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NHL Anti-Thread: Bad Business Decision Aggregator


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Can someone explain to me why half of hfboards is convinced a 2 team expansion is going to be part of the new CBA? I mean such an act of insane stupidity only makes sense under OITGDNHL logic.

Well, there's your answer. Next week, it'll be "WHY AREN'T THE SHARKS ON NBC?!?" and "THE DEVILS DIDN'T REALLY MAKE MONEY THIS YEAR AND THEY MADE THE STANLEY CUP FINALS. LET'S MOVE THEM AND THE ISLANDERS TO PORTLAND AND SASKATOON WHERE THEY CARE MORE ABOUT HOCKEY THAN NEW YORK!!!1" Maybe even some "The Winter Classic should be Avalanche-Wild/eliminated because it's obviously a gimmick and Bettman sucks"


Twitter: @RyanMcD29

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Can someone explain to me why half of hfboards is convinced a 2 team expansion is going to be part of the new CBA? I mean such an act of insane stupidity only makes sense under OITGDNHL logic.

Yeah, it's mostly that one numbnuts who keeps saying "don't worry, Quebec, you'll get a team...in expansion! :)" or something and then craps out some idiotic 12-point plan for how Bettman will successfully knock 7% off the players' revenue in exchange for two new teams despite the fact there isn't enough ownership for 28 teams right now, let alone 32. Mainstream message boards remind us how good we have it in our dark dork corners. Our worst beat their best.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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"The apocalypse has finally begun, Pigs are learning how to fly, Satan is skating his way to work & I'm pretty sure I just became a monkey's uncle."-NC Tom & Jerry review...


Seriously, if this is true, hell has frozen over...

Well, not to beat a dead horse, but it is 2012.

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For what it's worth, the MLB CBA includes an expansion clause as well, but I wouldn't count on it happening anytime soon:

G. Future Expansion

During the term of this Agreement, the Clubs have the right to expand

the number of Major League Clubs by adding up to two (2) new

Expansion Clubs. Notice of a decision to expand by two Clubs shall

promptly be given to the Association and the Association may reopen

this Agreement with reference solely to the effect upon the Players of

such expansion, upon the giving of 10 days? written notice.

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Keeps happening. Though hahaha did some Bridgeview city spokesman drop a "your guyses Cubs suck, go Sox" in here?

"Toyota Park has been the best thing to ever happen to Bridgeview. It's brought a new spirit and pride and regional attention," he said. "The Fire is a remarkable team, far better than the Tribune's properties. ..."

:lol: But yeah what a mess.

Via email, he said "fluid" negotiations led to a "cutting-edge private and public partnership."


♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Heh...I stayed in Bridgeview when I went to Chicago last summer. Wasn't a very exciting place. I thought the GPS lady was screwing with me when I was driving through a few apartment complexes and neighborhoods to get to the CTA station near the airport.....

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From the New York Times/Sports Business Journal's Chris Botta:

Nets CEO Brett Yormark has not held back from talking big about the #Isles landing in Brooklyn. Sources say Yormark, in recent meetings with clients and prospective partners, has said that the chances of the NYI playing in Brooklyn in 2015 are "better than 50%." To be clear, this does not mean the NYI are definitely moving there. You cannot blame Yormark, a relentless salesman, for his sales pitch. But as of now, Brooklyn stands as the Isles' best (only?) option in the New York area if they leave Nassau.
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I guess one franchise moving to Canada is all that turd Gary Bettman can handle.

One more franchise moving to Canada is all that's really reasonable at this point. We know that population isn't everything in the NHL, but it still counts. The GTA could probably support three teams, but that's just cannibalizing success. Quebec City is the only reasonable Canadian market right now.

Unless I misunderstood and you meant that the Jets are his limit. In which case, yes, he would be a turd.

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So, it's over, right?

Judging by the last couple reactions, sounds like Goldwater is leaving the CoG alone.

what makes you say that?

Yeah, what? They're not leaving the city alone at all. They got a judge to say that the vote can (and will) be struck down now that it's been passed.

A little late to reply, but it may have been a bit an over-reaction of mine to the 2 or so posters that had acted like everything was sealed and delivered. This thing has lasted so long that I can't let my mood swing by every bit going on with Glendale, the Coyotes, and the NHL. That Goldwater-leaving-Glendale-alone was meant to be sarcastic.

Oh, and apparently most of the council members didn't read some important documents beforehand, as it was "in someone's email inbox" and they couldn't reach it. That's okay, though, because



sport-spor-spor sport sp-sporrrrts...


Continuting off the "Clown College" bit...this is fitting, too:

Insert Signature Here?


