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"Official" 2007 College Football Thread


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I'll agree with that, assuming Hawaii is top 12. If Hawaii is not top 12, please sub out Hawaii and replace with Arizona State. (And no, this isn't as simple as win and they're in, I think that Hawaii might still fall out of the top 12 even with a win.)

How dare you impugn the good name of 2007 University of Hawai'i varsity team, known for their ability to easily put footballing giants like Nevada and Louisiana Tech to the sword!

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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I guess everyone forgot that you throw out the record books when it comes to the Backyard Brawl. Pitt isnt that bad of a team they lost their star WR to injury before the season started and then lost their starting QB for the year in week 2, had they been able to play this year Pitt most likely ends up with 7 or 8 wins and a bowl birth.

Also I haven't seen ref's that crooked since the big Prisoners v Nazis game in the movie Victory.

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Yes, I am watching both West Virginia-Pitt and Mizzou-Oklahoma. I think it should be OSU-LSU although ABC said something about Georgia. Again, (no offense Georgia fans) if Georgia gets a bid over LSU, Oklahoma or even Va. Tech then I think Michigan fans should storm BCS headquarters. You can't tell Michigan they didn't go last year because they didn't even win their conference then turn around and hand Georgia a shot.

Let me start off by saying that Georgia has the most going against them, and aside from Kansas, can't field as legit an arguement as to why they should play for the National Championship. Though, officially, UGA can claim to be co-East champions as well as co-regular season champions of the SEC. That said, UGA has a real good shot at sneaking into the BCS National Championship game.

There is a precedent for non-champions getting into the NC game (Nebraska, Oklahoma), so Georgia getting in wouldn't be something radical and new. Michigan proved that they didn't deserve a shot at the NC when they lost in the Rose Bowl (and Florida proved to be the more-correct choice by winning). You know as well as I do that the BCS rewards/penalizes on how you play towards the end of the season, as teams are supposed to be better at the end of the season than they are at the beginning. Georgia ended the season on a 6-game winning streak, whereas Michigan lost their last game.

Georgia should be either #2 or #3 in the Harris Poll (LSU was one spot behind UGA last week, and will likely leap to #2). Georgia will likely cement #2 in the AP and USA Today polls, as LSU and VT and USC probably won't jump over UGA and Kansas. Gerogia seems to be a lock in having #2 or #3 in the computer polls (Kansas was above them, but Missouri losing might be enough for them to switch). and in the BCS standings, Georgia has a lead of .0500 over teams that played games this weekend, which might be enough of a cushion to hold off LSU and Virginia Tech. It's going to be really difficult for LSU to get in the top-2 after being #7 in the previous standings.

Back to the AP Poll....if Georgia is #2, and Ohio State loses in the NC game, the AP is not under any obligation to vote the winner of the NC game #1. If Georgia wins their bowl game, we could be looking at another split-champion fiasco.....

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Any team crowned the National Champion this year can not be seriously considered a true National Champion, even moreso than the past years.

There is so much parity coming into College Football now, the days of polls being able to decide who's better than who is dying.

Simply put, the poll and bowl eras in college 1-A football are dying. It will soon become inevitable that a playoff will be needed not only from a competitive standpoint, but from a money standpoint, and that is all the athletic directors care bout anyways.

....Anyways, i see it Ohio State (not the best team in the nation) vs Kansas (DEFINANTLY not the best team in the nation)

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OSU played the teams on their schedule, and only lost to one. I don't get how their entry is "back door." Anyway, they have less wins than other contenders, WVU chocked big time, and the Buckeyes are as legitimate a BCS champion as any other school.

If this season has proved anything, it's that a playoff would help a lot more than it would hurt.

They 'backdoored' their way in, in the sense that had other's had misfortune cast upon them, they wouldn't have made it on their own merit. I'm not saying an OSU national title if achieved would be illegitimate - quite the contrary, it would be well-earned. I'm only speaking to the circumstances by which things fell into place for them to get there.


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I'll remind everyone that Hawaii wanted to start their season in Ann Arbor, but Michigan opted to schedule Appalachia State. And that after Michigan State PAID Hawaii to cancel their games, the University of Southern California decided not to play Hawaii. It's not their fault these teams are afraid to play them. Hawaii should play for the National Title.

That said... since they won't... LSU has to. Kansas/Georgia didn't win their conferences, or even play in their conference championship games, and LSU beat VaTech very, very handily. While there is a precedent for putting a non-conference Champ in... that Nebraska team got killed by Miami.


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I know there is precedent for this but a team that doesn't win their conference should not play for the national championship.

Come tomorrow night it will be Ohio State vs. LSU weather anyone likes it or not.

BCS National Championship - Ohio State vs. LSU

Orange Bowl - Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia

Fiesta Bowl - Oklahoma vs. Arizona State (I now think Hawaii gets left out no matter if they win or lose agaist UW)

Sugar Bowl - Georgia vs. Kansas

Rose Bowl - USC vs. Illinois

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BCS National Championship - Ohio State vs. LSU

If thats the case, my interest in college football will join all other college sports as a whole and die quicker than a batch of sea monkeys. For this season to be as insane as it has been only to still have a ho hum championship game that could have happened in any regular season is unbelieveably frustrating. It makes all this extra parody and entertainment completely worthless and shows exactly why a playoff is vital to the game.

