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New Sabres Logo??


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The Buffaslug (who thought of that?  It's terrific!) is very, very bad.  The 2006-2007 Stanley Cup Champion Sabres deserve better.

Talk about a pipe dream :P

Yea, like the flyers have a shot....talk about a pipe dream lol

I forgot, Buffalo is the championship capital of the world.

Bisons & Bandits BABAY!!! :P:P

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Well it's been said before, but the logo is kind of lame and not really fitting for hockey (I liked the concept on the Bills helmet though). I would have thought they would have tried to emphasize the SABRE more than the BUFFALO, but that's just me. This logo (like the goats head) has no sword at all.

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I think all of the concepts that we've come up on this borad are great and all, but the best logo is still just a basic modernization of the old logo, quite honestly. Anything else falls short of the best solution.

I mean how much more direct and to the point is the old logo?

The team name is the "Buffalo Sabres" and the logo has a buffalo over a pair of sabres....can't be more on point then that.

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I think all of the concepts that we've come up on this borad are great and all, but the best logo is still just a basic modernization of the old logo, quite honestly. Anything else falls short of the best solution.

I mean how much more direct and to the point is the old logo?

The team name is the "Buffalo Sabres" and the logo has a buffalo over a pair of sabres....can't be more on point then that.

so something more like these:




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I like the colors and I can't really say that the logo, on its own merit, is so bad. That said, when applied to the context for which it was intended, this is a poor choice. The logo's shape is more suited to a football helmet. I think it will look a bit forced on a hockey sweater as the arc isn't quite symmetrical. It's going to look a bit uneven and distracting. I would have liked to see a return of the swords to the main crest and always felt the "stabbed B" was a slapdash design not of a big league calibre.

Now, what might make sense is if the logo is used as a shoulder crest - in place of the "stabbed B" and some variation of the original crest is used on the chest. I'd even go with the new logo on the shoulders and diagonal text down the chest but that's a bit too Ranger-esque for a franchise playing in the state of New York.

I do agree with those that believe this is in fact the final product. I'll reserve further judgment upon the release of the full uniform package. And yes, I believe I am part of a very small minority that would like to see a yellow jersey.

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That's by far the best take on updating the old logo and going back to blue and yellow in this entire thread.

As for the Buffaslug, I agree that my first reaction was thinking it looked like the Cincinnati Stingers bee. The comment that it looks like Donald Trump's combover couldn't be funnier or more correct!

It's legless form really makes it look like some sort of sad offspring of The Mooterus. One can only hope that they come to their senses and use something like the one I'm quoting, because that one is a sad, sad case.

Careful all you Chargers fans who want to return to powder blue. You just might get what you ask for....bleah.



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ok, so i had some time today to jam out on this a bit ... and heres what came of it.

first, eSabre ... not a bad rendition of what i was talking about ... few things are off about it, which is why it was tricky to get the whole thing visually balanced to me. This is what finally came out ... I'm still not finding perfection in this, but its getting closer:


I had to slim out the sabres a bit, and angle them appropriately, as well as find the way of using the circle, without making it come off with too much empty space on one side, and leaving it lopsided to the eye. I think I may have actually achieved that fairly well here. My only major problem now is the rear hoof. It seems almost irrelvant sitting back there, I feel that it either needs more leg shown to make sense to the eye, or find a way to hide it completely behind the sabre.

Also, I put together some corresponding uniforms for this whole package to show it on what would basically be the old uniforms with minor updates:



I really don't feel that this would be the right uniforms for them, I feel there needs to be a touch more innovation added to this without straying from the general recognition of this look. The one thing I really like and would love to work in .. is how the Sabres current red alternates have that mock lace up neckline. Something like that harkens back to old time hockey, without being truly dated, or uncontemporary.

Also, my concept site will be getting some updates soon, where you'll be able to see a few more things I've been working on for this whole package.

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The Buffalo should be centered more in the logo so it's leg is not behind the sword. I'm not really feelin the two shades of gold either. I agree that the unis need more innovation; they are too close too their old blue and golds. To incorporate elements of that into their new jerseys would be fine, but this is too similar.

