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Terrell Owens


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I think Owens is a huge loudmouth that can back up his statements. As much of an ass he is, the worst thing he's done off the field is open his mouth. If they want him to shut up, they should cover him a little better.

I always thought Deion Sanders was a bigger jerk than Owens.

And nobody is anybody unless they're on the List.

Exactly. I don't like how he questions why he doesn't get respect , lately. His skills get respect, but as a person, either score and hand the ball to the ref and get your respect as a person, or do your antics and understand that that's why you don't get the respect you want.

* edit - Mockba's on the list and I'm not? Damnit.


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Gracias, mockba.  You are excluded from the list.

Keep up about this list, and you'll be joining one of the boards exclusive lists (where's that image?)

I'll update it ASAP.

As for TO, I've grown more fond of him since I drafted him for my fantasy team. I think he's funny. If you don't want to see him celebrate, don't leave him wide open in the end zone. Sure he's a dickhead, but he's good enough to be a dickhead.




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...score and hand the ball to the ref...

Celebration, when merited, is good. I like it when players show emotion, within certain limits. Doing a dance when you make a routine tackle is dumb. A dance after a touchdown? Why the hell not? Should the crowd clap politely after a home touchdown, or should they cheer loudly? It's football, not the ballet.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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...score and hand the ball to the ref...

Celebration, when merited, is good. I like it when players show emotion, within certain limits. Doing a dance when you make a routine tackle is dumb. A dance after a touchdown? Why the hell not? Should the crowd clap politely after a home touchdown, or should they cheer loudly? It's football, not the ballet.

My point is that if you want the respect, don't pull the antics.


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What this list that Craven keeps talking about? I would like to see the ENTIRE list.

As for Owens, you may not like what he says, but I have to admit, he's either really good or the secondaries really suck. I like his endzone celebrations, but if I were the defenders on the other team, I would just turn away and say, "let's get him next time"

I saw, I came, I left.

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I, for one, had better be at least VICE president of the list, serving alongside the honorable and distinguished gentleman from new york.

Terrel Owens is what is RIGHT about football. A hard worker. A fit player. In NO trouble off the field. He doesnt celebrate 5 yard gains when his team needed 7 yards. He scores, and when he does, he celebrates creatively. I love it.

I'd want T.O. on my team. I've played at a high level of athletics, and guys like T.O. are the best to play with. No question.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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I, for one, had better be at least VICE president of the list, serving alongside the honorable and distinguished gentleman from new york.

Terrel Owens is what is RIGHT about football. A hard worker. A fit player. In NO trouble off the field. He doesnt celebrate 5 yard gains when his team needed 7 yards. He scores, and when he does, he celebrates creatively. I love it.

I'd want T.O. on my team. I've played at a high level of athletics, and guys like T.O. are the best to play with. No question.

For the record, I am the "Official, Albeit Self-Appointed, Simon Cowell of the List" and the 2004 List Homecoming Queen.

As for Mr. Owens...you're right. Not only is he a tremendous player and a great competitor, but he puts the "fun" in the No Fun League.

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i could write a funny joke about how you said "score" but i wont. and for the record, i am the official person-you-dont-want-to-screw-with of the list



The Danimal said:
Texas is the state that gave us George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. 'Nuff said.
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Gracias, mockba.  You are excluded from the list.

Keep up about this list, and you'll be joining one of the boards exclusive lists (where's that image?)

This the one you're talking about?



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mmmmmm.....Taco Malkovich


Actually, I'd think twice about saying "mmmm" to that, particularly since this is where the Malkovich reference thing comes from. ;)

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