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Baseball fans

Ez Street

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Another thread gave me the idea for this topic.

It gave me the idea, what fans do you like and hate that show up at your home Major League ballpark.

For me Kauffman Stadium is the home Ballpark.

Fans I like:




Fans I hate:

Red Sox

White Sox


Mixed bag:


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In Toronto when ever we play Boston or New York, we get an invasion of both of them. Most of them are annoying as hell, because they complain about everything slightly different in Tronto than where ever they're from. Of course there's always exceptions, but in general I hate both Yankees and Red Sox fans, Red Sox fans even more so than Yankees Fans.

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I don't really have a home team, but my favorite team is the Orioles. I've always had to defend the O's b/c there are not many Baltimore fans around here. But the fans I see as most cocky are the Yankee fans and somewhat Red Sox fans. Most Yankee fans think they are the kings of the world just b/c they like the Yankees. And the other teams fans are scum. I can't stand them. I would almost rather have the Yankees finish in last then the O's in first. My experience with Sox fans are o.k. but they also seem cocky since '04. I don't see many other teams fans around here to make a real decision on those fans.

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I've only interacted with fans from other teams a few teams. Growing up in Columbus Ohio I've had to deal with mostly Indians fans who can't let go of the 90's and are so proud of their attendance record (which I always like to point out hasn't existed since they started losing). So yeah I hate indians fans who brag when their is nothing to brag about.

I've been to games at Great American and met Pirates fans who were surprisingly cool considering they're from Pittsburgh. I've also hung out with Brewers fans who were really cool, but the Cardinals fans were annoying at the two games I was at last year.











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I like baseball fans, regardless of which team they support.

It's been my experience that each team tends to have a very nice cadre of fans who are just as much fans of the game as they are fans of the team they support. They are knowledgeable about not only their own teams but also their opponents and are always respectful and eager to talk baseball regardless of whose colors you happen to be wearing.

Every team has their share of obnoxious boors who may or may not be knowledgeable about the sport, but I've encountered very few true fans of the game who were anything less than excellent company.

In my own experience I have had very good experiences with Royals fans (yes, they do exist and yes, they are extremely passionate about the game and their team), Red Sox fans, Twins fans, Brewer fans and Dodger fans. Back in the day, I also had some great in-game conversations with Expo fans who would visit Busch II from Montreal and elsewhere.

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I like baseball fans, regardless of which team they support.

It's been my experience that each team tends to have a very nice cadre of fans who are just as much fans of the game as they are fans of the team they support. They are knowledgeable about not only their own teams but also their opponents and are always respectful and eager to talk baseball regardless of whose colors you happen to be wearing.

Every team has their share of obnoxious boors who may or may not be knowledgeable about the sport, but I've encountered very few true fans of the game who were anything less than excellent company.

In my own experience I have had very good experiences with Royals fans (yes, they do exist and yes, they are extremely passionate about the game and their team), Red Sox fans, Twins fans, Brewer fans and Dodger fans. Back in the day, I also had some great in-game conversations with Expo fans who would visit Busch II from Montreal and elsewhere.

Excellent point.

Yes, us Royals diehards are passionate. You have to be to endure what we have for 22 years.

If we are ever good once again, look out. That town will be ROCKIN.

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Oh yes, the Yankee and Red Sox fans.

There are a lot of good ones, who will sit there and talk baseball with you for hours, but... there are a lot of really obnoxious, loud ones, who don't seem to think the rules apply to them.

"But we don't have to do that at Yankee Stadium!"... after hearing that every 5 minutes, 9 games a year, for 3 years, it was hard to enjoy any visits by Yankees fans... and then the fights in the stands, mon dieu, the only times i ever had to break up fights were during Yankees games.

Red Sox fans didn't really seem so bad (keeping in mind I quit before they won the Series), I had a couple actually complain to me about Fenway Park and how crappy it is to watch a game there.

At Comerica, in full Jays gear, most Tiger fans ignored me -- got the odd person booing as I'd walk by, but nothing too bad... had to deal with a bunch of drunks swearing at me in the parking lot after the game.

Hmm... Olympic Stadium? Never a problem from local fans (except the smoking, wow!), I think they understood that almost all Jays fans cheered for the Expos too.

Went to Pro Player Stadium as an Expos fan when they were in Miami, again, very few problems (but very few fans there), uhh... had one guy next to us scream out "Go back to Canada!", to which I screamed back "go back to the trailer park" - meh, I was only 17.

My least favourite fans... Drunk Blue Jays Fans! Idiots! Scream out crap that has nothing to do with baseball, or nothing to do with the jays, and spend your time just yelling at the other fans in the section for not thinking you're funny. There's a lot of them. Plus the fans down the line that seem to think any ball hit into the corner, fair or foul, is theirs to keep.