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JS: I think that hind leg may be just too long to begin with, shorten it up and then

have the buffalo overlap the one sword more but not break out of the main circle like in esabres rendtion. Also, and this is my 2¢ constructive crtitque, I'd love to see you pull back from all the outlines, accents and multiple shades of color and just simplify. You have 4-5 outlines around the main blue circle, pull back and try just a yellow outline with maybe a white/silver keyline. You have great renderings I just feel they get too busy with all the fluff, strip them down and make a logo.

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The more I see people update the old logo, the less I think it needs to be updated.

Why not just keep the original logo the way it was and design new uniforms around the original logo? That way, you're guaranteed to have a logo that the fans love but you still have new uniforms and people will have a reason to buy new merchandise. I actually like the modified blue and gold colors. Keep the logo design the same, update the colors, and get creative with the jerseys themselves. I've seen dozens of new Sabres jerseys that would look good with almost any logo.

My plan as a Sabres fan at this point is to buy the alternate jersey which is supposedly just the original road uniform with the updated team colors.

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JS, love the update with the logo and the unis. I do share your concern about the uniforms... and while I don't have a strong enough eye to rework them for you, I wonder if you could play with the lines, particularly on the yoke.

The swords in the logo and some of the buffalo's lines are much more angular than the original logo... so could you play off that angular theme in the uniform design? The rounded yoke could give way to something more like the Florida template. I do love the two-tone gold in the home uniform - the darker one is almost a copper, and I wouldn't have chosen it independent of seeing it here, but it's a nice touch.

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youcan'tseeme, that has to be the best design I've ever seen for the Sabres. It's exactly what they need: a modernised version of their original logo, with some classic striping. Those colours work perfectly!

But even if the Sabres do get the crappy looking 'Buffaslug', just be glad that it's at least a logo, not a word...


PotD: 24/08/2017

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John - this latest version is great, and as a born-and-raised Buffalonian I'd be proud to support my team in these. My only c&c is that darn back leg. You're right that something's amiss with it. It's almost as if it's getting sliced off by the blade (which isn't cool!).

Also, I think the balance of the bison is off overall - it's weighted too much to the left (even though the bulk of the mass of the animal is to the right). I think the bison either needs to be moved more to the right of the logo, or else slightly rotated in perspective so that it appears more as if it's coming at the viewer (and you see more of the crown of the head).

Keep up the great work though!

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youcan'tseeme, that has to be the best design I've ever seen for the Sabres. It's exactly what they need: a modernised version of their original logo, with some classic striping. Those colours work perfectly!

But even if the Sabres do get the crappy looking 'Buffaslug', just be glad that it's at least a logo, not a word...

He didn't create those. js* did.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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John, I like where you're going with this. The motion lines are one thing I forgot to incorporate.

Two things that stick out to me on your most recent logo:


1. In my rendition, I tried to illustrate the buffalo leaping through the swords, not just running by them. Without an overlap of the front of the buffalo over one of the swords, the hind legs behind the sword look out of place.

2. I don't quite know why you keep the buffalo facing the wrong way. The original was right to left, and the buffalo head logo was technically going right to left, but peering back behind itself (hard to tell, but I remember seeing the unused full buffalo logo which illustrated this).

And just my personal opinion, I don't like the overly elaborate sword handles from the 3rd jersey. Compared to the original logo, I think the swords on the "B" logo are enough to enhance them. I did notice you simplified the blade to two colors, which is a drastic improvement over your past work.

You know, eventually, we're just gonna get a kickass logo out of this!

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youcan'tseeme, that has to be the best design I've ever seen for the Sabres. It's exactly what they need: a modernised version of their original logo, with some classic striping. Those colours work perfectly!

But even if the Sabres do get the crappy looking 'Buffaslug', just be glad that it's at least a logo, not a word...

He didn't create those. js* did.

Oh... my bad.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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