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New CFL Uniforms & Logos 2023


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I don't love that they moved on so quickly from the antlers, but I also don't think the antlers worked as well as we'd have hoped they would. As much as I loved the idea, they just weren't substantial enough visually to carry the look. I think they'd work perfectly as a sleeve detail, though. 


I'll give them this: Removing the EE from the confines of the oval at least feels like a modest, fresh evolution of the brand. 

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I liked the antlers because:


1. It was unique for the fact it was antlers! We've seen Ram horns, bull horns from Buffalo variation of wings (Oregon, the Eagles, etc.). So to see the antlers was a nice way to refresh themselves and give themselves a new identity. 


It would have been nice to see them update them & make them more elaborate, or bigger, because I will say they're size was a little small and seeing something more intricate would be cool.

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2 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

I don't love that they moved on so quickly from the antlers, but I also don't think the antlers worked as well as we'd have hoped they would. As much as I loved the idea, they just weren't substantial enough visually to carry the look. I think they'd work perfectly as a sleeve detail, though. 


I'll give them this: Removing the EE from the confines of the oval at least feels like a modest, fresh evolution of the brand. 


I saw the Elks play once in Calgary and the antlers were just not visually striking. Even as someone who was in seats not too far up from the away bench, the antlers just looked weak. They needed to be larger or maybe outlined in white or something.


I'm not surprised they went back to the Double-E because it's been their entire (modern) helmet history up until last year.

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Elks front office today:




But I think they had to at least try the antlers. If they hadn't, people like us would have been all over them, talking about missed opportunities and such. 

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This just feels like caving to their Twitter repliers that didn’t want the name change.  The new helmet is nicer than what they had before the change. And maybe the antlers weren’t implemented well on the helmet.

But why even develop a new identity with what is a pretty nice primary logo if you’re just gonna use the old identity on the helmet? 

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1 hour ago, Delicate Genius said:



This is the best looking helmet they've ever had. Freeing the Double E from the roundel works so much better. Can somebody clue me in on why anyone wouldn't like this change? They tried an antler decal, it didn't work, so they're going back to a tried and true good look. It's the CFL, they'll probably roll out a new antler design in a year


14 minutes ago, Prince Harry said:

This just feels like caving to their Twitter repliers that didn’t want the name change.


I don't get that feeling at all. How many people from Edmonton are on twitter telling them to go back to Eskimos? 10? Maybe a dozen on a big news day?

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28 minutes ago, Prince Harry said:

This just feels like caving to their Twitter repliers that didn’t want the name change.  The new helmet is nicer than what they had before the change. And maybe the antlers weren’t implemented well on the helmet.

But why even develop a new identity with what is a pretty nice primary logo if you’re just gonna use the old identity on the helmet? 


They said at the time the rebrand was announced that any new name would have to start with an E so that they could continue to use the EE logo. If they had landed on anything but "Elks," this probably would have been the design since day one. But, like I said above, "Elks" presented an opportunity that was too good to not try, even if it didn't quite work out as well in reality as it did on paper.


They always planned to keep an EE logo around in some form no matter the name, so while I understand the thought it's pandering to those who don't like the change (I honestly had the same thought initially), I don't think it truly is.

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28 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:

Can somebody clue me in on why anyone wouldn't like this change?

The antlers were better

28 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:

They tried an antler decal, it didn't work

Disagree, worst case scenario, go back to the drawing board and come back with improved antlers. It could have been their thing. Nope, they'd rather look like the CFL Packers. Disappointing

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28 minutes ago, officeglenn said:

They always planned to keep an EE logo around in some form no matter the name, so while I understand the thought it's pandering to those who don't like the change (I honestly had the same thought initially), I don't think it truly is.


They came out with a new EE logo with the rebrand too; having more rounded off spaces in between the prongs.




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12 minutes ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

The antlers were better

Disagree, worst case scenario, go back to the drawing board and come back with improved antlers. It could have been their thing. Nope, they'd rather look like the CFL Packers. Disappointing


Agreed.  Even adding a white border to thicken the antlers would have been sufficient.  While this new helmet is nicer than any of their previous EE helmets, the antlers actually stood out among a league of letter logo helmets.  Disappointing but not at all surprising.  

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I have to say I really like the new EE helmet. The antlers could have worked but like others have said, they just weren’t substantial enough. Elk antlers are grand and intimidating, the helmet decal just wasn’t.

Maybe it comes back as an alternate helmet down the road, but I think they need to increase the size of the antlers by 20% or so for that to work.



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4 minutes ago, steve61 said:

Even adding a white border to thicken the antlers would have been sufficient.  


I think this about all they could have done to the helmet antlers and still have it look congruous with the rest of their visual identity. I mean, they lifted the helmet antlers right from the primary logo ...




... and so they kind of painted themselves into a corner. Going back and reworking them, making them more elaborate, to go on the helmet would look really out of place and throw the whole package out of whack. Or at least it would for me.

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15 minutes ago, SFGiants58 said:

Putting the elk logo on the helmet could've worked.


They actually did for the 2021 Labour Day rematch and another game against Saskatchewan:











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