Chris Creamer
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Philly's my home stadium, if you want to ignore the minor league within 10 minutes of my home. When i was 16 or 15, I was threatened by a drunekn fan at the Vet. I wore my Edmonds jersey about 2 weeks after Rolen went to St. Lou. I didn't even stand up and cheer or anything, I was just enjoying the game. I probly could've taken him though :P . On the contrary, I wore full Angels garb to an orioles game, and nobody said anything to me except a homeless guy walking down the street. I gave him a dollar, and he stopped.

Last year, I sat in left field when Bonds came to Philly. I kind of felt bad for the guy. He didn't respond to anything, which had to've been hard to do. Some of the things people, including my friends, were saying were just downright wrong.

We'll test Philly fans this fall when the Lions come to town. I mean, I'm a LIONS FAN? What trash can I talk?

However, everywhere I go, regardless of who I'm rooting for/against, you can always find an old guy who can just talk baseball. That's my favorite thing about going to the ballpark, especially the local minor stadium. There's always an old guy who'd been watching Lancaster baseball since the Red Roses were in town.

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In Seattle, the most annoying fan is the bandwagon fan, and in Seattle there are many. What fans these are change from year to year.

When Ken Burns' baseball documentary made the Babe Ruth myth a household fact, Red Sox fans popped up in Seattle like weeds. There were usually droopy kids in their 20's, with ratty hair and a conspiracy theory for everything. You know, the Noam Chomsky baseball fan.

While there are exceptions most Red Sox fans, especially Red Sox fans who have never set foot into Massachusetts, tend to be snots. They tend to assume that they are the center of the baseball world and that the game of baseball "revolves" around them. They tend to know a lot about Ted Williams, Yaz, Boggs and Bill Buckner, but couldn't tell you anything about Chuck Klein, Hack Wilson, or even what year the Phillies won the World Series. In other words, they think they are knowledgeable but their knowledge all centers around the Red Sox, and not baseball as a whole.

Red Sox fans will tell you to be quiet, when you are cheering your team or chastizing Doug Mirabelli in the bullpen. To them, baseball parks are a library where you sit back and worship the mighty Red Sox. If you critisize Ted Williams (as I tend to do), they try to go to security and have you thrown out of the ballpark. (true story)

Yankee fans I don't mind as much. More obnoxious as a whole than Red Sox fans, they are also lighter in spirit and more fun loving. These games are much more lively. Yankee fans tend to get inebriated more and tend to brag - a lot - about their team. I tend to prefer this, over the "snot" fan, who considers baseball some sort of academic exercise. Stay away from the really drunk ones though.

Jays fans are thin in number in Seattle now. Vancouver cares less and less about the Jays every year it seems. The ones who show are polite and easy to talk to, although I like to rib them a lot, especially when they critisize the politics down here. I know too many of Canada's darker political secrets to take that lying down. Canadians get very phazed and very annoyed when Americans critisize their country, with actual knowledge of their country. My funnest stunt is to ask a Canadian that starts to bash America, which Prime Minister is on their 5 dollar bill. So many don't know. Even if they do if you ask him when he served and for what party they almost never know. It's no fun anymore, as the lastest isssue of Canadian currency (which they seem to change every 3 years), now features the names on the bills.

Football is a whole other ball of string. Raiders fans are - by far - the worst fans I've ever had to deal with, in any sport. Broncos fans in Seattle are really bad too. Steelers fans are third on the list and I say that before the ridiculous Super Bowl fiasco. Most Steeler fans out here have never even been to Pittsburgh, to them its all about a color scheme and an image.

Any Seattle based sports fan can tell you though - Raider fans here are by far the worst.

Seattle fans are very timid, almost annoyingly so. They also tend to be very shaky with their support. There are more fans for other teams in this city than any city I've ever lived in. A few years ago Rams fans were everywhere, now you be hard pressed to find more than 20. Colts jerseys started to pop up everywhere this winter. The bandwagon activity in Seattle never seems to end. Chelsea jerseys are springing up like daisies now, worn by people who four years ago were wearing MAN-U jerseys.

Welcome to Seattle, home of the bandwagon fan.

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Like Yale said, I like baseball fans as individuals. If you know your :censored:, and you don't just cling to your team because they're... your team, then that's fine. If you're the kind of fan that enjoys going to games simply because you enjoy baseball, then you're my kind of fan. I spent 45 minutes having a great conversation with a Yankees fan prior to a Phillies / Yankees game at CBP last summer, and as you'll see below, I'm not terribly fond of the "Yankees Nation" as a whole.

I have respect for Nationals fans, particually stemming from the game I went to at RFK in September, 2005, when a group of us Phillies fans were having some light-hearted back-and-forths with the Nats fans that were there. They even came up afterwards and shook our hands (would they would've done that if they'dve lost? I dunno).

Now... there are three groups of fans that I find annoying, as a whole. Again, this is a generalization and not meant personally, as I'm sure one can say similar things about Philly sports fans as a whole.

