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NFL Week 9 Uniform Notes


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I guess you can say that I like newer uniforms, I am not a traditionalist, even though my favorite team is Cleveland.

Yet you have Texans and Vikings signatures.

And a Texans avatar.

That is because I like Jared Allen and Mario Williams - My Browns left in 1995, therefore, there is not one person I really love on the team now. Maybe Patrick Hillis


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The worst thing about the throwbacks is the horseshoes on the helmet. It's one of the worst things I've ever seen. It just pisses me off.

Wow. If something as simple as horseshoe helmet decals piss you off, then that's a little weird. :P


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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I guess you can say that I like newer uniforms, I am not a traditionalist, even though my favorite team is Cleveland.

Yet you have Texans and Vikings signatures.

And a Texans avatar.

That is because I like Jared Allen and Mario Williams - My Browns left in 1995, therefore, there is not one person I really love on the team now. Maybe Patrick Hillis

doesnt sound like your much of a fan of them then. lol. make your favorite player Mohamed Massaquoi. He's a Dawg!

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I guess you can say that I like newer uniforms, I am not a traditionalist, even though my favorite team is Cleveland.

Yet you have Texans and Vikings signatures.

And a Texans avatar.

That is because I like Jared Allen and Mario Williams - My Browns left in 1995, therefore, there is not one person I really love on the team now. Maybe Patrick Hillis

doesnt sound like your much of a fan of them then. lol. make your favorite player Mohamed Massaquoi. He's a Dawg!

I guess that is a matter of opinion. Most people don't have to worry about losing their favorite team. But if it ever happens and you don't have your team for 4-5 years, then you will know how I feel about the Browns. This new team IS not the original Browns, but Holgram at least will give them a shot. So here is a question for Browns fans, when the team left for Baltimore, who did you root for when they left? Did you pull for the Browns in 1999 when they returned? Who is your favorite team now?


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1. Re: Vikings monochrome. It is indeed fact that the uniform was designed to be worn purple over white and vice versa. When they were unveiled, those were the only options modeled. Teams nearly always model all possible combos when new sets are released. The side panel thing completely confirms this fact as well. They are absolutely 100% intentionally designed not to go mono purple or mono white. Disagreeing with that is like disagreeing that 1+1=2. No matter how hard you try, you will never make it 3.

2. Re: Colts throwback. There are only 2 NFL teams I haven't seen live (going in to today): the Colts and the Texans. I'm going to see the Texans in a few weeks, so today was my big chance to see the Colts in person (may be a long time before that comes up again.) I was really pissed when I saw them in their alternate / throwback uniform. It kind of ruined the "experience" for me if you will. I don't like the Colts regular uniform (in fact I kind of hate it) but that's just part of who the Colts are. It's like waiting your whole life to see the Yankees in their famous pinstripes, and they play in BP jerseys. I felt the same way the first time I was at Wrigley and the Cubs were in their corny blue alt. Fortunately I have since seen them in their traditional uniform. So basically, F the Colts.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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1. Re: Vikings monochrome. It is indeed fact that the uniform was designed to be worn purple over white and vice versa. When they were unveiled, those were the only options modeled. Teams nearly always model all possible combos when new sets are released. The side panel thing completely confirms this fact as well. They are absolutely 100% intentionally designed not to go mono purple or mono white. Disagreeing with that is like disagreeing that 1+1=2. No matter how hard you try, you will never make it 3.

Wow, you were on the team that designed those Vikings unis? Awesome. You know, I always wondered why the purple jerseys and purple pants didn't look so good together. Now I know. I'm so glad you clarified that for me. I always thought it was just me. But, since you, someone who can actually speak to it with authority (finally!), confirmed it as fact (and you even bolded it, too), I won't have to throw back 17 Tylenol PMs at night anymore. Thank you, dude. Thank you for confirming that as fact. Because for second, I thought you were just offering your opinion (not bolded)...

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Ummm, I don't get what the big deal is with you people. But here's how the press conference went when the Vikings released their new uniforms...

"Hey guys, these are the new Vikingss uniforms."

*models enter room*

"As you can see, the purple jersey is going to be worn with the white pants and the white jersey is going to be worn with the purple pants. That's how it's supposed to be."

*people in room nod in understanding*

As it has been said 100's of times in this thread, you cannot dispute facts. So go away before you have an aneurysm.

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And now without further adieu...It's time for this week's episode of "Make Dennis Bergan's Head Explode." (And I'm pretty sure one of the "best" games this week will do just that)

Best looking games this week...

1. Chiefs - Raiders: Every game should look this good. Great helmets, classy uniforms. It looked like "professional" football as opposed to grown men wearing high school uniforms.


2. Saints - Panthers: As much as I like Carolina's blue alts, their black jerseys are reason enough that the blue jerseys should remain alts. As long as they stay away from that awful all black look, the Saints always look good. One of the best helmets in football.


(OK, here's where this post earns it's nickname. I'm sure Mr. Bergan will be thrilled with this one.)

3. Cowboys - Packers: Despite all the issues, the Cowboys still have a great idea for a uniform. Potential gets them on the list this week. One way to look at it is Dallas would look perfect if you're watching the game on a black & white TV. :D The Packers are perfect...as usual.

