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2010-11 NHL Season Thread


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The Chara hit was dirty. Chara was trying to make a statement to Pacioretty. There is history between the two and you can't ignore the issue. Was Chara trying to hurt Pacioretty? Yes and no. I don't think it was to injure him, but to let Pacioretty know he wasn't going to deal with his crap. Should Chara be suspended? Absolutely. 5-10 games. He drove Pacioretty's head into the support. What is the difference between that and a hit from behind? If the NHL wants to do something about concussions, you can't let Chara get away without a nice sized suspension. Do I dislike Chara? No. But that was a dirty hit as he came from behind and drove Pacioretty into the support. He knew the glass was there, don't give me the crap that he didn't know it was there. Do I expect a suspension? No, because the NHL set a standard of well... what is their standard. As a matter of fact, I expect Colin Cambell to suspend Pacioretty and Ray Borque for the hit. Pacioretty for being there, and Ray Borque for being a Boston Bruin defenseman.

So, oddball, how should have Chara played the man in that situation?

P.S.: Blaming Andrew Ladd is not an acceptable answer.

The thing that gets me is how he pushes him at the end. If he didn't extend his arms I could accept there was no intent and he really was just running him off into the boards, but everytime I see the video it looks like Chara sees the glass and shoves Pacioretty.

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It was a clean play, it was just unfortunate the post at the end of the bench was there. If Chara gets suspended it would show once again, just how little Bettman understands hockey.

The great thing is that neither Bettman or Campbell will be the ones who determine Chara's fate. That is in the hands of Mike Murphy.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

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This Jonas Hiller vertigo thing could be career-threatening. It seems like it could be a thing where he just wakes up one morning and it's gone, but that could be months from now, and apparently he isn't getting any better.

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Zdeno Chara needs to be suspended for the rest of the season.

Even though I wouldn't mind him being gone for the rest of the season, you can't be serious. There was no intent to injure on that play. Just a bad location to hit someone.

He drove his head into the turnbuckle!

Prove he did it on purpose. Unfortunately the NHL is in the position of trying to do just that and they can't. They're screwed if they do nothing and be seen as weak or unwilling to act (like last year witht eh Cooke hit) or act with no concrete evidence it was a deliberate attempt to injure and set a president that they can 'read player's minds' and assess a suspension whenever they feel like it. That second point isn't likely to sit well with the player's union.

The hit looks terrible. But you put them on the other side of the ice, he gets up and keeps playing, Chara maybe gets 2 for putting his elbow up at the end. Chara hit him at the bench, their momentum carried them forward to the post. (This coming from a longtime Habs fan.)

Yeah, Chara will likely get something for this, and Pacioretti will be lucky to live a normal life. (Radio reported he has a severe concussion and a cracked C4 vertebre. He's pretty lucky to be able to move his body)

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It's terrible what happened to Pacioretty. Man I didn't watch the game but after hearing the severity of the injury, I am lost for words. I hope his career ain't over.

I personally believe Chara wanted to hit him onto the glass board, and not drive him head first into a steel pole. I just can't picture Chara being that cold when it comes to on-ice hits. Still, he's responsible for what happened. Even though he may not have had any intent to injure, it's still an awkward place to try to check someone, especially with his arm deliberately shoving Pacioretty's head. He deserves a suspension for being a careless :censored: and he got what he deserved when the fans starting chanting "F You Chara".

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On a site note, very important game tomorrow as Halak will face the Habs for the first time since the trade.

The game won't be a the Bell Center, so there's no way to find out what kind of reception he would of got.

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This Jonas Hiller vertigo thing could be career-threatening. It seems like it could be a thing where he just wakes up one morning and it's gone, but that could be months from now, and apparently he isn't getting any better.

I remember that happened to a baseball player named Nick Esasky who just signed a big contract and was forced to retire because of it.



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Per the Bruins official Twitter page:

The NHL has informed the Bruins that there will be no fine and no suspension for Chara
On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Per the Bruins official Twitter page:

The NHL has informed the Bruins that there will be no fine and no suspension for Chara

Not even one game? Someone must of paid the league to bail him out. <_<

The Habs community is going to flip over this!

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He got tossed from the game, I thought that was enough. Apparently the league thought so too. Im surprised that they got this one right. Thats what happens when Campbell has no say I suppose.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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Per the Bruins official Twitter page:

The NHL has informed the Bruins that there will be no fine and no suspension for Chara

Not even one game? Someone must of paid the league to bail him out. <_<

The Habs community is going to flip over this!

Wouldn't be the first time they flipped over something...

I saw, I came, I left.

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Per the Bruins official Twitter page:

The NHL has informed the Bruins that there will be no fine and no suspension for Chara

Not even one game? Someone must of paid the league to bail him out. <_<

The Habs community is going to flip over this!

They already were.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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If Chara was trying to rub him out as a lot of people are trying to say, then you do that up against the glass in the d-zone. Even then, the hit is questionable and could be construed as a hit from behind or even blindside hit. The fact that he targeted Pacioretti in the area of the ice he did and the puck was already in the defensive zone being picked up by his partner. The hit was way after Pacioretti plays the puck or it goes by. The fact that his defense partner is around the faceoff dot in the d-zone, tells you that Chara was looking for Pacioretti. Again, I'm not saying Chara's a dirty player, it was just a dirty play. It was a play that a player makes who has a vendetta against another player. It was lack of respect. He knew where he was on the ice and the hit was uncalled for.



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Per the Bruins official Twitter page:

The NHL has informed the Bruins that there will be no fine and no suspension for Chara

Not even one game? Someone must of paid the league to bail him out. <_<

The Habs community is going to flip over this!

As they should. Given the extend of Pacioretty's injuries Chara should get at least two games.

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