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I despise Hoodie to the very core, but he is one of the top 5 Coaches in NFL history if the Pats fire him I hope Jeff Ireland is on the phone the next minute inviting him to bring his homeless clothing line to South Beach.

Does this assessment include his time in Cleveland?

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So don't assume you know me, or know how I'd act, because you don't.

...but i do know you. You're a typical over-reacting sports fan who doesn't know how to handle a loss, and then, when called on it, trys to show how you're not a over-reactor or a sore loser...

You ARE a sore loser, and you ARE an over-reacting fan. That much is known to me.

Do you see me making excuses for the Patriots? Nope. Do you see me calling you names or assuming thinks about you? Nope. If I did, that would make me a sore loser. If I choose to vent and state that this kind of "effort" by the Patriots is unacceptable, that doesn't make me a sore loser or an over-reactor.

Complaining about Jets fans celebrating on the boards is being a sore loser. Forget about that?

Saying if Bill doesn't win next year he's on the Hot Seat? Bit of an over-reaction.

And you can assume anythink you want about me...

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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So don't assume you know me, or know how I'd act, because you don't.

...but i do know you. You're a typical over-reacting sports fan who doesn't know how to handle a loss, and then, when called on it, trys to show how you're not a over-reactor or a sore loser...

You ARE a sore loser, and you ARE an over-reacting fan. That much is known to me.

Do you see me making excuses for the Patriots? Nope. Do you see me calling you names or assuming thinks about you? Nope. If I did, that would make me a sore loser. If I choose to vent and state that this kind of "effort" by the Patriots is unacceptable, that doesn't make me a sore loser or an over-reactor.

Complaining about Jets fans celebrating on the boards is being a sore loser. Forget about that?

Saying if Bill doesn't win next year he's on the Hot Seat? Bit of an over-reaction.

And you can assume anythink you want about me...

Oh, I remember I said that they acted immaturely to flaunt the fact they won a single playoff game. If it had been a Patriots fan I would've told him to stop acting like douchebag since I'm not the kind of person who rubs it in. I don't think going onto a forum to cool down after a loss and ask for people not to rub it in is too much to ask.

Saying that he could be on the hot-seat is not an over-reaction. Just because he won three titles in four years at the beginning of the previous decade doesn't mean you get a lifetime contact. Once again, it's not an overreaction to be critical of your own team and coach for a pitiful effort.

Haha, I make one single typo and you're trying to bait me into going off on you. Not happening. Try to be a little more mature next time.

Edit: I think I'm just to call it a night, and cool down... no one's going to win tonight, and I simply do not want to annoy the posters here, or even have them look at me in a negative context. As I said before the Patriots lost the game, and the Jets rightfully earned their spot in the AFC Championship Game. I'll leave it at that.

Pittsburgh Steelers 27 vs. New York Jets 24 (OT)

Chicago Bears 21 vs. Green Bay Packers 31

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Wow...catching up with this thread has been a chore. If the discussion was on football alone it'd be 5 pages long.

Loved this assessment of the Falcons' season from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

"They failed. Epically."

Tough crowd!

Had a feeling the Seahawks would come crashing back to Earth this week. They did a fine job dismantling the Saints defense and I give them credit but let's face it, they are what they are, and that's a mediocre team who rose above themselves for one day.

Can't speak for McCarthy, but if the Chargers had even one past Super Bowl title, I wouldn't be even half as pissed about them missing the playoffs this year. Championship memories are a means of dealing with the down years.

This. The Saints finally winning a title makes embarrassments like their recent 'Clueless in Seattle' performance much easier to take.

Granted, it wasn't exactly the offense's fault the Falcons lost tonight...but I wonder just how focused Falcons' OC Mike Mularkey was for this game. He's had a few head coaching interviews these past two weeks, and for the offense to look this inept....it's definitely worth at least some discussion in the local media this week.

