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New Sabres Logo??


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You guys are awesome! These logos are just incredible. They are 100 times better than the "buffaslug" they chose. Great work.


J M yoU wish you had a Duke Dog!

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Two things that stick out to me on your most recent logo:

1. In my rendition, I tried to illustrate the buffalo leaping through the swords, not just running by them. Without an overlap of the front of the buffalo over one of the swords, the hind legs behind the sword look out of place.

2. I don't quite know why you keep the buffalo facing the wrong way. The original was right to left, and the buffalo head logo was technically going right to left, but peering back behind itself (hard to tell, but I remember seeing the unused full buffalo logo which illustrated this).

And just my personal opinion, I don't like the overly elaborate sword handles from the 3rd jersey. Compared to the original logo, I think the swords on the "B" logo are enough to enhance them. I did notice you simplified the blade to two colors, which is a drastic improvement over your past work.

In response to your point number one: While I like the design you made and the effort you put into it, I think js' is more reasonable as your looks like the bison is about to be eviscerated by a giant pair of scissors.

In response to point number two: The Sabres front office said they wanted the bison facing the other way (if I read earlier posts correctly) to show the Sabres headed in "a new direction."

In response to your last point, I personally like the third logo sabres better than the "B" skewers. And I like js' representation of them best of all.

Now onto my points:

It is really too late for any new design to be used, I think. In two years they may be able to switch it, if in fact the leaked crest is accurate.

However, I think the Sabres have an option open to them still to get themselves out of this nightmare they created with the new logo that seems to be disliked by a majority of fans. One is to use an existing logo in the new colors. This saves them from: a) hiring a new design firm (and paying through the nose), B) notifying the NHL they need to revise the designs they submitted, c) keep the color scheme they have already given to equipment manufacturers, merchandisers, license holders, etc., f) make use of the new logo they have already paid a design firm for, and e) keep many many more legions of fans happy than the few not upset with the leaked logo.

Please keep in mind:

-These designs are just a mock up made by me. They are, obviously, in no way official!

-I used sweater designs from js' earlier work and colored/altered them. I chose these solely to use so people can see what I am talking about.

-The colors are as accurate as I can make them with the Pantone color guide at the bottom of the leaked logo sheet (ie: PMS Yellow 1235 and PMS Blue 282).

-I do not have mad photochop skills...just basic stuff.


I think this is a really good way (and the only one I can think of) for the Sabre's front office to save face, make (most) fans happy and make far more money than the leaked logo will garner. All this for absolute minimal cost on their behalf. I admit, this is not the greatest design without the white buffalo, but is by far the easiest solution.

I don't want any comment or critique on the design I mocked up (none of it is mine anyhow), but on the idea of wether the Sabres could do this in time for this season. Would this possibly accomplish what I think it could? Is this idea feasible? Please, let me know what you think.


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I think your concept looks great. The way the swords appear on the jersey is just terrific. Although maybe you could add a white buffalo? That'd be cool.

Just kidding.

I think you have a great idea and is certainly a way for the Sabres to move forward without being completely embarassed. I was just thinking to myself that as a third logo, the buffaslug isn't completely heinous. It actually makes a little bit of sense.

However, what to do about the fact that according to the leaked stylesheet, the Sabres are eliminating the crossed swords? Doesn't that make a difference? I think a 'B' with a sword through it would make for a terrible crest, but if the Sabres take your advice, switching primary and alternate, that's what they'd be left with.

At the very least, however, it's progress. I hope the Sabres' management is taking fan dissatisfaction with this logo very seriously.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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According to that style sheet, yes, the skewered "B" is the alternate crest. However, with the exception of the changed color (and the removal of the upper right mitred corner in the red black one) it is the same shoulder crest they have had for 10 years now, so I think they could just drop that and add the current crossed sabres alternate. They could not have paid a design firm to just change the color of the "B." Then again, it is the Sabres organization we are talking about...

Anyway, since the uniform does not take effect until September, I would think they could still substitute an existing logo for either the primary or alternate/secondary logo. And since the NHL already has those on file for the Sabres, they don't need "permission" for them. They just need to say, "We are making this the primary instead and the one we submitted we are downgrading to secondary/alternate."

Or is this just wishful thinking? Sadly, I am totally ignorant of what the NHL needs in writing and by when, designer contracts, etc.


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John, I like where you're going with this. The motion lines are one thing I forgot to incorporate.

Two things that stick out to me on your most recent logo:


1. In my rendition, I tried to illustrate the buffalo leaping through the swords, not just running by them. Without an overlap of the front of the buffalo over one of the swords, the hind legs behind the sword look out of place.

2. I don't quite know why you keep the buffalo facing the wrong way. The original was right to left, and the buffalo head logo was technically going right to left, but peering back behind itself (hard to tell, but I remember seeing the unused full buffalo logo which illustrated this).

And just my personal opinion, I don't like the overly elaborate sword handles from the 3rd jersey. Compared to the original logo, I think the swords on the "B" logo are enough to enhance them. I did notice you simplified the blade to two colors, which is a drastic improvement over your past work.

