, period! I don't believe it should have been buried in the Ottawa Shooting thread. Take it from me a current long serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces, most notably the Royal Canadian Navy of 18 years, who has done more and risked more than most of these moderators on this board. That 24 year old soldier deserves the recognition even if it's on this board to stand on it's own. Even he has done more and risked more than most of these moderators on this board. I think it's a sacrilege and a dishonesty to us Canadians to push this thread to somewhere it doesn't deserve to be.

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Can someone tell me why my new thread for I posted last night at 17:45 PST in The Lounge called "Cpl Nathan Cirillo Returns to Hamilton" was moved? Why was I not even messaged about it. I thought it deserved it's own post and not get buried in the the BS in the "Ottawa Parliament Shootings" thread.

I'm going to presume it's because it's a new post on an already made topic. It didn't warrant it's own thread.

The topic is new because it had to do with Cpl Nathan Cirillo's return to Hamilton by funeral procession, the outpouring of love and Canadian pride by people who didn't know Cirillo but felt a duty to say thank you for the needless slaying that occurred. It had nothing to do with the BS coward that shot him and events that surrounded the Parliament shootings. It deserved it's own thread, period! I don't believe it should have been buried in the Ottawa Shooting thread. Take it from me a current long serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces, most notably the Royal Canadian Navy of 18 years, who has done more and risked more than most of these moderators on this board. That 24 year old soldier deserves the recognition even if it's on this board to stand on it's own. I think it's a sacrilege and a dishonesty to us Canadians to push this thread to somewhere it doesn't deserve to be.

It does though, considering he was the one that was shot. I don't think anyone is trying to undermine what you, Nathan or any military personal do, but it was just a housekeeping issue mod wise.


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Can someone tell me why my new thread for I posted last night at 17:45 PST in The Lounge called "Cpl Nathan Cirillo Returns to Hamilton" was moved? Why was I not even messaged about it. I thought it deserved it's own post and not get buried in the the BS in the "Ottawa Parliament Shootings" thread.

I'm going to presume it's because it's a new post on an already made topic. It didn't warrant it's own thread.

The topic is new because it had to do with Cpl Nathan Cirillo's return to Hamilton by funeral procession, the outpouring of love and Canadian pride by people who didn't know Cirillo but felt a duty to say thank you for the needless slaying that occurred. It had nothing to do with the BS coward that shot him and events that surrounded the Parliament shootings. It deserved it's own thread, period! I don't believe it should have been buried in the Ottawa Shooting thread. Take it from me a current long serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces, most notably the Royal Canadian Navy of 18 years, who has done more and risked more than most of these moderators on this board. That 24 year old soldier deserves the recognition even if it's on this board to stand on it's own. I think it's a sacrilege and a dishonesty to us Canadians to push this thread to somewhere it doesn't deserve to be.

It does though, considering he was the one that was shot. I don't think anyone is trying to undermine what you, Nathan or any military personal do, but it was just a housekeeping issue mod wise.

The new thread had to do with Cirillo's funeral procession from Ottawa-Hull to Hamilton, Ontario. Not the shooting in Ottawa itself.

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