Here is is in all it's flawed glory. It still boggles the mind as to why they won't fix this...


4. Patriots - Browns: Great match-up of modern and classic. Normally I'm not a fan of dark pants but it works with the Patriots.


We have a tie for fifth this week...

5a. Jets - Lions: Another nice match-up of classic and modern. Detroit is proof that "update/modern" doesn't have to be a clown suit. The Jets have one of the best road looks in the league.


This next one is going to shock some people.

5b. Bucs - Falcons: Dare I say it, the Falcons uniforms have really grown on me. I hate the pants stripes and piping but I love the number font and color scheme. I guess I'm starting to let the good parts of their look outweigh the bad stuff. Geez, just fix the pants and it's perfect. The Buccaneers are another team that got it right when they updated their look. So, for the first time this season, two "modern" uniforms make the best list.


Worst looking games this week... (Seriously McCarthy, like you even had to ask?)

1. (by the biggest margin ever) Cardinals - Vikings: Imagine paying all that money to attend an NFL game and it turns out you're actually at a clown convention. This game personified everything that can go wrong when modernizing/updating a uniform. The Vikings in all purple made it pure poetry. God what a nightmare.

People actually like this garbage?


2-5. See above.

Other notes: The Colts throwbacks were pretty bad. They looked like a high school team from the 60's. And as I stated earlier, why on Earth did they wear them on the road?

That's it for this week's installment. Be sure to tune in again next week for another exciting episode.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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1. Re: Vikings monochrome. It is indeed fact that the uniform was designed to be worn purple over white and vice versa. When they were unveiled, those were the only options modeled. Teams nearly always model all possible combos when new sets are released. The side panel thing completely confirms this fact as well. They are absolutely 100% intentionally designed not to go mono purple or mono white. Disagreeing with that is like disagreeing that 1+1=2. No matter how hard you try, you will never make it 3.

Wow, you were on the team that designed those Vikings unis? Awesome. You know, I always wondered why the purple jerseys and purple pants didn't look so good together. Now I know. I'm so glad you clarified that for me. I always thought it was just me. But, since you, someone who can actually speak to it with authority (finally!), confirmed it as fact (and you even bolded it, too), I won't have to throw back 17 Tylenol PMs at night anymore. Thank you, dude. Thank you for confirming that as fact. Because for second, I thought you were just offering your opinion (not bolded)...

Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? Just look at the uniform. It's painfully obvious that the purple pants were not made to go with the purple jersey and vice versa with the white pants-white jersey.

It would be like if the Broncos wore their navy blue pants with their white jerseys or their white pants blue stripe with the navy blue jerseys. They're not supposed to go together.


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I don't get it either. I also wasn't on the design team that invented the wheel, but I can confirm with authority that it is indeed round. That is a fact, which is nearly as indisputable as the fact that the side panels on the jerseys and pants were designed in such a way that mixing and matching was not supposed to be an option.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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About the Colts throwbacks: Who wears throwbacks on the road -- especially when the home team is in their regular gear? I don't get this at all.

Yeah I don't get it either.

The only other time the Colts have ever worn a throwback in the regular season was back in 2004 when they played in Detroit. And that was basically this same uniform with a white helmet/blue horseshoes.

And they wore this blue helmet throwback at San Francisco in the preseason.

The Colts have never worn a home throwback. And honestly, these uniforms are the only ones to throwback to, because they're the only ones with any differences from the current uniforms (screwed up shoulder loops aside).

In my opinion, the Colts just shouldn't do throwbacks. The uniforms have never changed dramatically, and these small changes they can do don't really provide anything truly pleasing aesthetically. Like the back helmet horseshoes? The look like they got bucked in the head by a horse. I don't like it.

I'd like to see what they could do with an alternate jersey with a blue helmet and a normal white horseshoe. I'd like to see that worked out.



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Though it seems obvious that the Vikes never intended to go mono, what does it matter? The bottom line is that their mono purple look is absolutely hideous, which in and of itself should be justification to never, ever wear it again. BTW, same applies for the Jets' all green and the Cards' and Texans' all red.


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About the Colts throwbacks: Who wears throwbacks on the road -- especially when the home team is in their regular gear? I don't get this at all.

Yeah I don't get it either.

The only other time the Colts have ever worn a throwback in the regular season was back in 2004 when they played in Detroit. And that was basically this same uniform with a white helmet/blue horseshoes.

And they wore this blue helmet throwback at San Francisco in the preseason.

The Colts have never worn a home throwback. And honestly, these uniforms are the only ones to throwback to, because they're the only ones with any differences from the current uniforms (screwed up shoulder loops aside).

In my opinion, the Colts just shouldn't do throwbacks. The uniforms have never changed dramatically, and these small changes they can do don't really provide anything truly pleasing aesthetically. Like the back helmet horseshoes? The look like they got bucked in the head by a horse. I don't like it.

I'd like to see what they could do with an alternate jersey with a blue helmet and a normal white horseshoe. I'd like to see that worked out.

Bring back the 80s blue and silver set!

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