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NFL Week 9 Uniform Notes


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Anyone think this would work to fix the side panel issue? Where the logo is on the hip, turn that into a little pocket so that you can insert a piece of fabric or something that's the right color to make the monochrome look flow better. That way you only need two pairs of pants, but can be worn with any jersey.

That could work. Until they fix the side panel thing, though, they need to wear the jerseys and pants the way they were meant to be worn.

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The purple pants are awesome! I wish they would make this their regular home uniforms. BTW: all of you monochrome haters, this set goes to show you why monochrome on some teams are amazing!

Really? 'Cause I still don't like it. It's made worse when you consider that the purple pants literally were not made to be worn with the purple jerseys.

Can you cite the source that says that these pants do not go with the jersey? Or is that a matter or opinion?

It's called looking at the uniform. See how there's that purple bit at the top of the white pants stripe on the purple pants? That was put there to line up with the purple side panels on the white jersey. It was designed, in other words, for the purple pants to only go with the white jerseys. The white pants have a white bit above the purple pants stripe that was meant to line up with the white side panels on the purple jersey. The white pants were designed to only go with the purple jerseys. This is why the white-on-white and purple-on-purple looks don't work. They're using jersey/pants combinations that were not designed to go together.

EDIT- Some visual aids.

This is how the purple pants are suppose to be worn. See how the purple insert at the top of the pants stripe continues the panelling from the jersey?


They were not designed to be worn with the purple jerseys, though. See how the purple insert at the top of the pants stripe breaks up the design from the panelling to the pants stripe?


I can understand what you are saying, but in MY opinion I think they look awesome. But I do believe that the striping on the pants match the striping on the jersey, therefore, it proves your theory wrong. This link proves my point: Striping matches jersey with purple pants.


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Okay, Vikings look sexy today. Liek damn.

Anyone think this would work to fix the side panel issue? Where the logo is on the hip, turn that into a little pocket so that you can insert a piece of fabric or something that's the right color to make the monochrome look flow better. That way you only need two pairs of pants, but can be worn with any jersey.

Or they could switch back to their old uniforms. You know, the ones that didn't need a cool contraption like your interchangeable parts. :D

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Can I nominate Vikings-Cardinals for worst uniform matchup for this week's edition of "Make Dennis' head explode"?

I also nominate the Panthers-Saints as the best matchup. The panthers are in their black jerseys, silver pants, black socks. The saints are in their white jerseys, gold pants. Looks awesome against each other.

Also, it's not a theory to believe that the Vikings purple pants aren't meant to go with the Purple jersey. It's a FACT. That's how they were designed, that's how they were unveiled. Ice Cap isn't wrong at all.

Just so you know, I don't hate the purple pants. I actually think they look better with the white jerseys than the white pants do, but they look absolutely putrid when worn with the purple jerseys. This is especially true on the large bellied O-lineman and the ageless wonder.


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The purple pants are awesome! I wish they would make this their regular home uniforms. BTW: all of you monochrome haters, this set goes to show you why monochrome on some teams are amazing!

Really? 'Cause I still don't like it. It's made worse when you consider that the purple pants literally were not made to be worn with the purple jerseys.

Can you cite the source that says that these pants do not go with the jersey? Or is that a matter or opinion?

It's called looking at the uniform. See how there's that purple bit at the top of the white pants stripe on the purple pants? That was put there to line up with the purple side panels on the white jersey. It was designed, in other words, for the purple pants to only go with the white jerseys. The white pants have a white bit above the purple pants stripe that was meant to line up with the white side panels on the purple jersey. The white pants were designed to only go with the purple jerseys. This is why the white-on-white and purple-on-purple looks don't work. They're using jersey/pants combinations that were not designed to go together.

EDIT- Some visual aids.

This is how the purple pants are suppose to be worn. See how the purple insert at the top of the pants stripe continues the panelling from the jersey?


They were not designed to be worn with the purple jerseys, though. See how the purple insert at the top of the pants stripe breaks up the design from the panelling to the pants stripe?


I can understand what you are saying, but in MY opinion I think they look awesome. But I do believe that the striping on the pants match the striping on the jersey, therefore, it proves your theory wrong. This link proves my point: Striping matches jersey with purple pants.