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I really think the NHL needs to go down to just two conferences and that's it. Put each team in either the East or West and be done with it. As for teams going bye-bye everyone could argue that until blue in the face. Ever since Bettman has been in charge a lot of teams have came into the league that shouldn't have been (or moved to places they shouldn't have). The NHL is overpopulated as it is with 30 teams. There really should only be 24 teams at most. Teams like the NY Islanders, Columbus Blue Jackets (I live an hour south of Columbus, but honestly they are a joke), Florida Panthers, Anaheim Ducks, and Phoenix Coyotes have no place in pro hockey. Not saying that because some are in places where it's hot 85 percent of the year/ doesn't really matter Stanley Cup is always played in June when it's hot everywhere. You go to anywhere in Columbus and all you see is scarlet and grey. Heck most sports stores don't even carry Blue Jackets merchandise.... but point being, the NHL should be fixed, sooner than later. Just like baseball, it was better when there were less divisions and better rivalries. Do cities in the "Sun Belt" deserve hockey? Some have proven that they do i.e. Tampa, Raleigh. There shouldn't be two teams in LA, nor should there be three teams in the NYC metro area/send the Islanders packing. As the saying goes we can wish in one hand and crap in the other. But as long as Buttman is in charge just think the most rediculous thing and it will probably happen.

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I really think the NHL needs to go down to just two conferences and that's it. Put each team in either the East or West and be done with it. As for teams going bye-bye everyone could argue that until blue in the face. Ever since Bettman has been in charge a lot of teams have came into the league that shouldn't have been (or moved to places they shouldn't have). The NHL is overpopulated as it is with 30 teams. There really should only be 24 teams at most. Teams like the NY Islanders, Columbus Blue Jackets (I live an hour south of Columbus, but honestly they are a joke), Florida Panthers, Anaheim Ducks, and Phoenix Coyotes have no place in pro hockey. Not saying that because some are in places where it's hot 85 percent of the year/ doesn't really matter Stanley Cup is always played in June when it's hot everywhere. You go to anywhere in Columbus and all you see is scarlet and grey. Heck most sports stores don't even carry Blue Jackets merchandise.... but point being, the NHL should be fixed, sooner than later. Just like baseball, it was better when there were less divisions and better rivalries. Do cities in the "Sun Belt" deserve hockey? Some have proven that they do i.e. Tampa, Raleigh. There shouldn't be two teams in LA, nor should there be three teams in the NYC metro area/send the Islanders packing. As the saying goes we can wish in one hand and crap in the other. But as long as Buttman is in charge just think the most rediculous thing and it will probably happen.

I'm curious to hear your reasoning why Tampa Bay and Carolina have "proven" themselves as productive hockey cities while Anaheim and NY Islanders are contraction fodder. Please elaborate.

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The NHL has always had a bad habit over expanding weather it be the 1960's, 70's or 90's. If they had done it gradually with fewer teams the league would be better off.

-In the 1960's they did for the TV deal with CBS and to fend off the WHL becoming major league

-In the 1970's the did it to fend off the WHA

-In the 90's they did it because it was a money grab and it was John Ziegler's vision to have a 30-team league. Bettman just continued that vision. All expansion is a money grab anyway.

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I'm curious to hear your reasoning why Tampa Bay and Carolina have "proven" themselves as productive hockey cities while Anaheim and NY Islanders are contraction fodder. Please elaborate.

teams their winned cusp!

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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An editorial whose thesis is basically "just because it's illegal doesn't mean you have to do anything about it." To wit:

The Goldwater Institute does not HAVE to sue. It?s like a police officer who issues a motorist a warning rather than a ticket. The institute has discretion.

Prosecutors use it. Teachers use it. Parents use it.

Shouldn?t a think tank?

Is a community best served when the letter of the law is followed to the harshest degree each and every time or when those in a position of authority take into consideration all of the pros and cons and then exercise a little common sense?


I forgot.

This is Arizona.

Not only does he close it out with a TRIPLE-BARRELED Telander-Plaschke Douchebag One-Line Terminal Graph, oh my god, he completely undermines himself by admitting that the Goldwater Institute is correct and justified in their opposition to this bad deal, just that the deal should be allowed to stand because sports.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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The Goldwater Institute does not HAVE to sue. It?s like a police officer who issues a motorist a warning rather than a ticket. The institute has discretion.

Yes, but chances are you aren't getting that warning if you were doing caught doing 100 in a subdivision. Which is kind of what Glendale's subsidy is like with regards to Arizona law regarding such things.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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I love all the idiots commenting on that article who claim that the Goldwater Institute is just a group out for nothing but it's own interests.

Yes, because stopping a city throw hundreds of millions of dollars into a financial black hole of a hockey team which no-one wants whilst simaltaneously being forced to cut public services helps out NO-ONE other than a little group of small business owners...

1 hour ago, BringBackTheVet said:

sorry sweetie, but I don't suck minor-league d

CCSLC Post of the day September 3rd 2012

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