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Reggie Bush get his wish? Wearing number 1?


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I say a number's a number. If a guy wants it and no one else has it give it to him.

Well, why don't we talk to Adrain MacPherson (#5) or Fred McAfee( #25) to see what they say?

Mike Florio at ProFootballTalk.com really spells out how much of a selfish turd Bush looks like in this whole number deal.

It's where I sit.

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I say a number's a number. If a guy wants it and no one else has it give it to him.

Well, why don't we talk to Adrain MacPherson (#5) or Fred McAfee( #25) to see what they say?

Mike Florio at ProFootballTalk.com really spells out how much of a selfish turd Bush looks like in this whole number deal.

That needs to be quoted.

I am beginning to dislike Bush more and more every day.

From:Pro Football Talk.com


With apologies to everyone out there who has lined up to nuzzle the crotch of the 2005 Heisman* winner, we've decided after careful consideration that, in our opinion, Reggie Bush is a selfish  :censored:.

And our decision in this regard was not influenced significantly by the storm of controversy regarding whether and to what extent Bush and his family got paid while Bush was still playing for USC.  We believe that this sort of stuff happens, in varying degrees, at most major college football programs, and that if the Bushes are guilty of anything it's of being careless to the point of stoopid.

No, we reached our final opinion regarding Reggie only recently, when we were reminded by a reader that the number he so desperately wants to wear at the pro level, No. 5, is already spoken for on the team that drafted him.

Quarterback Adrian McPherson, drafted by the Saints in 2005 because (as we hear it) he reminded the organization of Vince Young, currently is assigned No. 5.  But there has been not a peep from the Bush camp reflecting a scintilla of respect for the fact that someone else holds the rights to the number that Reggie wants.

Hell, there's likewise been no comment from Team Bush regarding the fact that his fallback choice -- No. 25 -- is the property of Fred McAfee.

So if wearing No. 5 or (if that fails) No. 25 is such a big deal for Bush, why doesn't Bush think it might be a big deal for the guys who already wear those numbers?

Folks, whether you like or dislike Reggie Bush, his current mentality falls within the four corners of the textbook definition of selfish.

Per Webster.com, "selfish" means "seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others."

Without regard for others.

So it's a no-brainer.  By showing zero regard for the fact that McPherson owns No. 5 and McAfee owns No. 25, Bush is selfish.

Of course, Bush's handlers are smart enough to know that Reggie must pander to the Katrina victims by promising to donate 25 percent of the earnings from the sale of his jersey to ongoing relief efforts.  Whoop-de-doo. The other problem here is that the Saints are aiding and abetting Bush's selfish assholishness.  They allowed him to wear No. 5 at the team's recent minicamp, even though the number has been issued to McPherson.

And as to McPherson, we're making an open offer to negotiate on his behalf -- at no charge -- the transaction with Bush for the rights to No. 5, assuming that the NFL changes its rules regarding jersey numbering.  If, after all, Bush and his people are pushing the issue in order to enhance Reggie's earning potential, McPherson could end up holding an asset worth much more than a bowl of soup at Mendy's.  It's a seven-figure proposition, and hopefully McPherson realizes it.

So how much should McPherson request for No. 5?  Just enough to get Bush to accuse him of being selfish.

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I'd be really curious to see what Fred McAfee, he of FIFTEEN years in the NFL, thinks about Reggie Bush's sense of entitlement to his number. Knowing he doesn't have too many more NFL paychecks ahead, I hope McAfee makes Reggie pay dearly for it, if it comes to that.

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I'm not a big fan of the current NFL Rule 5 (somewhat ironic, I guess), but there needs to be some limits.

My suggestion:

00-09: K, P

0-9: K, P, QB, RB, FB

10-19: K, P, QB, WR, RB, FB, TE

20-29: QB, WR, RB, FB, DB, TE

30-39: RB, FB, TE, DB

40-49: RB, FB, TE, LB, DB

50-59: OL, LB, DB

60-69: OL, LB, DL, DB

70-79: OL, DL

80-89: WR, TE

90-99: DL, LB

I'd simplify it even further than that:

0-49 - any non-lineman on either side of the ball

50-79 - linemen and linebackers

80-89 - any receiver (TE, SE, WR)

90-00 - linemen

Seems to me the only real need for a numbering system is to assist the officials in determining which offensive players can and cannot be downfield and/or catch a pass. Accordingly, linemen should have a certain set of reserved numbers. Everyone else should have their pick of numbers. I did reserve the 80's for receivers given their proximity to the line of scrimmage.

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Kickers/Punters/Quarterbacks 1-19

Halfbacks/Fullbacks 20-49

Wide Recievers 11-19, 80-89

Tight Ends 40-49, 80-89

Offensive linemen 50-79

Defensive linemen 60-79, 90-99

Linebackers 40-59, 90-99

Defensive backs 1-49

My opinion

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Its a big joke for Reggie Bush. Pick a number and play. Dont say if you get #5 yuoll donate X amount of dollars . then reverese and donate it anyway.

Dont have your agnet say doesnt matter what number Reggie gets, then reverse and try to get two numbers already taken.

The Saints should be embarrased as a franchise letting him wear a number already taken. Its pathetic.

Truly pathetic.

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jesus christ people. 9 pages.

it's a :censored: number.

the number is not scoring points, the person is. who cares what their "number" is.

if you list the top 10 "players" in any sport do you say... "the top 10 players are #2, #71, #55..." no, you say their names.

did i say it's a :censored: number yet?

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Mike Florio's an ass. It's clear from his tone that Bush could engineer world peace, end global warming, and build a car engine that runs on air and haters like him wouldn't have anything positive to say. And I have to wonder if Florio's contributed a dime to Katrina relief or any other worthy cause. It's easy to boo from the cheap seats.