Actually, the link you posted only highlights that they aren't meant to go together. The yellow lines line up but that's because yellow is consistent throughout both jerseys.

and these links prove you wrong

Road uniform as intended

Home uniform as intended

why the all-white look doesn't work


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The purple pants are awesome! I wish they would make this their regular home uniforms. BTW: all of you monochrome haters, this set goes to show you why monochrome on some teams are amazing!

Really? 'Cause I still don't like it. It's made worse when you consider that the purple pants literally were not made to be worn with the purple jerseys.

Can you cite the source that says that these pants do not go with the jersey? Or is that a matter or opinion?

It's called looking at the uniform. See how there's that purple bit at the top of the white pants stripe on the purple pants? That was put there to line up with the purple side panels on the white jersey. It was designed, in other words, for the purple pants to only go with the white jerseys. The white pants have a white bit above the purple pants stripe that was meant to line up with the white side panels on the purple jersey. The white pants were designed to only go with the purple jerseys. This is why the white-on-white and purple-on-purple looks don't work. They're using jersey/pants combinations that were not designed to go together.

EDIT- Some visual aids.

This is how the purple pants are suppose to be worn. See how the purple insert at the top of the pants stripe continues the panelling from the jersey?


They were not designed to be worn with the purple jerseys, though. See how the purple insert at the top of the pants stripe breaks up the design from the panelling to the pants stripe?


I can understand what you are saying, but in MY opinion I think they look awesome. But I do believe that the striping on the pants match the striping on the jersey, therefore, it proves your theory wrong. This link proves my point: Striping matches jersey with purple pants.

Actually, the link you posted only highlights that they aren't meant to go together. The yellow lines line up but that's because yellow is consistent throughout both jerseys.

and these links prove you wrong

Okay, I will agree to disagree.


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I'm not sure what we disagree on. Is it that the purple jersey-purple pants look good or is that the purple pants weren't meant to go with the purple jersey?

If it's the latter then there's no room for disagreement. It's a fact that they weren't designed for one another. You can't dispute it. If it's the former then there's some room for discussion, but it's certainly not my favorite look


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Can I nominate Vikings-Cardinals for worst uniform matchup for this week's edition of "Make Dennis' head explode"?

I also nominate the Panthers-Saints as the best matchup. The panthers are in their black jerseys, silver pants, black socks. The saints are in their white jerseys, gold pants. Looks awesome against each other.

My guess is both games will make this week's edition.




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The NFL should pass a rule that the only time you can match jersey and pants color is White/White. I challenge anyone who can come up with a non-white monochrome look that more than 50% of the people who visit these forums find acceptable.

While I usually don't favor color mono-jerseys, I'll nominate the Jets' all-green and the Broncos' all-navy. Always though those 2 looked sharp.

Yep, I don't mind those two either. I don't know what it is about the Vikings all purple that I hate so much. It's just so bad. I actually like Buffalo's solid navy uni better than Minnesota's.

That's the problem w/ monochrome. Of course every monochrome set is going to have its small share of supporters. I suppose at gunpoint I would choose the Bills *gag* or Jets as having the best monochromes, ONLY because they wear contrasting socks and helmet. But even so, I think the MAJORITY of people like us who follow uniforms like color over white or at least contrasting colors. Its what separates the NFL from the Arena League, UFL, XFL etc.

Speaking of monochromes and Week 9, I know that the Bengals will wear black jerseys on MNF, but does anyone have info on what pants they will bust out?

There in lies the problem with your statement. People like us are few and far between, most people don't care if the bills wear contrasting helmet and sock colors. Most of the fans are like "OH YAY!! All blue Bills uniform, cool!!" People like us are a rare breed.

First, you missed the part where I said(I'll elaborate now, I guess) that I said I don't usually favor mono color jerseys. I love color-over white, contrasting colors, when helmets and pants match, etc. I think the Packers, who have maybe one of the most traditional sets in the league, also are one of the best-dressed teams in the league each week.

However, thull posited a challenge, and I came up with two mono-color uni's that I'd be curious to see where people stood on. We got 2 positives, 2 negatives. To shoot down that argument by saying "every monochrome set is going to have its small share of supporters" doesn't work. I give you that point. If 30 more people come on and say they think both looks are terrible, so be it. But to apply a general argument to a very specific challenge you laid out doesn't make sense.

I think the majority of the regulars here share those views, and that those views, sepcifically on this board, are not rare at all. One look through the smattering of NFL concepts will tell you that almost everyone who does concepts here sets them up as color-over-contrast-color or color-over white.