Braves fans -- I dislike the attitude that they think they're big :censored: because they've won 14 consecutive division titles and that they're nationally broadcast. And furthermore, that Tomahawk chop thing? WTF is this, summer camp?

Mets fans -- Being close to the New York area, I listen to a fair amount of WFAN and other New York radio, I'm annoyed by their "eternal optimist attitude." It seems like it doesn't matter if they're 30 games out with 15 to play, they still think they'll win run over everyone because they're the Mets.

Yankees fans -- I know there's a lot of Yankees bashing in the world, but you know what? A lot of Yankees fans bring it on themselves. What was the one thing you heard out of Yankees fans when the Red Sox won the World Series? "26 titles to 1... big deal." Not, "Wow, we got humilated by dropping a winnable series to the Red Sox." 26 titles add up, that's true. But 26 titles get you no extra wins or losses when the new season starts.

I also don't like their stupid chants, either. Hip-Hip-JorGE?! What is this, Cricket?

Anyway, I've made no sense, but like I said, If you're a fairly straightforward baseball fan, I'll enjoy your company no matter who you cheer for.


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I hate the Yankee, Red Sox, and Nationals fans. When the Yankees come to town, its always annoying. There are extra cops at the stadium and you always see people getting thrown out. Last year I had a little kid from NY start yelling at me. I had no idea what to do. I actually think the Red Sox fans are worse. They like to whine and complain about the Yankees all the time. Yet I don't see how they are much different. They've become even worse after their world series win. The Nationals are also annoying because many of them were former Orioles fans that jumped ship. I think the majority of their fans are fair weather fans. Hearing alot of them can also be unbearable.

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I despise Red Sox and Yankee fans the most, so much that I refuse to go see the D-Rays play them at the Trop in St. Pete. No offense to any Red Sox and Yankee fans out there, but the ones that show up to Rays games are arrogant, ignorant morons and the game setting just isn't enjoyable.

From my experience, Philly fans during spring training in Clearwater are real nice people. Tiger, Astro, and Ray fans are good with me too.

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Honestly, the only "fans" I really, absolutely, genuinely hate are the female "fans" that like a team like the Yankees because they know they've won championships, but more importantly, think that Derek Jeter is cute. I can't even call them bandwagon fans since they don't follow the team at all. Yet they buy a Jeter jersey, throw on some damn eye black and parade around Shea or Yankee stadium acting like they've been following the team since the Babe.

The typical Yankee fans can be frustrating to deal with since you can't win an argument with them (the Mets could win 20 world series championships in a row, and they'd argue back that they've still got 6 more and that "Mets" stands for My Entire Team Sucks... meanwhile they're 30-something years old still coming to games with a mit like they're 8).... but nothing pisses me off more than a posing female fan... if you're a chick and you're a real fan, awesome... if you're not a fan, shut the :censored: up and control you're drunk boyfriend who can't seem to accept that Mike Piazza is, was, and always has been a heterosexual despite his blonde highlights.

"The true New Yorker secretly believes that anyone living anywhere else has got to be, in some sense, kidding."

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Mets fans

Expos/Nat fans

Brewers fans


Cardinals fans

White Sox fans

Red Sox fans

Yankee fans

Cardinals fans

Cardinals fans

Cardinals fans

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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I saw the Mets game yesterday against Philly and someone got thrown out b/c they had a Jeter jersey on. The crowd screamed, "Yankees Suck!"

But I like many fans of small-market teams. They are always loyal to their teams (even if they are mediocre).

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As a Twins fan,

Yankees fans are easily the worst. Red Sox fans are tolerable, but I've run into a quite a few that annoyed the piss out of me.

As a road fan I have to say that Milwaukee, Kansas City, and Wrigley are fun places to be a road fan, the people there are good natured and so is their "heckling".

USCell is not at all enjoyable.

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My least favourite fans... Drunk Blue Jays Fans! Idiots! Scream out crap that has nothing to do with baseball, or nothing to do with the jays, and spend your time just yelling at the other fans in the section for not thinking you're funny. There's a lot of them. Plus the fans down the line that seem to think any ball hit into the corner, fair or foul, is theirs to keep.

Ahhh yes, the Toronto sports fan who goes to the Jays game cause the Leafs aren't playing. They're pretty annoying, especially when they start chanting Go Leafs Go in July, when the Jays are playing some random team based in a city with no hockey team like Seattle.

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As a Pirate fan, it's hard to hate anyone because I'd hate the whole league since we are the whipping post of the league...and there are only 8000 of us on a night when there's no bobble head or fireworks.

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I always had a soft spot for the Royals, just because when the Twins were always so bad, so were the Royals, so I saw a lot in common. Last year, I got to go to Kauffman stadium (and got to meet KCScout and EZStreet) , and I really enjoyed everyone there, I kinda felt at home. I even wore my Twins cap with a Royals shirt, and no one gave me any crap. I hope the Royals can contend soon again, it would be fun to compete for a division title with them, there wouldnt be so much hate there as with the other divisional rivals :)

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