Didn't help his case at all. Ryan's gonna get a lot of flack for that pick-six he threw to end the 1st half, but that was a crazy call to begin with. The way Matt Bryant has been kicking all season, a FG would've been money & the 2nd half would've been manageable. Instead, that pick basically killed the season. Idk if that was Mularkey's call or Smith who decided to go for more yards, but that decision just rubbed me the wrong way. Plus, didn't help that most of the impact guys didn't show up until the game was over (Turner was basically taken out of the game due to the hole they fell into...smh). Poor Tony G, too. Only one catch and he gets injured. Hot mess of an offensive performance.

But yeah, like you said, definitely wasn't the offense's fault, as underwhelming as they were. That was on the defense. Rodgers was 10/10 on 3rd down, and the Packers didn't punt the entire game. That was horrendous, it reminded me of the 2009-10 Falcons defense that was a sieve at best. It was painful to watch them give up long 3rd downs like it was nothing, and even worse was the missed tackling. It was bad when the Saints came here a few weeks agoo, & even worse. Our guys need to re-learn the concept of wrapping up on tackles, because so many were missed. Just an atrocious defensive effort, though I'd be remiss without giving Rodgers some credit. The Falcons defense was bad, but he was in the zone. Green bay is gonna be a problem for whoever wins today.

ALl in all, I'm not mad at the Falcons. 13-3, division title, and the team is still pretty young. 11 wins in 2008, 9 in 2009, 13 in 2010. As long as they don't let this kill the franchise, the Falcons will be back & hopefully this regime will get some playoff wins under their belt soon. Plus, not like this was the worst way for the season to end. They could've gone out like this against some random 7-9 team.marshawnlynchcoolface.gif

But they didn't, and I am thankful for that. THX 4 TEH MMRZ, 2010-11 Falcons.

You really want to say that after that prime-time beatdown from Green Bay that wasn't as close as the score? The Saints were eliminated, not humiliated. As least they went down swinging, and when they're losing, at least their "fans" don't race from the building at the end of the third quarter like the fire alarm went off. :rolleyes:

As for the teams left, I'm hoping for a Pack vs Steelers SB. Would like to see Rodgers get a ring and though I have some grudging respect for how the Jetsbury Doughboy and his bunch back up their big mouths, I'd still rather see the Steelers in the big dance.


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I will say this though, despite the team being very young and Brady still being in his prime, Bill Belichick will be on the hot seat if he's one-and-done in the playoffs next year. Since anything less than a championship with that kind of talent around him is unacceptable.

If Belichick is on the hot seat next year and Norv Turner isn't, I think my brain is going to explode.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Why do people always feel the need to come on here and complain about other teams fans? I doubt many people care what you think of a teams fans, can we please just keep the conversation to sports?

I know I didn't. I was simply browsing the forums when a thread popped up bragging about their win surfaced, and mutliple people started to act like idiots after winning a single playoff game.

Your browser stuck or something?

Fans crow. I brag web my team wins, you brag when your team wins. Heck, you just bragged about old wins when your team *lost*.

Let it go. Let them have their day. They've earned it.

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I will say this though, despite the team being very young and Brady still being in his prime, Bill Belichick will be on the hot seat if he's one-and-done in the playoffs next year. Since anything less than a championship with that kind of talent around him is unacceptable.

If Belichick is on the hot seat next year and Norv Turner isn't, I think my brain is going to explode.

I'll have to second that one, along with the likes of Jack Del Rio and Gary Kubiak. If Belichick is on the hot seat before any of these coaches, somethings really wrong in the earth.

Don't get me wrong, I HATE Belichick and the Patriots with every fiber of my being. But, i realize just how great of a coach the guy is, probably THE greatest of my lifetime (two months from 19 years). That's a real overreaction to say he'll be on the hot seat. You can't win a Super Bowl every year (although Pats fans I know certainly act like they do), regardless of how much talent you have on the field. For all we know, the hoodie will probably lead 'em to another ring next year, who knows?

I don't know, just saying he's on the hot seat next year when there's three other coaches, at least, who deserve the axe ten times more than he does (especially with his success and record) is really jumping the gun. Give it a week after the loss sets in, and you'll probably think differently.

Wow. I can't believe I just defended Belichick. Just so you know, until now I thought that was impossible to do :P


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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I despise Hoodie to the very core, but he is one of the top 5 Coaches in NFL history if the Pats fire him I hope Jeff Ireland is on the phone the next minute inviting him to bring his homeless clothing line to South Beach.

