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My wedding invitations-


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Not that I know of, anyway.

Anyway, I wanted to capture the feel of an old-timey wrestling poster. I think/hope I did. C&C, pls.


Damn. Nice. Seriously, very cool.

Wish we had the kind of leeway to pull this kind of thing off for our wedding. Unfortunately, my parents (Mom) are waaaay traditional when it comes to the whole wedding thing. Best bits of subterfuge we can pull off are fashioning the table markers as interstate signs, and putting a woman on my side of the proceedings.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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are you looking for constructive criticism or have they been sent?

i just have some ways you could make it look a little more distressed and block printed.

plus it seems like youve missed a trick with the title of the card. WED-lemania, MATRImahem, WEDLOCK 2009 etc etc.

reckon you could stand to restrict it to 4 fonts also. a script, a headline, as slab serif and fine weight or something.

great idea tho.

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Hahahaha!! That's fantastic! I wanted "my" (her) invitations to look like hockey tickets, and have a ticket taker at the door, but she wouldn't go for that...something about it needing to be a beautiful day, not a sporting event. I applaud your creativity, and your bride's willingness to hang loose a little bit!

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are you looking for constructive criticism or have they been sent?

i just have some ways you could make it look a little more distressed and block printed.

plus it seems like youve missed a trick with the title of the card. WED-lemania, MATRImahem, WEDLOCK 2009 etc etc.

reckon you could stand to restrict it to 4 fonts also. a script, a headline, as slab serif and fine weight or something.

great idea tho.

I stayed away from the puns because stuff like that is more current than I really wanted. I wanted that old-timey feel, and just didn't want the WWF-style plays on words. And technically, I stayed with three fonts - Utility, Helvetica, and Futura; I just used more forms of Helvetica than I ever dreamed possible.

That being said, if anyone has a better font for the big, heavy bold items than Utility, I'm all ears.

Hahahaha!! That's fantastic! I wanted "my" (her) invitations to look like hockey tickets, and have a ticket taker at the door, but she wouldn't go for that...something about it needing to be a beautiful day, not a sporting event. I applaud your creativity, and your bride's willingness to hang loose a little bit!

We are looking into the possibility of Ticketmaster printing off a couple hundred tickets for The Big Day, and sending them out to our guests after they've RSVP'ed. We're just not sure if we'll have time to distribute them in time, seeing as we're out here in Vancouver, and the wedding is in Winnipeg. We might just include the tickets, if we do them, in the goodie bags.

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Most definitely it is, yes. But I don't have $500 kicking around to use it :)

Utility is a nice font. It's working for me at the moment. I also just realized I used LHF Ballpark Script as well, so my previous utterance about three fonts is off a smidge.

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As goofy as this may sound, thinking about this idea, you are a lucky man. The one day that a woman dreams of having everything about her, ends up being about Wrestling. You my friend, have found a true catch of a woman :lol: You best be good to her....

I can see where women come from, especially from you serious sports nuts, kinda like me. I see the side they see, they'll have to put up with our love for sports the entire rest of thier lives, we can live without having Hockey Tickets at the "gate" of our wedding, haha!

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Thanks for all the kudos and compliments. I appreciate it all, really.

Quite honestly, we're not having a particularly "traditional" wedding. I mean, parts of it are very traditional, but between having it at an historic fort originally designed to keep a fur settlement safe, having my wife to be come down the aisle (and up the stairs to the guard tower) to "The Imperial March," and various other shenanigans, this isn't exactly a Catholic Affair.

When you go to a normal wedding, nobody remembers it. Nobody appreciates the work that went into it, or the little goodie bags that they take home after it's done. Nobody cares. By doing something like this, or getting old-school admission tickets printed up, or decorating the tables with little ball-and-chain ornaments, the hope is that people not only enjoy themselves, but tell their friends what they missed out on.

And for the record, I could care less about wrestling, for the most part; I just saw an old promotional poster in a GIS, and thought, "that would be cool to do for the invitations." And luckily, Am agreed with me, and told me to go nuts.

The RSVP cards, once I get around to them, will look like an order form from the back of a comic book for X-Ray Specs or Sea Monkeys, or the mega-chest of Army Guys.

This needs to be fun, goddammit. Hell, we were going to try to get Voodoo Doughnut to send 200 donuts to Winnipeg instead of doing a big cake, but they're pretty emphatic about shipping anything outside of Portland.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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heres a fantasy football poster i did a few weeks back with the same "old boxing poster" idea... might give you some ideas. maybe have a black background area with light text for a bolder appearance to the main names


That's awesome...you won't even have to change the PHALLIC BOWL title for the wedding either!

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Lee, that's weird man. About four or five years ago I tried to convince a buddy of mine to design his wedding invitations after an old-timey boxing poster. He liked the idea but ended up changing it to look like a poster for a horror movie. They even went to the trouble of shooting a short film that they played before the ceremony; it was called 'The Hitching'. Anyway, I just think it's cool when people try and make their wedding fun... must be a Winnipeg thing.

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This needs to be fun, goddammit. Hell, we were going to try to get Voodoo Doughnut to send 200 donuts to Winnipeg instead of doing a big cake, but they're pretty emphatic about shipping anything outside of Portland.

Mmmmmmmmmm.... Vooooooodooooooooooo Doooooooughnut........ </homer>

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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