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Arsenal are currently up 2-0 on WBA but as a Gooner it's hard to take much pleasure from it. Both goals came from the spot, meaning they're still not getting any production from their attack or even other set pieces. To make matters worse, both penalties stemmed from bad calls. On the first one, WBA defender Steven Reid didn't even appear to touch Santi Cazorla; on the second, Oxlade-Chamberlain was lucky not to have been whistled himself for a WBA free kick seconds before he was taken down in the penalty area. So, the Gunners are damned lucky it's not another 0-0 draw or worse.

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The arsenal just lost on penalties to League 2 side Bradford City in the Capital One Cup.




koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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So I've decided to get into European soccer, and I've chosen Norwich as my team.

Anything I need to learn about the Premier League, or any other miscellaneous things?

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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So I've decided to get into European soccer, and I've chosen Norwich as my team.

Anything I need to learn about the Premier League, or any other miscellaneous things?

You're apparently supposed to hate Paul Lambert as Norwich fan. :P

(Which I completely understand, by the way. We still hate Martin O'Neill up in B6.)

/How did you come to "choosing" Norwich as your club? There's a lot more that should go into it than simply "their kits look cool" or something of that nature.


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So I've decided to get into European soccer, and I've chosen Norwich as my team.

Anything I need to learn about the Premier League, or any other miscellaneous things?

Norwich City's biggest fan (and majority shareholder), TV Cooking legend Delia Smith.



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You're apparently supposed to hate Paul Lambert as Norwich fan. :P

Damn right. :D

As for how you choose your team... well, I'll just tell my story.

I got laid off in December 2004. Suddenly had a bunch of time on my hands, and filled some of that time with watching the Premier League for the first time. I'd been a peripheral fan before that: watched World Cups, had been to one MLS game in Chicago, that kid of thing. But watching the Prem blew me away--both with level of play and level of the crowd's singing and such. Amazing.

So, I go along watching a ton of the Prem. I admit that Norwich's kits had gotten my attention. As we all know, they were pretty bad that year. Yet they attempted to play a positive, passing, attacking style of game, no matter the results.

I was then watching them host ManUre; I already knew the ABMU rule. :D When Norwich scored to go up 1-0, I found myself cheering out loud in my living room. At that point, I decided that I'd subconsciously chosen my team: Norwich City. Sure, they got relegated that season, but I wasn't going to be that guy; I've stuck with them ever since. I've been to Carrow Road twice, even.

This also led me to start going to Minnesota Thunder games after seeing out a fan message board. Total jackassery at its finest. (So, yeah... it's cool to support a foreign team and all, but support your local club.)

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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So I've decided to get into European soccer, and I've chosen Norwich as my team.

Anything I need to learn about the Premier League, or any other miscellaneous things?

You're apparently supposed to hate Paul Lambert as Norwich fan. :P

(Which I completely understand, by the way. We still hate Martin O'Neill up in B6.)

/How did you come to "choosing" Norwich as your club? There's a lot more that should go into it than simply "their kits look cool" or something of that nature.

I didn't want to root for a club that was super good and successful, because hell, that would be boring. I liked their kits, I liked their nickname. I don't know. I was researching all of the clubs to pick and there was just a gut feeling that said "I like this team". I can't really explain it.

You're apparently supposed to hate Paul Lambert as Norwich fan. :P

Damn right. :D

As for how you choose your team... well, I'll just tell my story.

I got laid off in December 2004. Suddenly had a bunch of time on my hands, and filled some of that time with watching the Premier League for the first time. I'd been a peripheral fan before that: watched World Cups, had been to one MLS game in Chicago, that kid of thing. But watching the Prem blew me away--both with level of play and level of the crowd's singing and such. Amazing.

So, I go along watching a ton of the Prem. I admit that Norwich's kits had gotten my attention. As we all know, they were pretty bad that year. Yet they attempted to play a positive, passing, attacking style of game, no matter the results.