Does this assessment include his time in Cleveland?

Lets look at his time in Cleveland.

He took over a team on the decline in 1991 before full Free Agency. He had them in the playoffs in his fourth year after he got rid of Bernie Kosar. In 1994 he won a playoff game.

Than they were .500 when Art Moddell pulled the rug under him with the move to Baltimore. That team quit after the move was announced. Maybe you can blame him a bit but I think his 11 years in New England make up for his failure in Cleveland.



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I've already apologized, so everything's cool. Hopefully, Lights Out or Infrared aren't too upset.

Not at all. I found it amusing.

Infrared, as I stated before, I dont plan on getting banned, so yeah sure I'm worried about it. You win. If you wanna argue further PM me because I'd like to stay active on the boards.

First off, I don't have the authority to ban you. Second, I was goofing on you kid. Relax.

Ok sorry if I annoyed you at all.

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I despise Hoodie to the very core, but he is one of the top 5 Coaches in NFL history if the Pats fire him I hope Jeff Ireland is on the phone the next minute inviting him to bring his homeless clothing line to South Beach.

Does this assessment include his time in Cleveland?

Lets look at his time in Cleveland.

He took over a team on the decline in 1991 before full Free Agency. He had them in the playoffs in his fourth year after he got rid of Bernie Kosar. In 1994 he won a playoff game.

Than they were .500 when Art Moddell pulled the rug under him with the move to Baltimore. That team quit after the move was announced. Maybe you can blame him a bit but I think his 11 years in New England make up for his failure in Cleveland.

What about his time with the Jets? :grin:

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I despise Hoodie to the very core, but he is one of the top 5 Coaches in NFL history if the Pats fire him I hope Jeff Ireland is on the phone the next minute inviting him to bring his homeless clothing line to South Beach.

Does this assessment include his time in Cleveland?

Lets look at his time in Cleveland.

He took over a team on the decline in 1991 before full Free Agency. He had them in the playoffs in his fourth year after he got rid of Bernie Kosar. In 1994 he won a playoff game.

Than they were .500 when Art Moddell pulled the rug under him with the move to Baltimore. That team quit after the move was announced. Maybe you can blame him a bit but I think his 11 years in New England make up for his failure in Cleveland.

What about his time with the Jets? :grin:

Best 24 hours in Jets history to that point.






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You mean besides the day they won Super Bowl III?

Screw the Super Bowl. In hindsight the Jets were a dynasty for one day. For 24 hours they were the team that would go on to win three Super Bowls in 4 years. Then Belichick decided to go do that with New England instead. But for that one day... yeah, never mind. Good point. SB III was probably better. :P






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Is this the (ass-)kiss of death for the Packers?

In an e-mail response to ESPN's Ed Werder, [brett] Favre said Monday that the Packers are "by far" the best team left in the NFL playoffs.


"I think they will win it all! I hope they do, if you are wondering," Favre said in the e-mail.

Even though Tracy Porter's not playing, hopefully Rodgers doesn't pull a Favre in the final moments or overtime.

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Secondly, you might not fit into what I consider a loyal fan, but I don't see why you don't act a little more grateful to the players who've tried to get your team a title.

You're really stretching the word "try" on that one. Between LT's sideline pouting and Cro's absolute fear of contact in their last two or so years as Chargers, there wasn't much trying going on.

I don't even blame them for leaving. Hell, with that jerk AJ running the show, I'd leave too if I were them. I just didn't like how they ended their time in San Diego

And it doesn't help that the Spanos family owns the team either. But the two of them, along with the rest of that core group did bring more victories to San Diego than what they had previously. I wouldn't wish the Ryan Leaf-era on any of the teams I dislike.

I didn't mean to quote this whole thing (I'm on this blasted phone that takes for freaking ever to type a single word), but you really wouldn't wish a Ryan Leaf-era on the franchises you detest the most? I sure as hell would. I would love to see the Giants, Eagles, Steelers, Patriots, and Redskins suffer through it... Ahhh, how lovely would that be..