You know, eventually, we're just gonna get a kickass logo out of this!

eSabre ... heres my thoughts on all this:

1. I know where you were going and what the point was, and the overlapping to me does do a good job of illustrating the leaping through effect, which is important. However, it also makes the entire logo lopsided, making it visual very heavy on the side with the buffalo's head, and very light and skimpy to the side with the legs .. the main bulk of the buffalo needed to be centered in the circle in order for it to have any form of balance (this sense of balance was excellently executed through the stylization in the original logo, but the style also seemed to be become flat and dated). This balance is of space is how I arrived at this buffalo:


which, when put in contrast to my more current leaping buffalo appears way too stumpy in the hind quarters. But the point is that the trick is in keeping a generally consistent negative space to keep it true to form with the original logo. This is only part of the reason why I think this newer leaping buffalo doesn't work well within this context (the other reason is the illustrative complexity of it ... too many lines)

2. Its not facing the wrong way ... its facing the right. If the original logo was designed using the practices we now know and use, it would have faced right. Psychologically, because we read left to right, there is an acquired instict that forward motion and progress is conveyed in the same direction. Same as we know to use bottom to top to show growth and progress. (there are of course logos in major league sports that contradict this rule, but its mostly only because they have existed for so long, that if the direction were reversed, the fans eyes would see it as backwards. which is what is trying to be avoided in the first place).

As for the sabre handles ... I actually greatly prefer the more elaborate ones ... they are far more regal, and do a good job of embodying what already exists in my mind when i think of a sabre ...



hopefully within the week I'll be able to really put some time into this project, and update the site with some much needed info and progress.

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Man, these mock logos make me want to F-ing cry at what could have been.

And yet you have the 'Buffaslug' as your signature.

Talk about calling the kettle black.

Personally, I don't think this isn't such a bad logo. It's not the best, but they did what they said they would do which was a return to blue and gold. No one said they had to bring back the old logo with the return to blue and gold, you know.


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Great work on this whole package John. It is truly impressive work that blends the two eras well.

My favorite of course is the original circle logo you did with the buffalo facing right...just looks classic yet modern...

I like your updates of course, just I dig the simplicity of that original logo more with fewer shading paths and more solid shapes.

All in all, very solid work...too bad it was never given a chance.


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s i've stated before, I like this logo. I can live with it. But those who are against it seem to be getting thier wish.

A local News station in buffalo, WGRZ, has picked up on the message board unhappinness about it, and are doing a report on it tonight on Channel 2 News at 11:00, mentioning how people want there to be Sabres in the Sabres logo. They have a link on their page encouraing you to send feedback to the Sabres...


We'll see how this pans out...thoughts?

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Egad, ENOUGH with all the friggin' buffaloes. The team is called the SABRES. Why is it most Buffalo teams have to feature a buffalo in their logo? Am I the only one that finds this annoying?

The current red alt logo is great, it's too bad they'll be dumping that one. I also like the B-sword and S-Sword logos, either of which would make a fine primary. Maybe the "B" could be worn on the road and the "S" at home. Just a thought.

How about a logo with the crossed swords but adding an interlocking "S" in the center? I think that would look great, if done properly. A "B" would work too but an "S" would look better.

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Egad, ENOUGH with all the friggin' buffaloes. The team is called the SABRES. Why is it most Buffalo teams have to feature a buffalo in their logo? Am I the only one that finds this annoying?

The current red alt logo is great, it's too bad they'll be dumping that one. I also like the B-sword and S-Sword logos, either of which would make a fine primary. Maybe the "B" could be worn on the road and the "S" at home. Just a thought.

How about a logo with the crossed swords but adding an interlocking "S" in the center? I think that would look great, if done properly. A "B" would work too but an "S" would look better.

The Yankees uniform logo is an NY for New York, not the Yankees. The Green Bay Packers logo is a G, not a packer. The Cincinnati Reds logo is a C for Cincinnati, not something red. The Chicago Bears logo is a C for Chicago, not a bear.

Is it so bad that Buffalo teams often use a Buffalo in their mascot? All things considered, it kind of makes sense.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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How did the new Sabres logos get approved?

I thought they did focus groups and things.

Has one person said they liked them?

This board is tough, but if a logo is good, people will give it props.

Did someone actually look at the logo and say, "This is great!"

I can't believe it.

Everyone loves a roundel.

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Did someone actually look at the logo and say, "This is great!"

Sure, some guy in a suit and tie did. And the only person he needed to consult was the Nike guy leaning over his shoulder whispering advice into his ear saying the general public wouldn't know a good logo if it bit them on their collective a$$.

I like the name Buffaslug, it certainly fits. That thing looks horrendous, and it's just another example of the 'sweeping forward' look so common in sports logos these days.

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thanks for the compliments on the new buffalo ... the trick is trying to incorporate this guy with sabres in a relevant yet visually balanced and appealing way. I've been working with an attempt at taking the old logo of a buffalo leaping over two crossed swords and basically pulling it out in 3d .. so using this buffalo, and that having swords crossed beneath him. Its been tricky to try and balance it out to a solid logo, but i still feel that if i can execute this thing properly .. it might be the perfect look. while working on it, i had to alter the buffalo to make it all white, so that it didn't require an outline .. so heres what came out of it .. an alt version of that leaping buffalo...



all white alt:


i love that, great work. i wish this would be used rather than that horrible buffaslug

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