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2012-13 NBA Season Thread


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I'm curious if the seed has been planted for Derrick Rose's exit from the Bulls. I bring this up because Rose denied local writers the opportunity to do an extensive interview with him regarding his recovery and possible timetable for return. Rose instead went with USA Today, a move that simultaneously got his story/name/brand more national exposure and pissed off some Chicago reporters.

David Schuster wrote a foot-stomping piece earlier that insinuates the Bulls star is more concerned about marketing himself than "staying loyal" or some other ambiguous indictment not based in reality.

"The message to the local media was blatantly clear: You folks don’t matter as much as the entities that can build up Rose’s stature even more."

Sigh. Seriously?

Obviously the opinions of one or even a few dry Windy City reporters isn't enough to make people forget that Derrick Rose is the best player the Bulls organization has seen since Jordan, but you can never count out the stupidity of the lunchpail-toting meatballs that could see this as a major affront.

For a lot of fans who had it penciled into their calendars that #1 would be making his return near the all-star break, Rose basically told them to tear them up: “I really don’t know. It’s feeling good but if it is taking me a long time and I am still not feeling right, I won’t mind missing this year.”

If you factor in the Cutler Syndrome that still pollutes the drinking water, it wouldn't shock me at all if Stupid infected a 30 mile radius around the United Center. I can see it now: fans vomiting ridiculous crap about Rose being a traitor, not being faithful to his hometown, being a " :censored:" for not coming back earlier.

I hope my fears are baseless, but thankfully I live a good 2 hours south of the damage zone, should the Plague of Dumb run rampant.

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That's funny, because I live with a bunch of guys from Chicago who are all die hard Bulls fans, and do you know what they want Derrick Rose to do this season? Not play at all. They think that with they type of injury that he had, that he'd be better off sitting out the rest of this year and coming back next year at full strength. Personally, I agree. The Bulls are somewhat of a contender even without him. But with him, they could be favorites to win the East for many years. I say let him rest that injury a bit more and come out full strength next year. I don't know if my buddies are just smart Chicago sports fans or what, but they have the right idea IMO.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I fail to see how this has anything to do with Rose leaving the Bulls. Also, there are giant drums of Baskin-Robbins ice cream that have been scooped less than the Bulls beat has, so I don't know why their panties are in such a twist over this. Adrian Wojnarowski has been covering the Bulls better than people who actually cover the Bulls for years now. The last time a local guy got a big story (the time John Paxson got in a physical altercation with Vinny Del Negro), he sat on it for a month so as not to upset anybody, so you know what, the whole Bulls beat can just go eat a bag of dicks as far as I'm concerned. What a bunch of wimps. I wouldn't tell them anything important either.

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I just think Rose is just taking it very slow and doesn't want to hamper his value long term.

I think he will be back in time for the playoffs. I have a hard believing that he's not going to give it a go or at least try to given this team has a chance to win an NBA title with him in the lineup. If he can't go, he can't go, but healthy in the NBA or any pro league for that matter is a relative term. If you went by what most people would suggest to play and not to play with I doubt any player would be on the floor for more then 60 games a year and its one of the reasons why I think the regular season should be shortened but that's another topic altogether.

But even the laziest players in the league generally want to be on the floor come playoff time and I don't think Derrick Rose is lazy by any stretch. If he can only give 20 minutes, then you take the 20 minutes, but seeing how he is now health wise and where he should be in two months, then there should be questions as to why he's not out there if in fact that is the case. Guys have gone out there and been effective with worse then what he'll probably be going through.

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Yesterday Hedo Turkoglu was suspended for a positive steroids test.

Proof performance enhancing drugs dont always turn losers into winners.

I'll give the guy credit for at least admitting to it.

Whether or not you buy into him not knowing it was illegal or not is one thing, but at least he didn't get up there like some guys and start beating his chest and calling out anybody accusing him of cheating.

He did, he said he did it, so just suspend him and move on.

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At least this is the NBA where he'll be allowed to move on on like me to the baseball wherever you positive steroids message treated like somebody killed a puppy dog



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At least this is the NBA where he'll be allowed to move on on like me to the baseball wherever you positive steroids message treated like somebody killed a puppy dog

I couldn't have said it any more poetically......

Yeah, poetry. That's the word.

I was trying something with my new phone (voice typing)



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After all the hype, the 73-win guarantees, the fat Time Warner television contract, and the $100 million spent in the offseason, it's official: the Lakers are only the second-best team in LA, losing the season series to the Clippers in tonight's rout. I haven't been this satisfied with a win since the infamous OKC game last year when Blake posterized Perkins.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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After all the hype, the 73-win guarantees, the fat Time Warner television contract, and the $100 million spent in the offseason, it's official: the Lakers are only the second-best team in LA, losing the season series to the Clippers in tonight's rout. I haven't been this satisfied with a win since the infamous OKC game last year when Blake posterized Perkins.

But isn't the endgame winning a title? Something which both Boise State and the LAC have failed to do?

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Man am I glad the Cavs pulled out of the Bynum trade. Dude is crazy and hasn't even seen the floor yet this season.

Looking back on it, the Lakers probably knew something was wrong with him.

He has arthritic knee joints which is the same thing Ama're Stoudemire and Brandon Roy have. That's not something that develops overnight and I would say there's a chance he may never play in an NBA game again. And even if he does come back, its highly doubtful he's ever going to be able to give you more then 60 games a year or be the same player that he was with the Lakers.

What he has isn't something you can ever really recover from and I think it would be a major gamble for any team to give him a big contract this offseason. I would have to have absolutely nothing at the center position to even talk to him because he's going to want to start when healthy and he's somebody that may pout if he doesn't get his minutes. Somebody like that should not be breaking the bank, but it only takes one dumb owner to say yes for something like that to happen, so he may very well get a four or five year max deal from somebody.

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