As he (sort of) points out, the league and the Saints are the ones with their heads up their rears. From day one they should have said, sorry, no waivers, choose a number from what's available.

It's unfair to blame Bush just because his appeal has opened the larger issue of the NFL's outdated/goofy/anal numbering rule.

Years ago, the Saints signed Jeff Blake, who'd worn #8 with the Bengals. He ended up #18 with the Saints, no doubt because Archie was #8 and they'll probably never pass that number out again. Blake had a website and I wrote him asking whether it bothered him to have to wear #18 instead of #8. He was kind enough to reply and his answer applies to the Reggie situation. He said the player makes the number, not the other way around.

My personal suggestion: Reggie, put on a new number and play some ball. Do what you're capable of and nobody will remember or care that you once wore #5.


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Mike Florio's an ass. It's clear from his tone that Bush could engineer world peace, end global warming, and build a car engine that runs on air and haters like him wouldn't have anything positive to say. And I have to wonder if Florio's contributed a dime to Katrina relief or any other worthy cause. It's easy to boo from the cheap seats.

As he (sort of) points out, the league and the Saints are the ones with their heads up their rears. From day one they should have said, sorry, no waivers, choose a number from what's available.

It's unfair to blame Bush just because his appeal has opened the larger issue of the NFL's outdated/goofy/anal numbering rule.

Years ago, the Saints signed Jeff Blake, who'd worn #8 with the Bengals. He ended up #18 with the Saints, no doubt because Archie was #8 and they'll probably never pass that number out again. Blake had a website and I wrote him asking whether it bothered him to have to wear #18 instead of #8. He was kind enough to reply and his answer applies to the Reggie situation. He said the player makes the number, not the other way around.

My personal suggestion: Reggie, put on a new number and play some ball. Do what you're capable of and nobody will remember or care that you once wore #5.

Agreed, people are getting WAY too upset over this. Talking bad about a guy's character, getting all bent out of shape because OMFG HE WANTS TO WEAR NUMBER 5! THIS is what you want to get bent out of shape over? A ROOKIE WANTING TO WEAR #5? Anything in the NFL you can get indignant about, and it's Reggie Bush wanting to wear a certain number. I have never seen so much hate for a single athlete over something so frivolous.

You used to hold me

Tell me that I was the best

Anything in this world I want

I could posses

All that made me want

Was all that I can get

In order to survive

Gotta learn to live with regrets

-President Carter

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Funny (somewhat related) aside: When the Giants drafted Eli Manning two years ago he desperately wanted number 10 as he wore in college, but the punter Jeff Feagles had it. So, Eli threw him some money (or a vacation, or a yacht... something nice) and Feagles took 17. The next year, the Giants signed Plaxico Burress, who was clammoring for #17. Needless to say Plax got his number and Feagles got more rich by doing nothing.

Anyway I'm sure Bush has talked to either 5 or 25 and offered some kind of compensation for the number, depending on how the NFL rules. I doubt he'd be petitioning this out in public if they wouldn't be willing to settle on an agreement.

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IMO, unless 1)your name is Adrian McPherson and 2)Reggie Bush has NOT talked to you about the number and 3) The NFL has said you could wear #5 then DON"T gripe. Nobody here has any reason not to like Reggie Bush due to this number issue alone. If he stole your girlfriend/wife (or just played with her a little while and gave her back) then you can gripe and moan, but do it to yourself. Reggie Bush has not missed any practices over a number. He has not threatened to do anything negative if he does not wear the number. Reggie Bush should try to wear whatever nuber he desires until any level of authority over him tells him definately that he can not have it. The numbering rules in the NFL is something that can be petitioned, so there is no harm in going for it. Neither the Saints or Adrian mcPherson has asked him not to. And this "BUT THIS IS THE NFL" argument that "he should shut his mouth and take whatever number he is fortunate enough to get, and consider himself lucky just to get it" idea is BOGUS!!! Everything that I have read ,outside of this forum, has been very positive. There is a hope that he can wear a number that he likes and if there is a ruling saying that he can't then Reggie has said that it will be OK.

BTW, The person who pointed out the fact that this forum has discussed this issue for nine pages inadvertantly points out the fact that a number is very important to this forum, and even more important to the player who wants to wear it.

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IMO, unless 1)your name is Adrian McPherson and 2)Reggie Bush has NOT talked to you about the number and 3) The NFL has said you could wear #5 then DON"T gripe. Nobody here has any reason not to like Reggie Bush due to this number issue alone. If he stole your girlfriend/wife (or just played with her a little while and gave her back) then you can gripe and moan, but do it to yourself. Reggie Bush has not missed any practices over a number. He has not threatened to do anything negative if he does not wear the number. Reggie Bush should try to wear whatever nuber he desires until any level of authority over him tells him definately that he can not have it. The numbering rules in the NFL is something that can be petitioned, so there is no harm in going for it. Neither the Saints or Adrian mcPherson has asked him not to. And this "BUT THIS IS THE NFL" argument that "he should shut his mouth and take whatever number he is fortunate enough to get, and consider himself lucky just to get it" idea is BOGUS!!! Everything that I have read ,outside of this forum, has been very positive. There is a hope that he can wear a number that he likes and if there is a ruling saying that he can't then Reggie has said that it will be OK.

BTW, The person who pointed out the fact that this forum has discussed this issue for nine pages inadvertantly points out the fact that a number is very important to this forum, and even more important to the player who wants to wear it.

Agree with all that. In addition, he's instructed his agent to avoid a holdout at all costs and is working with the city to have artificial turf installed on an inner city football field where upkeep is a problem.

As I said before, until he does something to the contrary, Reggie's ok with me.


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