Cowboys - Lakers - LAFC - USMNT - LA Rams - LA Kings - NUFC 

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Secondly, you might not fit into what I consider a loyal fan, but I don't see why you don't act a little more grateful to the players who've tried to get your team a title.

You're really stretching the word "try" on that one. Between LT's sideline pouting and Cro's absolute fear of contact in their last two or so years as Chargers, there wasn't much trying going on.

I don't even blame them for leaving. Hell, with that jerk AJ running the show, I'd leave too if I were them. I just didn't like how they ended their time in San Diego

And it doesn't help that the Spanos family owns the team either. But the two of them, along with the rest of that core group did bring more victories to San Diego than what they had previously. I wouldn't wish the Ryan Leaf-era on any of the teams I dislike.

I didn't mean to quote this whole thing (I'm on this blasted phone that takes for freaking ever to type a single word), but you really wouldn't wish a Ryan Leaf-era on the franchises you detest the most? I sure as hell would. I would love to see the Giants, Eagles, Steelers, Patriots, and Redskins suffer through it... Ahhh, how lovely would that be..

File that under 'be careful what you wish for.' I was beyond delighted when the Vick/Petrino disasters left the Falcons circling the drain for a couple of years and look at them now. Sure, their 2010 bandwagon looks like a squadron of A-10s took turns on it but they'll be a force to deal with in the NFC South for years to come. :mad:


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Is this the (ass-)kiss of death for the Packers?

In an e-mail response to ESPN's Ed Werder, [brett] Favre said Monday that the Packers are "by far" the best team left in the NFL playoffs.


"I think they will win it all! I hope they do, if you are wondering," Favre said in the e-mail.

We're not Brent... no one is. And you are officially worse than herpes.

Even though Tracy Porter's not playing, hopefully Rodgers doesn't pull a Favre in the final moments or overtime.

I'm guessing you haven't seen Rodgers play too often... the guy couldn't possibly be any less of a "gunslinger."

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Secondly, you might not fit into what I consider a loyal fan, but I don't see why you don't act a little more grateful to the players who've tried to get your team a title.

You're really stretching the word "try" on that one. Between LT's sideline pouting and Cro's absolute fear of contact in their last two or so years as Chargers, there wasn't much trying going on.

I don't even blame them for leaving. Hell, with that jerk AJ running the show, I'd leave too if I were them. I just didn't like how they ended their time in San Diego

And it doesn't help that the Spanos family owns the team either. But the two of them, along with the rest of that core group did bring more victories to San Diego than what they had previously. I wouldn't wish the Ryan Leaf-era on any of the teams I dislike.

I didn't mean to quote this whole thing (I'm on this blasted phone that takes for freaking ever to type a single word), but you really wouldn't wish a Ryan Leaf-era on the franchises you detest the most? I sure as hell would. I would love to see the Giants, Eagles, Steelers, Patriots, and Redskins suffer through it... Ahhh, how lovely would that be..

They're already suffering and have been for years. Why wish them any more pain? :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Secondly, you might not fit into what I consider a loyal fan, but I don't see why you don't act a little more grateful to the players who've tried to get your team a title.

You're really stretching the word "try" on that one. Between LT's sideline pouting and Cro's absolute fear of contact in their last two or so years as Chargers, there wasn't much trying going on.

I don't even blame them for leaving. Hell, with that jerk AJ running the show, I'd leave too if I were them. I just didn't like how they ended their time in San Diego

And it doesn't help that the Spanos family owns the team either. But the two of them, along with the rest of that core group did bring more victories to San Diego than what they had previously. I wouldn't wish the Ryan Leaf-era on any of the teams I dislike.

I didn't mean to quote this whole thing (I'm on this blasted phone that takes for freaking ever to type a single word), but you really wouldn't wish a Ryan Leaf-era on the franchises you detest the most? I sure as hell would. I would love to see the Giants, Eagles, Steelers, Patriots, and Redskins suffer through it... Ahhh, how lovely would that be..

Especially since the Cowboys went through one themselves earlier this decade. Remember Quincy Carter?

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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