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MLB 2023 Uniform/Logo Changes


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On 2/3/2023 at 9:17 PM, WSU151 said:

The sleeves are just going to be a mess. 


Ryan Mountcastle and Gunnar Henderson smiling with Maryland Food Bank CEO Carmen Del Guercio

Not the orioles too? 😓


Which sleeve is the correct patch sleeve now?


And  also for the people that make the retail jerseys?

There has to be manufacturing mistakes made now.



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On 2/3/2023 at 3:17 PM, WSU151 said:

The sleeves are just going to be a mess. 


Ryan Mountcastle and Gunnar Henderson smiling with Maryland Food Bank CEO Carmen Del Guercio

At first, I was concerned you posted this to ask about whether or not the O's pick up an ad patch this year....then someone else's post about the sleeves made me realize the main topic.


For a team without an ad patch yet, that's weird. But I guess since the flag roundel is the only team patch on the jerseys (including the road), that makes it easy for each jersey to be ad-ready. Though, I'm predicting/counting on them not getting their ad patch until 2024 so I can enjoy these jerseys being ad-free a little bit longer.


Also, has anyone else pondered what this might mean for the postseason/WS patches? If those are still in tact, some team jerseys will get WAY TOO BUSY in October.

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Some of these are neat.  Really disappointed in the Phillies.





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2 hours ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:
2 hours ago, BigEd76 said:


This has to be my next hat.  I don't know why I have gone so long without one.



Welp, so much for that.  They're not selling hats.  I don't know how you have an online apparel store yet do not sell the most stadard basic item, a cap with the organisation's logo.


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6 minutes ago, gosioux76 said:

Is it just me, or does this Cardinals logo share a vibe with the peeing Calvin &. Hobbs bumper stickers?


They should've used this.




The Mets also screwed up. Instead of the obvious choice, being Mr. Met, they just went with their normal logo. 


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1 hour ago, coco1997 said:

The Mariners one is nice. Wouldn't mind if they had a cap for regular season  games with just the compass on it. It's a sharp look. 


Maybe bring this hat back.


It Might Have Been: The 1997 Seattle Mariners Part 1 - Lookout Landing




And I appreciate the comments here about the 2023 hats...but except for the Twins...these are the exact same ST/BP hats as 2022. Hopefully 2024 brings some new designs and they get rid of the trucker mesh. 

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Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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If I ran a sports league and I had NO CHOICE but to allow ads, I'd make the rules this:

- 1.5 in. x 1.5 in. max

- Must be a company that was founded in and still headquartered within a thirty mile radius of the city (Think Coca-Cola for Atlanta)

- Ads must appear in team colors


I think this would make people more accepting of ads. Sure, they still suck major ass, but at least for the local fans they can get behind a company they know and appreciate to appear on their team's uniform. 

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2 minutes ago, GriffinM6 said:


- Ads must appear in team colors

Unfortunately this is likely not a possibiliy for most companies, as branding rules for company logos exist.  Usualy colors cannot be modified from a businesses primary colors, unless its adjusted to black and white.

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15 minutes ago, GriffinM6 said:

If I ran a sports league and I had NO COICE but to allow ads, I'd make the rules this:

- 1.5 in. x 1.5 in. max

- Must be a company that was founded in and still headquartered within a thirty mile radius of the city (Think Coca-Cola for Atlanta)

- Ads must appear in team colors


I think this would make people more accepting of ads. Sure, they still suck major ass, but at least for the local fans they can get behind a company they know and appreciate to appear on their team's uniform. 

They'd never be that small.

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I think there maybe 3 different hat designs

There's the ones from last year list as spring training caps.


Then there's 2 caps listed as batting practice



I think the grey one may be a road version and the other is the home version.


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5 hours ago, GhostOfNormMacdonald said:

I think the Mariners and Marlins have the best of the bunch, if only because they are clean and have better contrast than most if the other caps. I swear, most of these logos are illegible


It's basically the existing Marlins ST logo but without the minimal red it had in it. That's probably why it seems to work more than others.

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