And for the love of all things sports, if I get some ridiculous roundabout resoning thats been said a million times before from LSU or (especially) Ohio State fans trying to justify why you REALLY RELLY REALLY DO deserve to be there you'll go immidately on the ignore list.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Hawaii wins.

Brennan leads the warriors to 21 unanswered points and misses 8 passes the whole game. HAWAII = BCS

Hawaii should equal BCS but I think they might actually drop after a ho-hum win in a game they should have dominated.


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I think Hawai'i should play for the National Championship. I really don't care how :censored: up their schedule and how "weak" the WAC are. They won ALL their games! If the other teams don't want to play them and decide to cannibalise themselves, that's their problem.

I saw, I came, I left.

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We all know that everyone has arguments for or against a team playing in the BCS Title game. But, for the past 2 years, the teams that went undefeated are left out. I think it's obvious that there is so much parody in College Football, winning all of your games should be worth SOMTHING. I guess the "Who did they play?" argument needs to be put to rest a little. It's based on the past history of some of these futile schools football seasons. Currently, these teams are improving. "Good" teams are losing games they really shouldn't be losing, or should they? It's all about opinions. Should Hawaii have blown out Washington.. yeah. They did WIN though. WV flat out lost to Pitt at HOME.

As I said before, it's ridiculous to determine which "loss" is more impressive to determine who gets to play in the Championship Game. Maybe... just maybe this will cause some sort of changes.

Ha ha.. yeah... right. All of this arguing and pleading is GOOD for College Football. At least thats what they'll tell you.

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Wow. I mean, Wow. What a frickin season!

And this is one of the many reasons why I love college football much more than pro football (except for the Vikings, of course).

Looks like Ohio State vs. LSU in the championship game, but I would personally vote Oklahoma No. 2 and Georgia No. 3.

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Wow. I mean, Wow. What a frickin season!

And this is one of the many reasons why I love college football much more than pro football (except for the Vikings, of course).

Looks like Ohio State vs. LSU in the championship game, but I would personally vote Oklahoma No. 2 and Georgia No. 3.

If Georgia goes to the championship without even making it to the SEC title game, that will illustrate just what a joke this system is. Let's just send an NFL team that doesn't even make the playoffs to the Super Bowl! Ridiculous.

As big Sooner fans, if they put OU in the championship we wouldn't complain, but my wife and I have to agree with (and respect) OU LB Curtis Lofton's point of view as reported on ESPN.com:


Lofton is one of the few Sooners who eyed his team's situation coldly. Asked to explain why Oklahoma should reach the Allstate BCS Championship Game, Lofton said, "I can't really make the case. We controlled our destiny a couple of weeks ago, and we didn't seal the deal. I'll be happy wherever they put us. If they put us there, great. If not, we'll be happy where we go."


His candor and humility are refreshing in this day and age.


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The BCS Set themselves up for disaster by putting (or configuring) Georgia at #4 to begin with. How are they going to explain Georgia was #4, yet dropped. Ohio State was #3 and rises?

Assuming this is the case. Then how will they explain a team with 2 losses making the championship when an undefeated team is just sitting there. This is what sucks... everyhting will need to be EXPLAINED. Sorry... Play-Offs anyone?

I might just wait until tonight before I post again. All of our collective heads will explode trying to figure this out. When the announcement is made, I'll check back.

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Every team involved in this played the schedule they were given. Nothing can be done about that. Is the BCS a disaster this year? Yes. But none of that changes the fact that, playoff or not, Missouri, LSU, and West Virginia couldn't take care of business when they had to. A playoff doesn't suddenly make these teams better than they were before they lost games they needed to win. The scenario was simple, win and you're in. They didn't.

The truth is that playoff advocates aren't going to be happy no matter what the outcome is at the end of a season. There will always be some team that "backed in" or some team getting screwed etc. Once we get a 4 team playoff there will be those that bitch because the 5-8 teams played "tougher schedules" or had "better losses" or something. When it hits 8 or 16 teams there will be those that bitch because the MAC or C-USA had a team that went 12-0 and beat a BCS team but can't take a shot at the title (2006 Boise State or 2007 Hawaii.) Until it hits 32 teams there will always be some sort of argument against how the selections are made or who got screwed etc.

So here's my suggestion. Make the regular season 8 games long and go to a 64 team tournament that starts the second week of November. That should do the trick for most everyone.






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The BCS Set themselves up for disaster by putting (or configuring) Georgia at #4 to begin with. How are they going to explain Georgia was #4, yet dropped. Ohio State was #3 and rises?

This is the real tricky part. LSU was #7 in the AP and Coaches Polls (I believe) entering the weekend, and they were playing a team ranked lower than them. They should definitely pass West Virginia and Missouri, and due to their early season blowout of the team one slot ahead of them (Virginia Tech), might jump ahead of them, despite VT playing better right now than LSU. But how could anyone justify idle teams not being able to automatically rise in the last week of the season when they would move up at any other part of the season.

I'll be rooting like hell for Georgia to sneak their way into the National Championship game, but if they aren't selected, I won't be raising much of a fuss about it, and will gladly take the probable invitation to the Sugar Bowl, which looks pretty darn good, considering where the team seemed to be heading after that drubbing at Tennessee. I'd love to see Georgia in the Rose Bowl, but Illinois will probably get taken.

What I'm hoping for, is that Georgia finishes #2 in the AP Poll, and move up to #1 should Ohio State lose and Georgia really take care of business against their bowl opponent, so they'll share the National Championship with the BCS champion.....

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