Side note: I think talent level, tradition, history, and dollars separate the NFL from the other leagues you mentioned way more than the mono-color's do. Example: There have been 16 UFL games all season, and only 6(Florida and Omaha home games) have featured a mono-color uni(not counting the Mountain Lions' road mono-white, since mono-color is the debate here). So, 6 teams out of a possible 32. It's not a bad ratio, and hardly significant enough to separate the UFL from the NFL, certainly not more than the issues I listed.


New York Jets |3-3| First, AFC East

New York Mets |74-88| Fourth, NL East

New York Islanders|34-37-11| Fifth, Atlantic Division

New Orleans Hornets |21-45| Third, Southwest Division

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And back to the other argument, I can't stand the Vikes' all purple, first, because it's all-PURPLE, and second[, because it's the Vikes' set in general, and I don't even think the set looks great when the jerseys are matched properly, forget when the jerseys aren't.


New York Jets |3-3| First, AFC East

New York Mets |74-88| Fourth, NL East

New York Islanders|34-37-11| Fifth, Atlantic Division

New Orleans Hornets |21-45| Third, Southwest Division

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I'm not sure what we disagree on. Is it that the purple jersey-purple pants look good or is that the purple pants weren't meant to go with the purple jersey?

If it's the latter then there's no room for disagreement. It's a fact that they weren't designed for one another. You can't dispute it. If it's the former then there's some room for discussion, but it's certainly not my favorite look

I think they look good together and I argue they they are meant to be a alternate uniform together. Therefore, they are meant to be worn that way. Maybe not all the time, but every once in a while. I guess you can say that I like newer uniforms, I am not a traditionalist, even though my favorite team is Cleveland. Hell I wish they would put a logo on that helmet, but most traditionalists disagree with me. As far as monochromes that I like, here is my list:

Vikings (all purple)

Titans (all light blue)

Seahawks (home set)

Texans (All Blue and Red)

Cardinals (All Red)

Bills (Home Set "my favorite)

Jets (All Green)

Bengals (All Black)

Falcons (All Black)

Teams I Hate

Broncos (All Blue)

Redskins (All Burgundy)

Bears (All Blue)

Dolphins (All Aqua)

Saints (All Black)

Ravens (All Black)

Rams (All Blue "Worst set ever)


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The NFL should pass a rule that the only time you can match jersey and pants color is White/White. I challenge anyone who can come up with a non-white monochrome look that more than 50% of the people who visit these forums find acceptable.

Agreed! Maybe to me even worse than the jersey and pants being the same color are the pants and socks being the same. Yuck!

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vikings purple on purple =


Colts throwbacks look weird today. Not my favorite throwback.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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They look different enough to work as alternates.

I'm not sure what we disagree on. Is it that the purple jersey-purple pants look good or is that the purple pants weren't meant to go with the purple jersey?

If it's the latter then there's no room for disagreement. It's a fact that they weren't designed for one another. You can't dispute it. If it's the former then there's some room for discussion, but it's certainly not my favorite look

I think they look good together and I argue they they are meant to be a alternate uniform together. Therefore, they are meant to be worn that way. Maybe not all the time, but every once in a while.

This is starting to become aggravating. There is no room to disagree here. It isn't a matter of opinion. The Vikings uniforms were not intended to be worn purple on purple and white on white. When they go with those uniform combos the side panel striping and the pants striping clash. The uniforms were specifically designed to be worn white on purple and purple on white. Again this isn't my opinion. This is fact.

I guess you can say that I like newer uniforms, I am not a traditionalist, even though my favorite team is Cleveland.

Yet you have Texans and Vikings signatures.

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They look different enough to work as alternates.

The giant pant stripe looks real weird next to the thin stripes on the socks and sleeves. Otherwise, it's not a terrible throwback, but as I said, not quite my favorite.

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Some questions/thoughts on the Colts throwbacks:

what's the point of a road throwback? Isn't the point of a throwback to have a different jersey option to sell to your fans?

Wouldn't you want to showcase that jersey in front of the home crowd so it gets more up-front exposure with the audience you're directing the product towards?

Do the Colts have a blue version of this throwback that they're going to wear at home later this year?

Also, it would've been nice of the Eagles to save their 1960 throwbacks for this game.

Not a fan of this Colts throwback. Their regular uniforms are far superior.


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