I was then watching them host ManUre; I already knew the ABMU rule. :D When Norwich scored to go up 1-0, I found myself cheering out loud in my living room. At that point, I decided that I'd subconsciously chosen my team: Norwich City. Sure, they got relegated that season, but I wasn't going to be that guy; I've stuck with them ever since. I've been to Carrow Road twice, even.

This also led me to start going to Minnesota Thunder games after seeing out a fan message board. Total jackassery at its finest. (So, yeah... it's cool to support a foreign team and all, but support your local club.)

It's hard to watch american soccer because the atmosphere is always so terrible (unless you're watching a Seattle Sounders game or something). The Portland Timbers aren't terrible, but it's not something I would really go after. But I don't know, maybe I will some day.

Also, as background, one of the reasons I decided to choose a Premier League team is that that moms roommate is a HUGE West Ham fan. Whenever I watched West Ham play with him, I just loved the atmosphere. I thought "well I love watching soccer, so I might as well have a rooting interest in someone". I didn't want to piggy back of his favorite team though, so I decided to choose my own (even if they are mostly terrible).

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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Picking sports teams becomes very difficult once you've been a sports fan for a while.

I mean, I've watched more club soccer in the past calendar year than I used to, especially the Premiership, but I have not found any particular team that I actually care to root for. All my sports allegiances were ones I was born into, be it for familial reasons, geographical reasons, or both. I didn't grow up watching European club soccer, and even though I have gained an increasing appreciation for it, I have not had any natural liking for any one team over the other.* It is amusing to me, though, because I could theoretically be a ManU fan, or a ManU despiser, for the exact same reason - their ownership group (the Glazers). It would come off as extremely bandwagonish, as well.

*Note that none of this applies to when it comes to reviling sports teams.


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If we're telling the stories of how we came to be fans of our favorite European clubs, I'll give mine.

The 2010 World Cup made me a soccer fan. Rooting for that team and getting to celebrate Donovan's penalty equalizer against Ghana from the ESPN Zone in Anaheim sold me on the sport. Thus, I went into the year looking for a team. I had recently bought a copy of FIFA for the Wii (horrible game, but whatever), and had played a little bit with the one non-top 4 club I had heard of — Aston Villa. I was a Browns fan, and thus through the ownership of Randy Lerner, had heard of the Villa. I knew I didn't want to go with one of the big four and started out looking at that one club I had known.

Flame will often talk about the moment when Adebayor ran the length of the pitch to celebrate in front of Arsenal supporters after a goal as the time when he knew he was a City supporter. The moment I knew I was a Villan, though? When I ran around my house celebrating Darren Bent's goal on his debut against Manchester City in 2011. Villa haven't won much since then, but that doesn't mean I haven't fallen in love with the boys from B6.

Since, I've been to Villa Park over the summer to tour and went up to Chicago to catch the friendly match.


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Just as long as we're sharing stories

2008-2009 I started getting into pro soccer more consciously. I remembered my dad getting me a Chelsea shirt at Epcot when I was younger, and I would wear it to soccer practice and stuff. So when I needed to choose an EPL team, I went for Chelsea. Bought a practice kit one day at a Disney soccer tournament run by Adidas to make it official.

Last year, we had to make a senior scrapbook for class, and I came across me wearing that shirt. Only problem is that it was an Arsenal shirt, lol. So I'm gonna stick with Chelsea. I also have a soft spot for Newcastle because of friends and hours of manager mode on FIFA 10

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Nice job Russia. World Cup 2018 here we come!

That makes Qatar look tolerant...

One thing I don't understand is how these fans would expect Zenit to enforce the "non-gay" part, at least not until after players are already signed. It's not as though gay pro footballers are tripping over themselves to come out.

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I became a Manchester United fan because they were in Eurotrip. I had not one single clue about the world of soccer, thought they were fake, but once I started to get into soccer and found out they were real, I chose them. No prior knowledge of their history or the stigma people associate with them. :P

Celtic because I'm Irish/Scottish/Catholic and :censored: Rangers.



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